This page shortly describes some software tools developed and used by Electronic Publishing Lab. for preparation papers accepted for publication in IJGA and RJES. After translation and final editing of accepted papers they passed through the following stages:
  • Converting original text to LaTeX 2ε format according to gcras.sty (or compatible) template;
  • Verification and preparing (if necessary) figures according to Recommendations to Authors;
  • Combining text and accompanied components (figures, tables, and others) and producing paper's galley, which is sent to technical editor and author for verification;
  • Inserting additional markups for creating print version, i.e. composing pages according to accepted standard for each journal;
  • Converting LaTeX file to HTML version using TeXWeb Converter. This stage is resulted in producing two slightly different versions of HTML sets for two servers, HTML version for stand-alone machines, as well as generation of XML files for loading them to CrossRef and AGU's metadata base.

For more detail about used tools see the following pages on this server:
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