Authors are requested to submit their papers in hardcopies accompanied with electronic versions of basic text, figures, tables, and other electronic supplements, according to the following recommendations.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English. Russian-speaking authors may submit their manuscripts in Russian, such submission looks more preferrable than bad translations made by authors. Papers submitted in Russian are translated into English by qualified translators with no cost for authors.
Basic text

The first choice for text format is the LaTeX 2e (with LaTeX 2.09 as a possible palliative). It is strongly recommended to use template (LaTeX style file) developed for the journals and available here. Authors are encouraged to avoid using any macros except those defined in LaTeX 2e, and in the mentioned template.

The second choice is the MS Word format. This format is preferred for papers submitted in Russian. LaTeX file and especially MS Word file of each paper must be accompanied with the manuscript printout containing all necessary elements (math, tables, headers, captions, etc.) and proofread by author. The printout is necessary to avoid wrong character substitutions which can occur when different code pages are used by users and editors.

Those authors who have some problems with submitting their manuscript on computer media may submit only manuscript printout with math and chemical formulas clearly written by hand and containing all necessary mark-ups requested by journal style.
Graphics for printed copy

The first choice for graphics format is EPS. Be sure that your graphics editor produces correct EPS format, i.e. without any binary headers and tails, requested by some previewers. Recommended resolution is 300dpi. Sizes of images for 300dpi should not exceed 1000x2700px for one-column image and 2050x2700px for two-column image. For lineart graphics (black & white) PCX, MSPn, and BMP formats may be used. Though necessary scaling can be easily produced at final stage authors are recommended to prepare graphics files in 1:1 scale, to avoid reducing graphics quality.
Graphics for online copy

Preferred are GIF and JPEG formats. It is recommended to use color graphics for online copies in all cases when this is applicable. Authors may submit only color version of graphics for both online and print versions, but must be sure that formal conversion of color image to grayscale image for black&white print version may result in loosing readability. If, for example, a set of indexed colors is used as a scale, after conversing this set to grades of gray, using standard procedures of some popular graphics editors, the resulting scale can be ugly. It is recommended further that an image for screen presentation must have resolution no higher than 100 dpi and physical size within 800 x 600 pixels (which will be good for most online terminals). With higher resolution or size only part (sometimes small) can be seen on screen. As a rule paper must be accompanied with two sets of graphics files, for printed copy and for screen presentation.

It is recommended to avoid tables bigger than one printed page. If necessary author can use \longtable or \supertabular environments for multipage tables, which are incorporated into the mentioned template. Very often a big table is in fact small relational database. In this case it is recommended to arrange them as an electronic supplement to the paper rather than the part of paper.

In-text references must be given as:

[Jones, 1997] or [Jones and Black, 1997] for one or two authors, and [Jones et al., 1997] for three and more authors. Multiple references inside brackets are separated by semicolon.

The list of references must be given in the form:

First A. B., C. D. Second, E. F. Third, The title of the paper,
Journal Name, Vol. NN, No. MM, YYYY, pp. NNN-MMM. 
Sound and video

These components must be self-consistent and must be able for calling them from WWW browsers, like Netscape Navigator, v. 4 and higher or Microsoft Explorer, v. 4 and higher. Currently no editorial work is assumed with these files.
Demo software and interfaces to databases

These components can be of two types. First type software does not work in real time and need to be loaded and installed on user's computer. Second one assumes to be activated during the session, like HTML documents enhanced with JavaScript or Java applets. Using server side includes (SSI) components in the paper is possible after thorough analysis made by the technical staff of the Editorial Board.
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