RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 18, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000626, 2018

Figure 7. Examples of calculating fuzzy margins for the order $k = 0, \ldots, 5$ are presented on different levels of this Figure. For $k = 0$ fuzzy upper and lower margins are given in purple ($S_{k=0}^+ (A) = S_{k=0}^- (A)$), in the other cases upper margin is given in red ($\overline{\mathrm{sup}} (A) =S_1^+ (A),\ldots, S_5^+ (A)$) and lower margin is given in green ($\overline{\mathrm{inf}} (A) =S_1^- (A),\ldots, S_5^- (A)$).
Editorial note: To view selected level click on the corresponding button below.
[k=0] [k=1] [k=2] [k=3] [k=4] [k=5] [Go back]

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Citation: Soloviev A., Sh. Bogoutdinov, S. Agayan, R. Redmon, T. M. Loto'aniu, H. J. Singer (2018), Automated recognition of jumps in GOES satellite magnetic data, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 18, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2018ES000626.

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