RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535, 2014

Figure 15. Th–U diagram for zircons from bed X$_1$ in comparison with this mineral from gabbro from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge [Zinger et al., 2010], dacite from the Juan de Fuca Ridge [Schmitt et al., 2011], and acid tiff from Iceland [Carley, 2010].

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Citation: Grachev A. F., S. E. Borisovsky, T. F. Zinger (2014), Morphology and geochemistry of zircon in bentonite ash at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Anthering Formation, Eastern Alps, Austria, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 14, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2014ES000535.

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