3. Interpretation of the Observational Data

[9]  In this section we consider the problem on the correspondence of the observational results obtained to the current concept of formation of the ionosphere response to a magnetic storm. According to this concept, approximately 10-20 min after the onset of the storm, there begins an expansion and shift to lower latitudes of the auroral oval, these events being accompanied by a rapid heating of the high-latitude ionosphere proportionally to the increase in the AE index [Emery et al., 1999]. As a result of this pulse heating, strongly stretched along longitude large-scale gravity waves with a period of 1-3 hours are generated in the atmosphere. Propagating in the thermosphere from high to lower latitudes, they change the relative composition of the thermosphere and parameters of the neutral wind. According to measurements, the meridional velocity of the wind can reach values U approx 500-800 m s-1 in the periods of magnetic storms, whereas in quiet conditions U approx 100-200 m s-1 [Buonsanto et al., 1999a; Emery et al., 1999; Hagan, 1988; Prolss and Ocko, 2000]. The intensification of the equatorward wind leads to a lifting of the F2 layer and to increase in the charged particle concentration within its maximum. This increase is usually called "positive phase" of a magnetic storm [Rishbeth, 1998]. Besides the dynamical impact on the F2 layer, there is formed in the meridional plane a disturbed ("storm") circulation cell capable to change considerably the midlatitude thermosphere composition. It happens, first, as a result of the direct transport of the disturbed composition by the wind out of the auroral oval zone, and, second, because of intensification of vertical motions leading to a decrease (upward flows) or to increase (downward flows) of the atomic oxygen concentration in the lower thermosphere [Buonsanto, 1999; Burns et al., 1991; Rishbeth, 1998]. Within the height interval 200-300 km where the maximum of the F2 region is formed, the electron concentration is proportional to the ration of contents of O and neutral molecules, i.e., NmF2 propto R = [ O]/[ N2]. Usually, during the main phase of the storm, the circulation leads to a decrease of R. This leads to a decrease in NmF2 called the negative phase of an ionospheric storm [Buonsanto, 1999]. Studying the ionospheric reaction to a magnetic storm both at middle and high latitudes, one should consider, beside thermospheric disturbances also the effects related to the storm-time variations of magnetospheric sources such as the convection electric field and fluxes of precipitating energetic electrons [Rodger et al., 1992]. It should be noted that the principal difficulty in studying of disturbed ionosphere behavior is related to the limitations in information on spatial-time variations of the thermospheric and magnetospheric parameters during particular magnetic storms. That is why in this paper two sets of model simulations were performed for interpretation of ionospheric observations in the periods of the considered geomagnetic disturbances. In the first set some statistically mean (empirical) models of magnetospheric sources and thermospheric parameters were used. In the second set, a correction of these empirical models was performed in order to obtain the best description of the experimental data.

[10]  The theoretical model of ionosphere-plasmasphere interactions (developed in the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics) [Tashchilin and Romanova, 2002] was used. This model is based on numerical solution of the system of nonstationary equations of the balance of particles and thermal plasma energy within closed geomagnetic field tubes, their bases being located at a height of 100 km. It assumes that the plasma consists of atomic O+, H+, N+, and He+ and molecular N2+, O2+, and NO+ ions.

[11]  Concentrations of all ions, except N2+, were calculated taking into account the processes of photoionization, recombination, transport along geomagnetic field lines under the action of the ambipolar diffusion, and drawing of ions by the horizontal neutral wind. The reference spectrum of the EUV radiation from Richards et al. [1994] was used for calculations of photoionization of thermospheric constituents and energetic spectra of the primary photoelectrons.

[12]  Electron and ion temperatures were determined taking into account the heat conductivity processes along geomagnetic field lines and exchange of thermal energy between electrons, ions, and neutral species due to elastic and inelastic collisions. The rate of the thermal electron heating was calculated self-consistently by solution of the kinetic equation of photoelectron transport in the conjugated ionospheres taking into account the energy loss while passing through the plasmasphere. The global empirical thermospheric mode MSIS 1986 was used to describe spatial-time variations of the temperature and concentration of the neutral constituents O, O2, N2, H, and N. The velocities of the horizontal thermospheric wind for the high-latitude stations Yakutsk and Norilsk and equatorial station Khainan were determined from the HWM 90 model. For the midlatitude stations Irkutsk and Manzhouli, the velocities were calculated by the approximate method of Kohl and King [1967].

[13]  The values of the integral flux and mean energy of the precipitating electrons needed to calculate the auroral ionization rates were taken from the global model of electron precipitation by Hardy et al. [1987]. The electric field of magnetospheric convection was determined according to the empirical model of the potential distribution [Sojka et al., 1986] and the Richmond et al. [1980] model for the high-latitude and equatorial models, respectively.

[14]  The reaction of the ionosphere to the considered magnetic storms was reproduced calculating the variations of the plasma parameters within the entire magnetic field tube thee basis of which in the North Hemisphere was located in the points with the geographical coordinates of ionospheric stations shown in Table 1. The general algorithm of model equation solution consisted of three stages. At the first stage, the trajectories of the drift were calculated by integration of the equation of plasma tube motion back in time from the given moment of UT to some initial moment UT0. Variations of the electric field in time were taken into account via real variations of the hourly values of geomagnetic activity indices ( Kp and Ap ) and parameters of the interplanetary magnetic field ( Bz and By ). The second stage included calculation of initial distributions of the plasma concentrations and temperatures (at the UT 0 moment) along the field line. At the third stage, the equations of the ionospheric model were integrated in the right direction in time (from UT0 to UT) along the calculated drift trajectory. The variations in parameters of precipitations, neutral atmosphere, and thermospheric wind were also taken into account using the real variations of the hourly values of geomagnetic activity indices. These calculations were performed for the three above indicated ionospheric storms. In this paper the initial conditions were determined for the moments: 0000 UT on 20 January 2004, 0000 UT on 16 June 2003, and 0000 UT on 12 October 2003. The initial profiles were calculated in the same way by integrating the model equations at the 120-hour time interval beginning from UT0. Such choice of the calculation interval provides reaching of the degree of filling in the plasmosphere corresponding to quiet magnetic conditions at middle and low latitudes [Krinberg and Tashchilin, 1984].

[15]  Tashchilin et al. [2002a] performed a preliminary study of the reaction of the midlatitude ionosphere to an intense geomagnetic storm on the basis of the comparison of the Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter (IS) Radar measurements and the numerical simulation results. It was found that the negative phase of an ionospheric storm (as has been noted earlier ( Danilov and Belik [1991], Rishbeth [1998], and others)) is formed mainly because of variations in the thermosphere composition. Besides this, the preliminary theoretical analysis made it possible to perform a correction of the thermospheric parameters calculated according to the MSIS 86 model to the conditions of the storms in question. Since the changes in the composition (the [O]/[N2] ratio) obtained from the MSIS 86 model were not able to reproduce the observed behavior of the ionosphere during magnetic storm, these changes were multiplied by a factors of 0.6 and 1.6 for summer and fall, and winter, conditions respectively. These correcting factors were used in the presented below model calculations of the ionosphere reaction to the chosen geomagnetic storms.

Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
[16]  The results of the simulation of the ionospheric behavior during the storms are presented in Figures 4, 5, and 6. Solid curve shows the calculated values of the logarithm of the electron concentration in the F2 -layer maximum ( lg NmF2) for two high-latitude, two midlatitude and one equatorial stations, circles correspond to the measured values, and dashed curves denote the quiet level calculated over several quiet days. The model reproduce well the variations of the critical frequency during the storms: the values of |dfoF2| calculated by the model vary from 4% to 50%. The peculiarities of the modeling results for particular storms are as follows.

[17]  1. For summer conditions a good agreement between the measured and modeled values of NmF2 in the daytime both at high and middle latitudes is obtained. The main differences are found in the evening and nighttime periods of local time at high and low latitudes.

[18]  2. For winter conditions the calculated values of NmF2 also satisfactorily correspond to the daytime measurements. The simulation results at subauroral station Yakutsk agree with observations better then at other stations both in the daytime and at night. The strongest differences are found in the evening and nighttime LT hours at Irkutsk midlatitude station.

[19]  3. For equinox conditions we succeeded in correcting the calculated and measured variations in the daytime at auroral station Norilsk. In the evening hours when a break in the diurnal behavior was observed, and at night when the ionization at these latitudes is determined by the fluxes of precipitating particles, the model values NmF2 do not correspond to the observed values. In Yakutsk a satisfactory coincidence between the simulation results and observations is obtained for the entire period except the evening hours on 14 October during the break of the diurnal behavior at the first negative peak in the Dst index. At the midlatitude stations Irkutsk and Manzhouli, the simulated and measured variations in NmF2 agree well enough. The evening hours on 15 October in the recovery phase, when very low values of foF2 were observed, present an exception.

[20]  The results of model simulations were obtained because of the correction of the MSIS 86 thermospheric model, the correction being of a different sign for summer (fall) and winter conditions. In the first case the value of R was decreased by a factor of 2, and in the second case it was increased by a factor of about 1.5. Such variations in the neutral composition of the thermosphere are able to lead us to the fact that the ionospheric storms are negative in summer and positive in winter.

Figure 7
[21]  The disagreement of the simulation results and measurements in the evening and night hours at high-latitude stations shows that a correction to the conditions of the considered magnetic storms is needed not only of thermospheric parameters, but the empirical models of magnetospheric sources as well. The effects of the correction of the models of precipitation and convection electric field were considered analyzing the situation of formation of the main ionospheric trough (MIT) on 14 October 2003 according to the data of Yakutsk and Norilsk stations. To do this, calculations of two versions of global distributions of the electron concentration for the moments 0800, 1000, and 1200 UT, the results being presented in Figure 7. Version I corresponds to the calculations without corrections of empirical models of magnetospheric sources, whereas version II show the results of the following corrections for disturbed conditions: the zone of the auroral precipitations and magnetospheric convection was widened equatorward by 5o, the electric potential was increased by 30% of the value obtained from the empirical model. The correctness of these changes was discussed by Fuller-Rowell et al. [1994]. Figures 7a and 7e show the values of lg Ne at a height of 300 km in the coordinates: geomagnetic colatitude-MLT for versions I and II of the calculations, respectively. Figures 7b and 7d show isolines of the electric potential of convection (taking into account the corotation) and the energy flux of the precipitating electrons also for versions I and II. The positions of Norilsk and Yakutsk stations are shown by circles. One can see in Figures 7a and 7e that the main ionospheric trough (MIT) in version II of calculations is better pronounced: the trough depth is a factor of 2.8 and 3.8 for 0800 and 1200 UT, respectively, the length in MLT is from 16 to 4 hours, whereas in version I the depth of MIT is a factor of 1.8-3.1 and the length in MLT is 18-5 hours. Stations Yakutsk and Norilsk are located at the edge of the trough at 1000 UT and 1200 UT (see
Figure 8
Figure 7e) for version II of the calculations. Figure 8 shows the diurnal behavior of the logarithm of the electron concentration in the F2 -layer maximum ( lg NmF2) calculated using versions I and II (curves 1 and 2, respectively). The circles show the measured values of foF2. One can see that according to the diurnal behavior of foF2 at Norilsk station, the equatorial wall of the trough was observed at 0800 UT, whereas according to the simulation results it appeared at sim 1100 UT and sim 1200 UT for versions II and I, respectively. Therefore the correction performed brought the calculation results closer to the observational data, but appeared to be insufficient to provide their complete agreement. The calculations for Yakutsk subauroral station showed the absence of MIT in version I and its presence in version II. However, the calculated time of the MIT equatorward wall appearance poorly agree with the observational data. Thus at high latitudes where magnetospheric convection and precipitation of energetic electrons play an important role, the use of empirical models for calculation of the auroral ionization and electromagnetic drift velocity does not make it possible to simulate the real structure of MIT. A simple correction of empirical models of magnetospheric sources provide no significant improvement, this fact indicating to a need of development of methods of adaptation of empirical models to real geomagnetic disturbances.

[22]  The strongest differences between the calculations and measurements are seen for the winter storm at middle latitudes (Irkutsk) in the evening and nighttime. One can see from Figure 5 that for the winter storm at midlatitude station Irkutsk in the evening and nighttime, the calculated values of the electron concentration exceed considerably the measured values of. This can happen because of two causes. It is known that the ionization level in the vicinity of the F2 -layer maximum after sunset is controlled, first, by the plasma input from the outer ionosphere and, second, by the change in the F2 -layer height caused by the meridional component of the thermospheric wind. In order to estimate the input of each of these factors into the deviation of calculations from the observations, we first performed calculations without the wind. As a result, the agreement of calculations and observations was considerably improved. This fact shows that the wind velocities are overestimated both in the calculations and in the empirical model HWM 90. Then we considered an assumption that the disagreement is caused by the input of ions from the plasmasphere, the input value depending on plasmasphere filling in. The calculation results presented in Figure 5 correspond to the situation when the plasmasphere over Irkutsk is almost full and is able to support high values of Ne after sunset during the storm, whereas in real conditions the ionosphere is not completely full. In order to check these assumptions, two versions of calculations were performed for Irkutsk station without any correction of the thermosphere (Figure 9).

Figure 9
Version III corresponds to the conditions of filled plasmasphere (curve 1). Version IV corresponds to the conditions of unfilled plasmasphere when the model equations were integrated at the time interval of 24 hours (curve 2). In the case of filled plasmasphere, in the evening and nighttime the ion fluxes from the plasmasphere to ionosphere (from -0.7 times 107 cm-2 s-1 to - 1.6 times 107 cm-2 s-1 ) are observed even during the storm (Figure 9 (bottom), curve 1). At the same time in the case of unfilled plasmasphere, the fluxes are much weaker (from -0.2 times 107 cm-2 s-1 to - 0.5 times 107 cm-2 s-1, Figure 9, curve 2). During the storm on 22 January, the flux is directed from the ionosphere into plasmasphere (0.2 times 107 cm-2 s-1 ) what is close to the real conditions. This fact explains the better coincidence of the calculated values of the electron concentration with observations in the evening and night hours obtained for version IV at the recovery phase of the storm (from 22 to 26 January 2004). On quiet day 21 January the best agreement between the calculated and observed values of Ne is obtained for version III. This is due to the fact that in the period 18-21 January 2004 (4 days) corresponds to quiet geomagnetic conditions (when the total value of the Kp index did not exceed 22) and the plasmasphere was filled, because the characteristic time of filling in of a plasma tube with L le 2 is three days (for Irkutsk L = 1.74 ) [Krinberg and Tashchilin, 1984]. Thus one can conclude that modeling the response of the midlatitude ionosphere to geomagnetic storms, one has to take into account the time variations of the degree of filling in of the plasmasphere, that is, to consider the ionosphere and plasmasphere as a united system.


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