4. Reconstruction of N(h) Profiles From the Vertical Sounding Data

[13]  Determination of ne(h) profiles from the data on the frequency dependency of the absorption requires solution of the accompanying problem: reconstruction of N(h) profiles. This problem was solved by us in the following way.

4.1. D Region

[14]  The ionization vertical profile in the D region was found by the modified method of Beynon and Rangaswamy [1968]. The essence of the modification was the following [Danilkin et al., 1977]. Instead of model (6) the approximation


was used which agree well with rocket measurements. The parameter N0 was fixed and taken equal to 100 cm-3. The values h0 and H were considered as unknown. They were found from the requirement of coincidence of the left-hand and right-hand sides of (7a) at the condition of minimum of the functional


where h'theor are the calculated values of the virtual heights of the "o" trace of the ionogram at the given h0 and H parameters. In other words, the problem of a search for conventional minimum was solved. The working frequencies fi were taken from the range from f min to f1+0.2 MHz with a step of about 0.1 MHz. Such procedure made it possible to reduce by several times the impact of random errors on the measurements of the virtual heights [Danilkin et al., 1981].

4.2. E Region

[15]  For the calculation of the vertical profile of the electron concentration in this layer both traces in the ionogram were used. The plasma frequency range from f1 to foE was split by the net frequencies fi to elementary intervals D fi=fi+1-fi about 0.2 MHz wide. It was assumed that in all these intervals except the last one the electron concentration depends on height in a linear way. A parabolic distribution was accepted in the last interval. First, the part of the virtual heights D h'(f) corresponding to the E layer was found by a subtraction of the input of the ionospheric region located below the level of the reflection of the wave f1, used for the measurement of the absorption. Then by the least squares method the true heights hi corresponding to the net frequencies fi were determined. To do that, the functional was minimized:


where the T index means transposing and vectors z and D h' are




The matrix M has a structure


where the elements of each matrix Mo and Mx correspond to the accepted approximation of N(h) in the elementary intervals. The solution has the form


4.3. Valley and F Region

[16]  The calculation of the nonmonotonous N(h) profile above the maximum of the E region was performed by the same method as for the E region. First the input of the region located below into the virtual heights of the "o" and "x" signals reflected from the F region was excluded. Then by the least squares method the N(h) profile was calculated. The only difference was that the first columns of the Mo and Mx matrix depended on minimum electron concentration Nv in the valley. In other words the minimized functional has the form


For the region unseen by ionosondes the models of monotonous distribution, plateau with Nv=NmE, and triangle dependencies of N on h within the valley at NvmE were accepted in a sequence. For every model and each value of Nv decreasing with a small step the current solution was found using formula (11). The solution providing in (12) the minimum possible value was accepted as a final solution.


Citation: Danilkin, N. P., P. F. Denisenko, B. G. Barabashov, and G. G. Vertogradov (2005), Electron collision frequency and HF waves attenuation in the ionosphere, Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron., 5, GI3009, doi:10.1029/2004GI000081.

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