2. Beynon Idea

[7]  The idea of exclusion of possible systematic errors is from Beynon and Rangaswamy [1968] as follows. To determine the collision frequency, one needs absolute measurements of the radio wave absorption L at their vertical reflection from the ionosphere (the A1 method). The absorption is related to the electron concentration N and collision frequency ne via the absorption coefficient by


where f is the wave frequency, h0 is the height if the ionosphere bottom, and hr is the height of the signal reflection. Knowing the frequency dependence of the absorption L(f) and having vertical profile of the electron concentration N(h), one can obtain from (5) the vertical profile of the electron collision frequency ne(h). In the case when the ne(h) is known, one can determine the N(h) profile.

[8]  The problem of ne(h) profile determination was realized in the following way [Beynon and Rangaswamy, 1968]. The radio wave absorption at two frequencies f10E and f2>f0E was measured. The signals at the first and second frequencies were reflected at the bottom of the E and F regions, respectively. Ionograms h'(f) of the vertical sounding (VS) were registered simultaneously. It was assumed that the vertical profile of the electron collision frequency is known from the bottom of the D region up to the reflection height hr(f1) of the signal at the first frequency f1. Therefore the absorption L(f1) together with the virtual height h'(f1) were used to find the N0 and a parameters of the model N(h) profile


where N0 is the electron concentration at h0=60 km. The values of the N0 and a parameters were found by solving the system of equations:



where m' is the group refraction index and n M is the collision frequency of monoenergetic electrons [Budden, 1965]. The absorption was calculated using the generalized magneto-ion theory [Budden, 1965]. The obtained model profile N(h) was used for calculation of the input into the absorption at a frequency f2 of the height interval from h0 to hr(f1).

[9]  Then taking into account model (6), the N(h) profile in the E and F regions was restored from ionograms. At the final stage, the ne(h) profile was fitted corresponding to the absorption D L(f2) falling on the height interval from hr(f1) to hr(f2). The determined by this method separate ne(h) profiles in the height interval 100-150 km agree with the gas-kinetic estimates [Beynon and Rangaswamy, 1968].


Citation: Danilkin, N. P., P. F. Denisenko, B. G. Barabashov, and G. G. Vertogradov (2005), Electron collision frequency and HF waves attenuation in the ionosphere, Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron., 5, GI3009, doi:10.1029/2004GI000081.

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