RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES6016, doi:10.2205/2020ES000725, 2020

Table 3. Linear Trend Coefficients [ampersand] RMSEs of IFP Characteristics Estimations. Statistically Significant Using $p_{\mathrm{value}} < 0.05$ marked by italic, $p_{\mathrm{value}} < 0.01$ – bold
RMSE (days)\qquad \qquad $A_{\mathrm{coef}}$ (days/year)
dataset obs dataset obs
$D$ ensemble 23.3 20.8 2.17 0.87 1.14 0.79
jaxa 23.8 21.0 2.11 1.26
nsidc 23.4 19.5 2.19 1.20
osisaf 21.6 22.3 2.02 0.95
$E$ ensemble 20.0 12.7 0.75 0.70 0.37 0.36
jaxa 16.8 12.7 0.64 0.36
nsidc 22.8 14.4 0.74 0.45
osisaf 18.6 13.5 0.82 0.26
$S$ ensemble 26.3 23.8 $-$1.06$-0.17$$-0.78$ $-$0.42
jaxa 27.8 24.1 $-$1.29 $-$0.91
nsidc 25.5 21.9 $-$1.04 $-$0.74
osisaf 26.4 25.0 $-$0.93 $-0.68$

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Citation: Shabanov P. A., N. N. Shabanova (2020), Ice-free period detection method in the Arctic coastal zone, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES6016, doi:10.2205/2020ES000725.

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