RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES3003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000702, 2020

Table 1. Variability of Potential Density at Different Depths According to the Aqualog Data for the Cold Season of 2015–2016
Dataset Standard Bias (m) Root-mean-square Correlation coefficient
deviation (m) error (m)
ALT-GRV 0.015 0 0 1.00
ARMOR 0.006 $5.725$e$-05$ 0.011 0.74
EN4 0.008 $-7.615$e$-05$ 0.012 0.59
SODA 0.008 $6.997$e$-05$ 0.011 0.65

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Citation: Koldunov Aleksey, Aleksandr Fedorov, Igor Bashmachnikov, Tatyana Belonenko (2020), Steric sea-level fluctuations from remote sensing, oceanic reanalyses and objective analyses in the North Atlantic, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES3003, doi:10.2205/2020ES000702.

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