RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 20, ES3006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000666, 2020

Figure 7. La/Sm versus Gd/Yb for the 5023 and 5119 kimberlites. Illustrated curves in blue representing melting trajectories of inferred source-regions for Group-I and Group-II kimberlites, field for Group-I kimberlites are from Becker and Le Roex [2006] while the purple dashed lines represent melting curves from experimentally determined bulk peridotite/melt partition coefficients from Dasgupta et al. [2009]. The Group-I and Group-II kimberlites possess the residual mineralogy: ol:opx:cpx:grt $= 0.67:0.26:0.04:0.03$; ol:opx:cpx:grt $=0.67:0.26:0.06:0.01$ respectively. Numbers represent the degree of melting (%). Adopted from Dongre et al. [2016]. Symbols as in Figure 5.

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Citation: Phani P. Ramesh Chandra, Prabir Sengupta, Sudeshna Basu (2020), Geochemistry and petrology of two kimberlites at Krishtipadu from Gooty cluster, Andhra Pradesh, southern India – evidence of kimberlite magmatism and a possible carbonatite association within Palaeoproterozoic lower Cuddapah basin, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 20, ES3006, doi:10.2205/2020ES000666.

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