RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2019ES000665, 2019

Table 4. The Calculation of the Morphodynamic Volume of Sandy Material Storm Movement in Per. 1 (Site "A" (Museum))
Morphological Erosion, Accumulation, Morphodynamic volumeDeduced morphodynamic
zone m$^3$ m$^3$ (storm)volume, m$^3$/m$^2$
Erosion, Accumulation, Erosion, Accumulation,
m$^3$ m$^3$ m$^3$/m$^2$ m$^3$/m$^2$
Beach 180.04 297.98 813.81 931.75 0.39 0.44
Foredune 1100.58 13.32 1087.26 $-$ 1.26 $-$

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Citation: Danchenkov A. R., N. S. Belov (2019), Morphological changes in the beach-foredune system caused by a series of storms. Terrestrial laser scanning evaluation, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES4003, doi:10.2205/2019ES000665.

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