RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2019ES000657, 2019

Figure 4. Interannual variations of air temparature and circulation indices by Wangenheim-Girs for 2004–2016. The purple line shows the air temparature, the red line shows the eastern circulation form, the blue line shows the western circulation form, the green line – meridional circulation form. The dotted lines show the respective linear trends. The equation of air temparature linear trend is $y= 0.02x + 8.672$ $(R^2 = 0.02)$; the linear trend of the eastern circulation form is $y = 1.242x + 138.15$ $(R^2 = 0.09)$; the linear trend of the western circulation form $ y = -2.253x + 146.69$ $(R^2 = 0.16)$; the linear trend of the meridional circulation form is $y = 1.011x + 80.462$ $(R^2 = 0.14).$

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Citation: Stont Z. I., T. V. Bukanova (2019), General features of air temperature over coastal waters of the south-eastern Baltic Sea for 2004–2017, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES3001, doi:10.2205/2019ES000657.

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