RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 19, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2019ES000650, 2019

On the correlation of seismic activity to syzygies.

Mikhail Kovalyov


There must be hundreds of papers dedicated to the studies of the relationship between lunar phases and seismic activity on Earth; half of them claim to prove that lunar phases affect seismic activity on Earth, while the other half disprove the same. It is shown here that the lunar phases indeed affect seismic activity on Earth, the correlation between them is especially easily seen in magnitude $\geqslant8.2$ earthquakes and VEI $\geqslant5$ volcanic eruption, but only seasonally. The seasons of correlation last centuries and are intimately connected to the behavior of the Earth's magnetic field. The correlation between the lunar phases and seismic activity may be also easily observed in the seismic activity away from well-formed tectonic lines, e. g. the earthquakes along the East African Rift and high-magnitude deep earthquakes.

Received 11 October 2018; accepted 12 November 2018; published 14 February 2019.

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Citation: Kovalyov Mikhail (2019), On the correlation of seismic activity to syzygies., Russ. J. Earth Sci., 19, ES1005, doi:10.2205/2019ES000650.

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