RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 17, ES4004, doi:10.2205/2017ES000608, 2017

Table 1. Characteristics of the sea level residual (RSL) fluctuation from observational data and numerical modeling. 1. $\zeta_{OM}$ (cm) is the maximum deviation of the RSL during the surge according to the observation data. 2. $Z_M$ (cm) is the maximum height of the sea level according to the datum, taking into account the tide. 3. $\zeta_{NM}$ (cm) is the maximum deviation of the RSL during the surge according to the numerical data. 4. $\gamma = \zeta_{NM}/\zeta_{OM}$ is the ratio of the corresponding maximum heights of the RSL. 5. $\sigma_{\mathrm{modD}}/\sigma_M$  (cm) is the root-mean-square (RMS) error of model calculations i.e. the RMS difference between $\zeta_O$ and $\zeta_N$ for the decade including the surge (where $\zeta_O$ is the deviation of the RSL from the mean value from the observation data, $\zeta_N$ is the deviation of the RSL from the mean value from numerical data), $\sigma_M$ is the RMS error for the corresponding month. 6. $r_D/r_M$ is the correlation coefficients between the changes of $\zeta_O$ and $\zeta_N$ for the decade and month, respectively
Date Station 1 2 3 4 5 6
$\zeta_{OM}$, cm $Z_M$, cm $\zeta_{NM}$, cm $\gamma$ $\sigma_{\mathrm{modD}}/\sigma_M$, cm $r_D/r_M$
November 6, 2010 Severodvinsk 96 655 55 0.57 18/22 0.92/0.58
Solovki 61 612 43 0.70 15/14 0.76/0.59
Sosnovets 54 748 54 1.0 16/17 0.62/0.53
November 15, 2011 Severodvinsk 154 701 107 0.69 21/24 0.97/0.85
Solovki 112 653 90 0.80 14/21 0.95/0.78
November 29, 2013 Severodvinsk 81 616 62 0.76 20/17 0.87/0.73
Solovki 56 597 50 0.89 14/15 0.77/0.64
Sosnovets 35 653 40 1.14 10/13 0.80/0.65
April 23, 2014 Severodvinsk 63 603 45 0.71 14/13 0.80/0.77
Solovki 45 566 32 0.71 14/14 0.65/0.55
Sosnovets 64 645 40 0.62 14/18 0.78/0.51
May 7, 2014 Severodvinsk 76 598 67 0.88 9/16 0.95/0.71
Solovki 55 557 60 1.09 9/14 0.92/0.71
Sosnovets 44 597 48 1.09 9/11 0.81/0.70

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Citation: Korablina A. D., A. T. Kondrin, V. S. Arkhipkin (2017), Numerical simulations and statistics of surges in the White and Barents seas, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 17, ES4004, doi:10.2205/2017ES000608.

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