RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 16, ES5004, doi:10.2205/2016ES000582, 2016

Figure 1. POS-1 measures geomagnetic field and transfers the results to Hardware Interop Module – the adapter program. The module handles the data further to the Seedlink server that is available to both the Datacenter and local/remote clients. Control Module component manages all station-run services. User Interface component manages the Control Module component via web.

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Citation: Aleshin I. M., S. S. Burguchev, K. I. Kholodkov, F. V. Perederin, A. A. Soloviev (2016), Software for realtime acquisition of geomagnetic data and station management, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 16, ES5004, doi:10.2205/2016ES000582.

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