RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 16, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2016ES000561, 2016

Surface manifestations of the waves in the ocean covered with ice

A. V. Marchenko, E. G. Morozov


This paper summarizes winter oceanographic measurements in the Spitsbergen fjords. The measurements allow us to analyze different processes that occur in the fjords covered with ice: semidiurnal tides, tsunami wave, wind waves, seiches, and high-frequency internal waves. Space and time scales of these processes were compared and the frequency spectra of the surface manifestations of these waves have been plotted on one graph.

Received 14 January 2016; accepted 15 January 2016; published 20 January 2016.

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Citation: Marchenko A. V., E. G. Morozov (2016), Surface manifestations of the waves in the ocean covered with ice, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 16, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2016ES000561.

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