RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 15, ES3004, doi:10.2205/2015ES000555, 2015

Ionospheric influences on GPS signals in terms of range delay

Azad A. Mansoori, Parvaiz A. Khan, Roshni Atulkar, P. K. Purohit, A. K. Gwal


All the transionospheric signals interact with the ionosphere during their passage through ionosphere, hence are strongly influenced by the ionosphere. One of most important ionospheric effects on the transionospheric signals is the delay both in range and time. Under this investigation we have studied the variability of ionospheric range delay in GPS signals. To accomplish this study we have used the GPS measurements at a low latitude station, IISC Bangalore (13.02° N, 77.57° E) during January 2012 to December 2012. We studied the diurnal, monthly as well as seasonal variability of the range delay. We also selected five intense geomagnetic storms that occurred during 2012 and investigated the variability of delay during the disturbed conditions. From our study we found the diurnal variability of the range delay is similar to the diurnal pattern observed for the Total Electron Content (TEC). The delay is maximum during the month of October while lowest delay is found to occur in the month of December. During summer season the range delay in GPS signals is less while the largest delay occurs during the equinox season. The variability of delay during the geomagnetic storms of 09 March 2012, 24 April 2012, 15 July 2012, 01 October 2012 and 14 November 2012 were also studied. All these geomagnetic storms belonged to intense category. We found that the value of delay is strongly increased during the course of geomagnetic storms.

Received 26 July 2015; accepted 4 September 2015; published 22 October 2015.

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Citation: Mansoori Azad A., Parvaiz A. Khan, Roshni Atulkar, P. K. Purohit, A. K. Gwal (2015), Ionospheric influences on GPS signals in terms of range delay, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 15, ES3004, doi:10.2205/2015ES000555.

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