RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 15, ES1004, doi:10.2205/2015ES000550, 2015

Table 11. He and Ar Isotopes in Xenoliths and Enclosed Basalts of the Roca Negra and Puig de Banya de Boc Volcanoes
No. Sample Rock, mineral $^4$He, $\mathrm{cm^3/g}, \;10^{-8}$ $\mathrm{^3He/^4He}, \; 10^{-6}$ $\mathrm{^{40}Ar, \;cm^3/g}, \;10^{-8}$ $\mathrm{^{40}Ar/^{36}Ar}$
The Roca Negra
1 RC-10 pyroxenite 2 0.20 98 370
2 RC-10b basalt 2 0.24 65 300
3 RC-11/3 pyroxenite 3 0.35 50 330
4 RC-12/3 basalt 6 0.10 90 360
5 RC-12/3 basalt 2 0.1 64 430
6 RC-12/2 basalt 1 0.03 50 297
7 RC-12/1 basalt 5 0.14 42 340
Puig de Banya de Boc
8 RC-10/5 lherzolite 8 9.5 92 490
9 RC-12/1 Ol* 4 9.4 7 730
10 RC-12 Ol* 3 11.0 17 376
11 RC-1/11 Ol* 8 9.5 37 1947
Note: * – megacrysts in basalt

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Citation: Grachev A. F. (2015), Pyroxenite xenoliths in basalts of the Roca Negra volcano, Catalonia, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 15, ES1004, doi:10.2205/2015ES000550.

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