RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 15, ES2001, doi:10.2205/2015ES000548, 2015

Physical and chemical properties of seawater over the slopes of the northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

E. G. Morozov, A. V. Kolokolova


We analyze physical and chemical properties of seawater east and west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the tropical North Atlantic based on the historical data and our measurements in 2014. Concentration of nutrients in the bottom layer east of the ridge is smaller than west of the ridge because Antarctic Bottom Water propagated to the East Atlantic through abyssal fractures in the ridge and mixes with the overlying waters in the course of its propagations. We found a local temperature increase near the bottom in the rift zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge along 16° 39' N, which can be related to hydrothermal activity in the region.

Received 20 April 2015; accepted 22 April 2015; published 27 April 2015.

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Citation: Morozov E. G., A. V. Kolokolova (2015), Physical and chemical properties of seawater over the slopes of the northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Russ. J. Earth Sci., 15, ES2001, doi:10.2205/2015ES000548.

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