RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 12, ES5001, doi:10.2205/2012ES000520, 2012

Table 2. The Coefficients of the Power Law Characterizing the Relationship Between the Fluxes of Solar $X$-Ray Emission in the Fields of 0.1-0.8 nm and 0.05-0.4 nm
Year and month A B $X$-ray flare classes
9201 0.0498 0.6037 M and X(1case)
9202 0.0416 0.5934 M and C
9204 0.0421 0.6038 M and C
9206a 0.0708 0.6514 1-24 Feb., B , C, M
9206b 0.1006 0.6724 1-28 Feb., B, C, M
9206c 0.2153 0.7210 1-28 Feb., B, C, M, X
9208 0.1262 0.6804 M and C
9602 0.0281 0.6242 C and B
9604 0.0768 0.6951 M(1 case), C and B
9604 0.0418 0.6622 C and B
9612 0.0836 0.6890 A, B and C
9908 0.1907 0.7160 M and X
0005 0.1041 0.6790 M and C
0010 0.0382 0.6034 M and C
0104 07673 0.8325 M and X
0204 0.5864 0.8129 M and X
0204 0.3060 0.7624 M only
0205 0.0658 0.6471 C, M, X
0205 0.0528 0.6327 M and C
2002 03, 04, 05, 07, 08 0.3310 0.8377 M and X
2003 03, 02, 05, 06, 09, 10, 11 0.77648 0.8376 M and X
[Chulankin, 1997] 0.38 0.709
[Donnelly, 1976] 0.292 0.714
Conditions without flares 0.0019 0.481
All periods, consolidated in one array 0.2009 0.7204 B, C, M, X (see Figure 3)

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Citation: Nusinov A. A., V. V. Katyushina (2012), Classification of solar X-ray flares on X-ray measurements on board geostationary satellites ``Elektro'', Russ. J. Earth Sci., 12, ES5001, doi:10.2205/2012ES000520.

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