Yu. R. Rivin and L. I. Gromova
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk, Russia
The current knowledge on plasma flows from the Sun (these flows
will below be called solar wind, the definition being broader than
Parker [1976]
definition which referred to the plasma
flow related only to the corona hydrodynamical expansion into the
interplanetary space: quiet solar wind with a velocity of
300 km s
-1 ) shows that the flows are rather complicated formations which
are influenced by the variations of the large-scale solar magnetic
fields including the cyclic variation with
11 years. The
variation of the annual dynamical parameters of the solar wind (SW)
and also "frozen" into it interplanetary magnetic field (IMF,
BI )
are below analyzed from these positions. The relation (different
for different parameters) between the cyclic variations of the
solar magnetic fields and interplanetary medium parameters is
demonstrated, and some features of the experimental data in the King
catalogue which
their analysis are indicated.
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Figure 1 |
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Figure 2 |
![]() | (1) |
V const, and in the following consideration
main attention should be paid only to analyzes of
V and
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Figure 3 |
Figure 1b shows (smoothed by the same L ) curves of the annual values of: (1) the Wolf numbers ( W ) as the characteristic of the cyclic variation of the toroidal component of the solar magnetic field 1B generated above the basic of the convective zone, and (2) the magnitude of the radial component of the large-scale magnetic field BR, 2B generated within the basis of the convective zone, and the field of the Sun as a star |Bs| which plays a determining role in processes in the interplanetary medium. Obridko and Rivin [1996] and Rivin [1998a, 1998b, 1999a, 1999b] discussed these characteristics in detail and called the former and latter fields dipole and quadrupole, respectively. A complete comparison of the cycles of these magnetic fields with the interplanetary medium parameters is difficult because of the short series of observations (2-3 cycles). However to distinguish cycles of various fields, the difference in their amplitude modulation was taken into account: for BR the amplitude of cycle 22 is several times lower than the amplitude of cycle 21, for W and Bs the amplitudes in both cycles are approximately equal, or the amplitude of Bs is even slightly higher in cycle 22. These differences and also the phase variations are used in the interpretation below.
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Figure 4 |
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Figure 5 |
1. In the main dynamical parameters of SW there exists a
~11-year cycle which is mainly in antiphase to the cyclic variations
BR . Its amplitude decreases in
n and
V from cycle
20 to cycle 22 and the spectral amplitude exceeds by several times
the amplitudes of other harmonics including the harmonics with
T 22 years.
2. The cycle with
T 11 years in the data on
V is
additionally shifted in phase by 2-3 years (it lags) relative the
cycle of
BR , that is, by ~3-4 years relative to
W cycle. Its spectral amplitude for 3 cycles is ~20 km s-1
and that is only slightly higher than
3. The properties of the ~11-year cycle in
n till the beginning
of the 1970s are considerably different from the properties of the
following two cycles (on the
n-W plane in Figure 3 the data for
the years before the beginning of the 1970s form such a point
distribution which is approximated by a straight line having
essentially different coefficients than those for the following
cycles). That requires individual consideration of this parameter
before and after the years indicated. It is possible that this
difference is the cause of the distortion of the
n and
nV spectra
in Figure 3.
The cycle of the plasma density according to the data
from 1971 (practically after the doubtful interval) occurs strictly
in antiphase to the
BR cycle without any delays. Its
approximate average amplitude is 0.5-1 cm
-3 that is close to
as in case of the SW velocity.
Hence some properties of the n and V cycles (properties 1-3) correspond to the properties of the cycles of the 2B magnetic field. However, it is possible that the correlation is still more informative at the n-W plane than at the n- BR plane.
More than 30 years ago Severnyy [1966] suggested that the interplanetary magnetic field is a continuation of the total magnetic field of the Sun Bs into the interplanetary space and proposed observations of this solar field as a field of a star for diagnostics of IMF variations. The modern experimental data on the |Bz| and Bs 11-year cycles support this suggestion.
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Figure 6 |
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Figure 7 |
Figure 7 shows variations of the modules of the IMF vector and components and also variations of the solar magnetic fields. Here the identity of the variations of the vector and its components with the variations of Bs is already visually seen.
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Figure 8 |
1. The amplitude attenuation of the cyclic variation of the modulus
of the total magnetic field of the Sun near the Earth is a
factor of
2. The amplitude of the ~11-year cycle of IMF increases from cycle 20 to cycle 22 and is approximately equal in cycles 21 and 22 (even is slightly higher in the latter), this fact being principally different from the amplitude modulation of the V and n cycles.
3. No phase shifts between the BI and Bs cycles were discovered.
4. The cyclic variation of the modulus of the total magnetic field of the Sun ( Bs ) is the main source of the cyclic variation of IMF.
5. The variations of the initial annual values of
BI and its
components do not contain explicitly expressed cyclisity with
T 11-22 years. The best correlation
is detected between the
phase of the total solar magnetic field variation with the
By component of the interplanetary magnetic field.
6. The scatter of points relative the approximating line in Figure 8 has a tendency to be lower in the middle part of the cycle and to increase in the epochs of its extremes.
The cyclic variation of
Bs contains a superposition of
|1B| and
|2B| magnetic fields;
|1Bs| input
prevails in the amplitude variations and the
|2Bs| input is
manifested in the phase shift of the
Bs cycle relative
W cycle by 1-2 years
[Rivin, 1998b, 1999a,
corresponding properties of the cyclisity of the solar magnetic
fields are "inherited" by the modulus of the interplanetary
magnetic field, that is, the variations of
BI with
T 11 years are on the whole identical
to similar variations
Bs . At the same time the variations of the
By and
Bx (the latter in antiphase) components of the initial
correspond to the variations of
It is principally important and in some way unexpected that the cyclic variations of the two main dynamic parameters of SW, probably first, differ from the variations of BI and, second, have somewhat different properties: the phase of the V cycle is shifted by ~3 year relative the phase of the W cycle, whereas the phase of the n cycle coincides with the phase of the |2Bs| magnetic field cycle. Probably, this difference indicates similar but slightly different formation sources of the cycles of these two parameters. At the same time the amplitude attenuation of the cycles of both parameters shows that probably the field |2Bs| influences each of them more than the |1Bs| field, that is, the plasma has a much deeper origin.
Annual mean values of
n before the early 1970s are systematically
underestimated by 3-4 cm
It follows from the "
n-W " plot (Figure 4) that this
underestimation is not caused by random errors.
It is not yet clear whether it manifests a systematic error
in the
n determination in
King catalogue
for the corresponding year or has some physical sense.
The results of this paper correct partially the assumptions (made
Rivin [1989]
earlier) on the cyclisity nature of the
interplanetary medium parameters varying with
T 11 years.
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Parker, E. N., Basic mechanisms of solar activity, in Proceedings of the Symposium 71 IAU, Prague, August 1975, edited by V. Bumba and I. Klechek, D. Reidel, Norwell, Mass., 1976.
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Rivin, Yu. R., Specification of the analytical model of the cyclic variations of the magnetic fields at middle and low latitudes of the Sun, Izv. Akad. Nauk Ross. Ser. Fiz. (in Russian), 63, 1263, 1998a.
Rivin, Yu. R., Principal construction elements of the mechanism of cyclic changes generation in large-scale and local solar magnetic fields, Izv. Akad. Nauk Ross. Ser. Fiz. (in Russian), 63, 1867, 1998b.
Rivin, Yu. R., Principal contradiction between the experimental data on solar activity cyclisity and current theoretical models of its description, Pis'ma Astron. Zh. (in Russian), 25 (4), 314, 1999a.
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