A. V. Volosevich
Mogilev State University, Mogilev, Belarus
C.-V. Meister
Astrophysical Institute, Potsdam, Germany
The auroral radio scatter experiments EISCAT and STARE reveal that in the E region of the auroral ionosphere, rather intensive electrostatic structures form, that are connected with an essential modification of the density distribution of the charged background particles. According to a widespread point of view, these plasma structures can be a consequence of the excitation of the modified two-stream or Farley-Buneman (FB) plasma turbulence. The linear theory of the FB instability effectively explains many of the observed phenomena of radar echoes, including the conditions necessary for the onset of the FB waves. But in spite of the theoretical and experimental research successes in auroral radar scattering, many problems yet exist in understanding the experimental data.
A central question of the research of the irregularities in the auroral E region ionosphere are the echoes at large angles with respect to the electron drift velocity in the plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic field ("large flow angle") and the echoes at a few degrees off the perpendicular plane ("large aspect angle"). The theoretical explanations of these effects are very difficult and controversial. Attempts to solve the problems were made by considering refraction effects [Uspensky et al., 1994], effects due to strong currents and anomalous resistivity [Hamza and St. Maurice, 1995; Volosevich and Liperovsky, 1975], resonance broadening [Robinson and Honary, 1990; Sudan, 1983], and mode-coupling [Otani and Oppenheim, 1998; Schlegel and Thiemann, 1994].
Many efforts have already been made to investigate the nonlinear evolution of FB waves analytically [Hamza and St. Maurice, 1993; Sahr and Fejer, 1996; Sudan, 1983] and by computer simulations [Fedorov, 1988; Janhunen, 1994; Newman and Ott, 1981; Oppenheim and Otani, 1996; Schlegel and Thiemann, 1994].
In this paper, the coherent nonlinear interaction of three and four FB waves is considered analytically and numerically. The evolution of the nonlinear waves is described by a system of connected MHD equations for the amplitudes of the interacting waves.
According to classical linear theory, in collisional
plasmas with magnetized
newce, and non-magnetized ions,
wci, ( ne,
ni are the collision frequencies
of the electrons and the ions with the neutral particles;
wci designate the electron and
ion gyrofrequencies),
the FB instability may occur in the presence of electrostatic fields.
The dispersion equation of linearly growing waves with frequency
w<ne,ni reads
[Volosevich and Galperin, 1997]
![]() | (1) |
![]() |
hi is the ion dynamical viscosity,
a<FONT FACE='Symbol'>h
designates a dimensionless
constant depending on the type of collisions in the plasma
(within theory - depending on the type of chosen collision integral),
k and
k<IMG SRC='latex083.gif' ALT="bot">
are the components of the wave vector
From the linear theory, one can conclude that the condition for
the frequency of the FB waves
is not satisfied
if the irregularities have scales
altitudes of
Further, considering the action of neutral winds in the
E region,
it was shown that the dispersion relation of linear FB waves has
three solutions
[Liperovsky et al., 1996;
Meister, 1995].
Two wave modes are damped, and the third mode which has frequencies
about one order smaller than the frequencies of the damped waves, is
linearly unstable. The unstable mode has wavelengths
k of about
When kinetic effects are taken into account, such as Landau damping
at the ions, the interval of possible values of the wave number
k is limited. Within the frame of
MHD, Landau
damping at the ions is equivalent to the consideration of
dynamical viscosity in the dispersion equation of the waves
[Gershman et al., 1984;
Volosevich and Galperin, 1997].
Given the kinetic description,
[Volosevich, 1978],
it follows
that the FB instability can be excited if the conditions
Commonly, the condition of coherent interaction of three waves
with frequencies
w1, and
w2 and
wave vectors
In the case of two-dimensional interaction of three waves
( k,j),
( k1,j1),
( k2,j)2,
from (2) follows
[Volosevich et al., 1982]
If one takes into account the weak dispersion of FB waves, one finds
in the case
j=0 from
(4) and (5) and the condition
w=w1+w2 that
The physical sense of the last relation lies in the
fact that if two waves
in the stage of linear generation with
j=0 and
j1<10o act via decay
interaction, then the third wave must be
in the region of linear damping with
Considering the system of equations consisting of the continuity equations
of the particles, the
MHD momentum balances
and the Poisson equation for the electric field, neglecting in
the electron momentum balance the inertial term, assuming quasineutrality
ne=ni=n, and assuming potential
electric field fluctuations with small amplitude
n k and
j k are the disturbances
of the density of the charged particles and the electrostatic potential.
W( k) is the frequency of the density variations
with large
time scales,
d( k- k1- k2)
is the delta function, and
v0e and
v0i are the electron and ion drift velocities
that are determined by the mean electrostatic field
Se k and
Si k are the coefficients of the nonlinear
wave interaction of F-B waves.
Within the linear theory,
Se k and
Si k equal zero.
j k is proportional to
n k. From (7) and (8)
Further, substituting (21) into (13) and (14),
the interaction coefficient of
second order with respect to the
nonlinear contributions
S(2) k, k1, k2 is found,
and so on.
S(2) k, k1, k2 coincide
with coefficients for decay processes given by
Tsytovich [1970, 1971]
and with coefficients occurring within the synchronism conditions
of nonlinear optics. Results
obtained in third order with respect to nonlinearity are presented in
Volosevich and Meister [2000b].
Substituting (21) in (7) and (8) and
S(2) and
S(3) in (7) and (8) into account,
the expressions for the amplitudes of the waves in third order with respect
to the nonlinearity read
Here, one has
Nj=nkj/n0 are
disturbances of the density of charged particles due to
the waves number
j ( j=0,1,2 ).
gl kj
Gnlj designate
the linear and nonlinear increments of the interacting waves,
is the nonlinear frequency shift,
vd= v0e- v0i,
Wkj is the frequency of the
density variations,
The system (22)-(24) describes the interaction of four waves.
In the relations (22)-(24), one sees the coefficients
S(2) and not
S(3), which describes the interaction of four waves (the moment
the fourth wave may be expressed by the momenta of the first
three waves using the momentum balance of four coherent waves).
Instead of
Gnl k and
Thus, the physical sense of the system (22)-(24) consists in the fact
that, taking into account nonlinear effects of third order,
the nonlinear wave interaction causes a nonlinear contribution to the
growth rate and a nonlinear frequency shift. These phenomena result in the
stabilization of the instability.
are supposed, and the set of equations (22)-(24) is divided into real
and imaginary expressions.
In the case of the low-frequency waves with
The system of equations (22)-(24) was solved numerically using the
Runge-Kutta method and considering initial conditions near stable states.
Applications were done for conditions with an unstable high-frequency
(gl0>0), and two other
linearly damped waves
("large aspect angle" or "large flow angle").
From Figures 1,
2, and
3 follows, that under the condition that the initial relative
amplitudes of the waves are small (about
10-3 ), then, for some time,
amplitude of the linearly unstable wave grows, and the amplitudes of the
initially damped waves are small. But, if the amplitude of the unstable
wave has grown up to a sufficient level, the nonlinear interaction results
in an increase
of the amplitudes of modes 1 and 2. This process leads to a
quasi-stabilized state, the amplitudes of the interacting waves
behave almost periodically, and the relative phase
q approaches a constant value. When the quasi-periodic
state is established,
the amplitudes of the initially linearly damped waves are larger
than the amplitude of the initially linearly growing wave.
The stabilization of the waves at a finite amplitude is accomplished
by modifying of the linear growth rate. It depends on the
average wave fluctuation level and lasts until the nonlinear
growth rate balances the linear growth rate.
The nonlinear interaction between high-frequency and low-frequency
modes, excited by the
FB instability
in the collisional ionospheric
E region during the linear
stage of wave generation,
is considered within the frame of MHD.
Taking the
MHD system of equation
contributions of third order with respect to the nonlinearity
into account, a self-consistent system of equations
for the amplitudes and phases of three interacting waves is derived.
The results of the numerical solution
of the system of equations allows us to make the following conclusions:
1. If in the ionospheric plasma FB waves with linearly
increasing amplitudes exist, then the most
intensive wave interaction occurs in the propagation cone around the
electron drift velocity with an angle of about
2. If the plasma system is in the weakly supercritical regime
with electron drift velocities of the order of 1.1 sound velocities,
the explosive instability may also occur.
under such conditions,
the interaction of four waves is not effective. With increasing level
of supercriticality, the effectiveness
of the three- and four-wave interactions
3. If the case that the previously linear waves have wavelengths of the
order of 1-5 m,
the amplitudes of the waves beyond the linear region of evolution are of the
order of 6% of the mean density,
and the amplitudes of the nonlinear waves increase with increasing
wavelength of the plasma disturbances and with growing electron drift
4. The nonlinear evolution of FB waves by coherent wave
interaction can result in states of different types:
quasi-stationary states for interacting low-frequency waves, periodic and
multi-periodic behavior for high-frequency waves with
(Figures 1,
2, and
3), and quasi-stochastic behavior (Figure 4).
depends on the plasma parameters ( ne,
v0e ) and on the parameters of the interacting waves
(the frequencies
and growth rates as well as the ranges
of the aspect and flow angles and the frequency of the unstable waves).
5. The
may be used to interpret
experimental data obtained during auroral radioscatter experiments.
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100 km above the surface of the
Earth, at
103 s
-1 and
102 m s
-1, it follows
L<2 m). Besides,
in the upper
E region, plasma conditions with
are also possible. In the works
[Lee et al., 1971;
Schlegel and Thiemann, 1994],
it was found that linearly
growing wave modes
excited by electron-neutral collisions have a frequency
m, and the maximum growth rates
amounting to about 400 s
-1 occur at
27/ m
100/ m
( rD is the Debye radius).
The phase velocity at maximum wave growth was
about 500 ms
The unstable growing wave mode was excited if both electron-neutral
collisions and an electron drift were present. In sporadic
E regions,
the electron drift
v0e may be generated by neutral winds.
are satisfied.
Under the condition
instead of FB modes,
lower-hybrid waves with
may occur.
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
one has for the time derivatives of the high-frequency density variations
[Volosevich and Meister, 2000a;
Volosevich et al., 1982]
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) ni,
Si, the main effect
of the wave interaction is the nonlinear phase shift.
But for the high-frequency waves with
nonlinear frequency shift and nonlinear contributions to the growth rate
are of importance, and these nonlinear effects lead to the stabilization
of the instability.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Examples of the numerical solution of (22)-(24) are presented in
Figures 1,
and 5. Figure 1 shows the temporal evolution of the
relative amplitudes
r2 of the density
waves with
j=0;1;2 with respect to the background density for
k=5 m-1
(in Figure 5,
k=1 m
-1 is considered). The
t, is measured in seconds. In the initial state at
the high-frequency wave
j=0 is unstable and the low-frequency
j=2 is damped as
Figure 3
p/2. If
r1 and
r2 are small, the amplitude
r0 grows exponentially.
But with the time, if the amplitude
r0 will be large enough,
the amplitudes
r1 and
also increase by nonlinear interaction.
The amplitude of the linearly damped wave 2 and
the relative phase of the waves
are shown
in Figures 2
and 3,
respectively. Nonlinear stabilization occurs if the
of the linear increase of the amplitude
r0 of the unstable wave
1/gl0 is smaller
than the time of the nonlinear interaction
tnl. In the contrary case, the
explosive instability may be excited.
Figure 4
The numerical simulations for large intervals
of the parameters of the interacting waves showed that the solving the
system of equations (22)-(24) depends on the wave parameters and the
parameters of the ionosphere. The solution may be stationary, periodic,
quasi-stochastic, and stochastic.
In Figure 4,
results for the nonlinear interaction of waves with strong decay
of the waves
j=1, 2 are presented. In such a case, the solution is similar
to a stochastic one
[Vysshkind and Rabinovich, 1976;
Wersinger et al., 1980].
It depends on the initial conditions
and the relative phase
q of the waves' increases slowly with the time.
Figure 5
3. Conclusions
v0e/cs ( v0e is the electron drift
cs represents the sound velocity).
The wave interaction results in the generation of rather intensive waves
that propagate perpendicularly to the electron drift velocity.
A.V.V. thanks the organization Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support within the frame of
contract WER 17/2/00 and the Fund of Fundamental Research of the Belarus
Republic, project F-378.
C.-V.M. gratefully thanks the Ministerium fur
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg for
financial support by the HSP-3 project 24-04/055;2000.
B drift instability,
J. Geophys. Res., 101 (A8), 17,273, 1996.
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