Masakazu Watanabe
National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan
The ionospheric cusp/cleft are the focal points of geomagnetic field lines threading a wide area of magnetospheric boundary layers. Therefore auroral and electromagnetic phenomena observed through this small window are manifestations of physical processes working in the magnetospheric boundary layers. Field-aligned currents (FACs) are important physical quantities for the diagnosis of the magnetosphere, because they are generated when transverse momentum is transferred from one plasma regime to another along the magnetic field lines connecting the two. It is well known that the intensity and the spatial distribution pattern of the dayside FACs are controlled by the magnitude and the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) (e.g., the review by Potemra [1994], and references therein). This implies that the reconnection on the dayside magnetopause accounts for the major part of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction. Namely, the solar wind momentum enters the magnetosphere through the region of open magnetic field lines after the magnetopause reconnection. Thus from the low-altitude observation of the cusp/cleft currents, we can infer the nature of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction.
The purpose of this paper is to present the author's understanding of the dayside FAC systems in terms of momentum transfer from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere. In section 2, we first consider the basic role of FACs in magnetospheric dynamics and show the viewpoint in interpreting the observed FACs. The approach employed here is in the spirit of Southwood [1985]. In the subsequent two sections, we apply this idea to dayside large-scale FAC systems under particular IMF conditions. The first topic (section 3) is the FACs for periods of strong IMF By and southward Bz [Watanabe et al., 1996; hereafter referred to as paper 1], and the second topic (section 4) is the FAC systems in the magnetospheric ground state associated with extremely small IMF [Watanabe et al., 1998; hereafter referred to as paper 2]. Based on the results in papers 1 and 2, we discuss the three-dimensional current systems that establish the force balance between the hot magnetospheric plasma and the cold ionospheric plasma. Since details of the observations are already given in papers 1 and 2, as for the observational aspect, only a summary will be presented in this paper. And also, with the desire to keep the paper short, no attempt will be made to list complete references to previous work. We apologize to all the researchers in the field whose contributions are not acknowledged here. For the historical summary of the past studies, see Potemra [1994], and references in papers 1 and 2.
The fundamental role of FACs is to transport transverse momentum,
together with a
transverse electric field and electromagnetic energy, along magnetic
field lines from the
magnetosphere to the ionosphere. In this section we picture the role of
FACs in the spirit of
Southwood [1985].
Figure 1
shows a simple magnetosphere-ionosphere
coupling model in
which two slabs of plasma are linked by magnetic field lines. The top
slab represents the
magnetosphere and the bottom slab the ionosphere. The whole region is
immersed in a strong
magnetic field
Suppose that the plasma in the top slab is moving at
some initial time but
the bottom slab is initially stationary. Since the two slabs are
coupled by the magnetic field,
the bottom slab will also start to move in time. Namely, there must be
a general momentum
transfer from the top slab to the bottom slab. This is easily pictured
in the MHD
(magnetohydrodynamic) description, as shown in Figure 1. In the top
slab, the field lines are
bent in order that there is a component of field line tension in the
opposite direction to the
plasma flow, while in the bottom slab, the field lines are bent so that
the field line tension is
the same direction as the flow in the top slab. In other words, the
plasma stress in the top slab
is transferred to the bottom slab in the form of Maxwell stress
(electromagnetic momentum
/m0 ).
At the same time, a transverse electric field
( E
and electromagnetic
energy (Poynting flux:
/m0) are also transferred from the
magnetosphere to the
From the observational point of view, it is useful to use a
description involving electric
currents rather than just Maxwell stress. In the current description,
the momentum transfer
along magnetic field lines is accomplished by a closed current circuit
consisting of
perpendicular currents ( J )
in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere,
and the two oppositely-directed FACs
( J|) that connect the transverse currents. This current
circuit is shown by
dashed lines in Figure 1. In the top slab, the
B (i.e.,
( B0
/m0) ) force
is balanced by the
force driving the magnetospheric plasma ( F: pressure gradient force,
inertia force, or viscous
force), and
< 0 means that the plasma
energy (thermal energy or
kinetic energy) is
converted to electromagnetic energy. In the bottom slab, the
B force
drives the
ionospheric plasma in the same direction as the magnetospheric plasma
flow, and
> 0 means that the electromagnetic
energy is dissipated in the ionosphere.
Thus the role of FACs is summarized as follows: they transfer
(1) a transverse electric
field ( E), (2) transverse momentum
( B0DB
/m0 per unit area per
time), and
(3) electromagnetic energy ( E
per unit area per unit time). The main
purpose of the
FAC study is to infer the force
F in the magnetosphere from the
observation of
J|. (It is very
difficult to observe in situ
To this end, we must know which two
FACs are coupled in
the sense that they constitute the current circuit in Figure 1.
Practically, the following two
points are important for the interpretation of the data: (1) the
balance of currents flowing
into and away from the ionosphere (since the inflow and the outflow
should be equal if the
two FACs are coupled), and (2) the direction of
(since the
ionospheric coupling current
must flow in the direction
Bearing these points in mind, in
the next two sections
we discuss the three-dimensional current systems under the two IMF
The discussion in this section is based on the
results in paper 1.
We investigated the
By -dependent FAC systems on the dayside using DMSP F6
and F7 data. This
topic has been
investigated by many authors using polar-orbiting satellites
(e.g., [Bythrow et al., 1988] (DMSP F7);
[Erlandson et al., 1988] (Viking);
[Taguchi et al., 1993] (DE 2);
see also the review
Potemra [1994]).
By these authors, a consensus has been established
regarding the
By -dependence of the current polarity and the magnetospheric
regions of FACs: A
longitudinally elongated pair of FACs occurs in the cusp/mantle region
in the midday sector,
and its flow direction changes systematically depending on the IMF
By polarity. (The details
of the
By -dependent
current system will be given below with our refined
model.) In the past
studies, however, the detailed spatial structure of the midday FAC
systems has not been
clarified, because all the models in the past are statistical patterns
assembled from a large
number of satellite observations during different days of various
magnetospheric conditions.
In paper 1, we performed not a statistical but an event-based study to
determine a synoptic
map of dayside FAC systems. We investigated several events of prolonged
disturbance in which quasi-stationary IMF with
|By| 4 nT and
Bz < 0 persisted for more
than one day. This approach enabled us to obtain synoptic maps of
dayside plasma regimes
and FACs.
Figure 2 shows a schematic model showing the relationship between
plasma domains
and FACs (adapted from Figure 7 of paper 1). This picture was drawn
from several synoptic
maps of plasma domains and FACs. (Four cases are presented by combining
the northern and
southern hemisphere maps; for example,
"By < 0 north" means the northern
hemisphere map
for negative
By periods.) We identified five plasma domains:
"inner plasma sheet," "outer
plasma sheet,"
"cusp," "mantle," and "cleft."
The identification scheme is
essentially the same
as that by Newell and his coworkers
[Newell and Meng, 1988;
Newell et al., 1991a, 1991b],
these five plasma domains correspond approximately to their
"central plasma sheet,"
"boundary plasma sheet,"
"cusp," "mantle," and
"low-latitude boundary layer,"
Here we should mention that our cleft is not necessarily the same as
the low-latitude boundary
layer by
Newell et al. [1991b].
We used the criterion for the
"boundary layer" by
Newell and Meng [1988]
in identifying the cleft. Therefore the cleft includes a
region of plasma-sheet-like
somewhat hard precipitation, which we infer is the ionospheric
projection of the inner
part of the flankside low-latitude boundary layer (the stagnation
[e.g., Traver et al., 1991]).
In contrast, the low-latitude boundary layer by
Newell et al. [1991b]
is restricted to a
more magnetosheath-like region.
The FACs that occur in the cusp/mantle region are controlled by IMF By. In the midday sector, the By -dependent current system consists of two current sheets elongated longitudinally. The equatorward current is roughly associated with the cusp precipitation and its location corresponds to the midday part of the region 1 "ring." Here we call it the "midday region 1." The poleward current is roughly associated with the mantle precipitation. Historically, a variety of names have been given to this poleward current. For example, Iijima and Potemra [1976] originally called it the "cusp region" current (simultaneous particle data were not available in those days). In order to avoid confusion, here we call it "region 0." We generally use the term region 0 for the FACs poleward of region 1, even if they are located away from noon. For By < 0 north and for By > 0 south (Figure 2a), the region 0 current flows into the ionosphere, while the midday region 1 current flows away from the ionosphere. For By > 0 north and for By < 0 south (Figure 2b), the flow directions of region 0 and the midday region 1 are totally reversed. In contrast, the flow directions of FACs found in the cleft and the plasma sheet are independent of By. The pair of FACs in the noon sector drives eastward or westward ionospheric convection depending on By. For By < 0 north and for By > 0 south (Figure 2a), the plasma flow at noon is eastward, while it is westward for By > 0 north and for By < 0 south (Figure 2b).
As schematically shown in Figure 2, the spatial distribution pattern of plasma domains for By > 0 north and for By < 0 south (Figure 2b) is essentially the mirror image of that for By < 0 north and for By > 0 south (Figure 2a) with respect to the noon meridian, although in fact minor dawn-dusk asymmetries do exist. In order to treat the four cases synthetically, here we introduce a new terminology. We call the dawnside in Figure 2a and the duskside in Figure 2b the "upstreamside," because they are located upstream of the midday plasma convection. Similarly, we call the duskside in Figure 2a and the dawnside in Figure 2b the "downstreamside." If we use the terms upstreamside and downstreamside, the By -dependent characteristics of plasma regimes are synthetically summarized as follows: (1) The cusp shifts toward the upstreamside. (2) The mantle extends on the downstreamside, while it is absent on the upstreamside. (3) The upstreamside cleft is confined in a narrow region, while the downstreamside cleft occurs in a wide range of magnetic local time (MLT). (4) The upstreamside outer plasma sheet extends poleward or sunward. Of the four plasma regime characteristics, the second and the third are important in the discussion on the FACs below.
As noted in section 2, the imbalance between FACs flowing into
and away from the
ionosphere provides key information to identify the coupling of two
FACs. For southward
Bz periods, FACs flow in approximately east-west-aligned
sheets, which
assures us of the
validity of the infinite current sheet approximation in interpreting
FACs from a single
polar-orbiting satellite. Namely, the FAC density is given by the gradient of
the cross-track
component of the transverse magnetic field disturbance ( DB
and the
intensity of the sheet
current is given by
With this assumption, we investigated the
current imbalance (1)
between region 0 and the midday region 1, and (2) between the
upstreamside cleft region 1
and the downstreamside cleft region 1. Figure 3 shows a schematic
representation of the
results in paper 1 (the satellite view for the
By < 0 north case). The
number of arrows
qualitatively represents the magnitude of the total current.
We first investigated the latitudinal imbalance of the region 0 and midday region 1 currents in the noon sector. We examined the FAC intensity (the latitudinally integrated current density given in A m -1 ) of region 0 and the midday region 1 when DMSP F7 crossed the cusp/mantle region in the north-south direction. Semi-statistical results (Figure 9 of paper 1) showed that (1) for about half of the cusp/mantle crossings, the region 0 intensity was well balanced with the midday region 1 intensity, and (2) for the other half of the cusp/mantle crossings, the region 0 intensity exceeded the midday region 1 intensity. (We never found the cases in which the midday region 1 intensity significantly exceeded the region 0 intensity.) The former fact indicates that the region 0 and midday region 1 currents are coupled in the ionosphere and therefore also in the magnetosphere (see Figure 1). The latter fact, however, implies that the coupling is not perfect and another mode of FACs does exist. It should be remembered here that the region 0 associated with the mantle precipitation is observed in a wide local time range extending toward the downstreamside as shown in Figure 2, while the midday region 1 is found only near noon. Thus we conclude that the total current of region 0 is greater than that of the midday region 1 (see Figure 3). Namely, there exists an extra part of region 0 that is not connected to the midday region 1 in the magnetosphere.
We now need to consider which current the extra part of region 0
is connected to in the
magnetosphere. We then examined the total region 1 current (the
longitudinally integrated
current intensity given in A) associated with the clefts. We found that
the total current of the
downstreamside cleft region 1 always exceeded that of the upstreamside
cleft region 1 (Table 3
of paper 1).
It should be remembered that the upstreamside cleft is
confined in a narrow
region, while the downstreamside cleft is found in a wide range of MLT.
Not only the
current intensity but also its longitudinal scale contributes to the
excess of the downstreamside
cleft region 1. This imbalance in the cleft currents are schematically
shown in Figure 3.
should be noted here that the flow direction of region 0 is opposite to
that of the
downstreamside cleft region 1, while it is the same as that of the
upstreamside cleft region 1.
This indicates that the extra part of region 0 is connected to the
downstreamside cleft region 1
in the magnetosphere. This coupling is consistent with the direction of
the transverse electric
field ( E ).
That is, the coupling current ( J
in the magnetosphere
flows in the dusk-to-dawn
direction (whereas
in dawn-to-dusk).
Thus the balance/imbalance of dayside FACs associated with
regions indicate that there are at least two modes of FAC coupling: One
is the coupling of
region 0 and the midday region 1, and the other is the coupling of
region 0 and the
downstreamside cleft region 1. Figure 4
(adapted from Figure 10
paper 1) depicts the two
coupling modes working for periods of strong
By and southward
Bz. (The
By < 0 north case
is given here.)
Figure 4a shows the coupling of region 0 and the midday
region 1
in the cusp/mantle
region near the Earth ( < 10 RE).
For periods of
By < 0,
the cusp shifts
dawnward in the
northern hemisphere. The magnetosheath plasma enters the cusp from the
dawnside edge and
flows duskward. If the force
( F ) acting on the plasma is directed
duskward (i.e., deceleration
of the plasma flow or a dawnward pressure gradient), which is a
reasonable assumption in
this situation, the duskward momentum is transmitted to the ionosphere
in the form of
Maxwell stress. In the current description,
J in the source region
flows so that
F+ J
B=0 ,
and it generates a pair of FACs (i.e., region 0 and the midday region
1). It is worth
remarking here that the process depicted in Figure 4a does not occur
just after the
reconnection on the dayside magnetopause. The magnetic tension in the
source region should
be dawnward (cf. Figure 1), whereas it is duskward just after the
dayside reconnection.
Figure 4b shows the coupling of region 0 and the downstreamside (duskside for the By< 0 north case) cleft region 1 in the flank of the magnetosphere. In this coupling process, the tailward inertia force would be the source of momentum. If the low-latitude boundary layer is totally closed, the coupling of region 0 and region 1 must occur at the juncture of the high- and low-latitude boundary layers. Such a coupling is questionable, since it is unclear how the Maxwell stress depicted in Figure 1 is maintained on the field lines threading the juncture. However, during southward Bz periods, the low-latitude boundary layer, in particular its outer part, is suggested to be open [e.g., Mitchell et al., 1987]. Therefore the coupling in Figure 4b is quite reasonable if we consider a dynamo on open field lines.
The topic of this section is the FAC systems in the extremely
quiet magnetosphere
associated with very small IMF, or the ground state of the
magnetosphere. The discussion is
based on the results in paper 2. The IMF control of FACs
[e.g., Potemra, 1994]
and plasma
convection patterns
[e.g., Heppner and Maynard, 1987]
in the polar
ionosphere suggests that
the magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause accounts for the
major part of the
solar wind-magnetosphere interaction. According to the anti-parallel
reconnection model, the
momentum transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere is expected
to be minimized
By=Bz=0. Thus, as a continuation
of paper 1 (section 3), this work
was motivated by
the question what FACs remain in the quiet magnetosphere associated
By=Bz=0. To
date, only a few studies have been made on the quiet-time FACs
[Rich and Gussenhoven, 1987;
Hoffman et al., 1988],
although the investigation of the baseline
magnetosphere has
been the focus of much research effort for years (the article by
Gussenhoven [1988]
gives a
good review of the observational aspect). The objective of this study
is to determine the FAC
systems in the baseline magnetosphere associated with very small IMF
and to reveal a basic
mode of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction that is concealed by
IMF changes and
substorm activities in the usual magnetospheric state. We defined the
ground state of the
magnetosphere by the following criterion: (1)
Kp = 0,
|By| 1.5 nT,
and (3)
-0.5 nT
1.5 nT.
Using Magsat or DMSP (F7/F6) satellite data, we
investigated four days (events)
of prolonged ( > 12 h)
geomagnetic quiescence that satisfied the above
criterion. For all the
four events, the total magnitude of the IMF was also very small (mostly
in the range of 2.5-3.5 nT).
As in paper 1, we performed an event-based study for the four
events to determine
synoptic maps of plasma regimes.
Figure 5 shows the observational summary adapted from Figure 9
paper 2. The
figure was drawn from a pair of northern and southern synoptic maps
obtained in one of the
four events, but the various features discussed below were common to
all the four events.
From the precipitating particles, we have identified three plasma
domains: the inner plasma
sheet, the cusp, and the "boundary plasma region (BPR)."
At first we
tried to identify five
plasma domains as in paper 1 (section 3). However, the precipitation
from the mantle, the
cleft, and the outer plasma sheet showed similar characteristics of
energy spectra during the
events examined, and we found it difficult to discriminate these three
plasma domains.
Therefore we treated them as one plasma regime and called it the BPR.
As shown in Figure 5,
the BPR occurs poleward of the inner plasma sheet and encircles the
polar cap. A
noteworthy feature of the BPR in the ground state is that its
latitudinal width is very thin in
the premidnight sector but rather thick on the flanksides, which would
be related to the
magnetotail structure in the ground state. In contrast, the cusp does
exist even during the
ground state and is unambiguously identified near noon embedded in the
The major FAC systems that persist in the ground state are the prenoon and the postnoon region 1, and the prenoon and the postnoon region 0 ( Iijima and Potemra's [1976] cusp region currents). Although the basic pattern by Iijima and Potemra (i.e., region 1, region 2, and the dayside region 0) is still discernible even in the ground state, the well-defined region 1 and region 2 are no longer observed on the flanksides and on the nightside. They are disintegrated into small-scale weak FACs. In addition, there are no significant large-scale FACs in the cusp. Thus the elements of the ground state FACs are the prenoon and the postnoon region 0/region 1 pair. These features are emphasized in Figure 5. Figure 5 does not mean that there are no FACs at other local times than the prenoon and postnoon sectors. Both region 0 and region 1 currents occur on the field lines threading the BPR.
The prenoon and the postnoon region 0/region 1 occur in pairs. From the DMSP F7 observations, we found the following characteristics of the prenoon region 0/region 1 pair at 0900-1000 MLT (Plate 1 and Table 2 of paper 2): (1) The two currents are well approximated by a pair of current sheets elongated longitudinally (see Figure 5). (2) The intensities of region 0 and region 1 are perfectly balanced with each other with a typical value of 140 nT (0.11 A m -1 ). These facts indicate that region 0 and region 1 in the prenoon sector are coupled in the ionosphere via Pedersen currents, meaning that they are also coupled in the magnetosphere (see Figure 1). Although we do not have sufficient data in the postnoon sector, we infer that similar characteristics are also found for the postnoon region 0/region 1 pair. The couplings of region 0 and region 1 in the prenoon and postnoon sectors are suggested to be the fundamental mode of FACs that persists in the magnetospheric ground state.
From the flow directions of region 0 currents, one
may expect the
presence of another
coupling mode - the coupling of the prenoon and the postnoon region 0.
However, this
coupling is denied from the energetics. The overall
observations in
the polar region
indicate that the ionospheric convection in the ground state is
basically the two-cell pattern,
and that on the noon meridian it is weakly antisunward (Figure 3 of
paper 1). That is, the
electric field in the polar cap is still dawn-to-dusk in the ground
state. The antisunward
convection in the polar cap occurs because the region 0 intensity never
exceeds the concurrent
region 1 intensity. This feature of region 0 is contrasted with that of
the NBZ currents
[Iijima et al., 1984]
for strongly northward IMF (region 0 in a broad sense),
which are found to
extend over the noon meridian with the intensity greater than the
region 1 intensity. In the
case of the ground state, if we connect the prenoon and the postnoon
region 0, the
perpendicular coupling currents ( J
) flow dusk-to-dawn in the
ionosphere and dawn-to-dusk
in the magnetosphere. This is inconsistent with the energetics, because
it follows that
E < 0 (a dynamo) in the ionosphere and
E > 0 (a dissipater) in the
magnetosphere. Thus we
cannot connect the prenoon and the postnoon region 0. Instead, the
coupling should occur
between the prenoon region 0 and the prenoon region 1, and between the
postnoon region 0
and the postnoon region 1.
The region 0/region 1 current system is found on field lines
whose magnetospheric
mapping is uncertain. Hence a problem remains as to where in the
magnetosphere the region
0/region 1 coupling occurs. There are three ways of thinking: (1) the
region 0/region 1 pair
is mapped into a closed boundary region such as the low-latitude
boundary layer (Figure 6a);
(2) it is mapped into an open boundary region such as the high-latitude
boundary layer
(Figure 6b); and (3) it is mapped into the juncture of a closed and an
open boundary region
(Figure 6c).
At present we cannot say with certainty which is correct,
but we can comment
some implications.
The third model (Figure 6c) shows dynamos at the juncture of a
closed and an open
boundary region. The problem of this model is its magnetic field
configuration. In actuality,
there exists no flux tube (with a finite cross section) threading the
juncture itself; therefore
this model should be regarded as a dynamo stretching over both the
closed and open regions.
On the closed region side, the coupling current ( J) flows near the
equatorial plane. In
contrast, the coupling current on the open region side would flow in
the region away from
the equator, since the field lines are extending down to the
magnetotail. The Maxwell stress
(i.e., the
B force) should be continuous from the closed region to
the open region. It is
questionable that such a configuration can be materialized by the field
lines threading the
region in the vicinity of the open-closed juncture. We think this model
is unlikely.
The second model (Figure 6b) shows dynamos in an open boundary region. Since open field lines are connected to the solar wind, they are removed to the magnetotail in the end. In order for this dynamo process to work continuously, open magnetic field lines must be supplied by the closed-to-open flux transfer on the dayside magnetopause. Similarly the open-to-closed flux transfer in the magnetotail must occur for the entire magnetospheric system to be stationary. This could be possible if reconnection occurs constantly even during the ground state. However, from the precipitating particle characteristics of the BPR, we think this model is also unlikely. The equatorward half of the BPR (the domain of region 1) always showed cleft-like hard precipitation suggesting a closed boundary region (Plate 1 of paper 2). It is, therefore, unthinkable that the entire region 1 is on open magnetic field lines. The balance of region 0 and region 1 in the ground state implies that almost all the region 1 currents in the prenoon and postnoon sectors must be coupled with the region 0 currents. Accordingly the coupling of region 0 and region 1 on open field lines is not the case for the ground state. It should be remarked here, however, that this coupling is possible for Bz< 0 periods. For southward IMF, the region 1 intensity is much greater than the region 0 intensity. In addition, the outer part of the low-latitude boundary layer is suggested to be open for southward IMF [e.g., Mitchell et al., 1987]. Hence, in contrast to the ground state, it is possible that a part of region 1 is coupled with region 0 on open field lines.
The first model (Figure 6a) shows dynamos in a closed boundary region. This model is consistent with the well-known viscous interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere in the low-latitude boundary layer, and we think the most reasonable model of the three. For southward IMF, it has been suggested that the non-cusp region 1 in the prenoon and postnoon sectors is mapped into the low-latitude boundary layer, while region 0 is projected into the high-latitude boundary layer (mantle). Hence a problem still remains as to why, under this special magnetospheric condition, region 0 is included in the closed region and how the transition occurs. For this problem, the model by Siscoe et al. [1991] is very suggestive. They developed an analytic model that joins the high- and low-latitude boundary layers with the ionosphere by an electric current circuit. Their results show that when the polar cap potential is less than 35 kV, region 0 currents appear within the region of closed magnetic field lines. The transition occurs when the voltage in the high-latitude boundary layer becomes less than the critical value controlled by the voltage in the low-latitude boundary layer.
Finally we would like to mention one important characteristic of
region 1 currents. The
intensity of the dayside region 1 currents in the ground state shows
seasonal variations. The
intensities in the winter hemisphere were significantly smaller than
those in other seasons (see
paper 2), which is the same characteristic found by
Fujii and Iijima [1987].
This manifests
that the region 1 intensity on the dayside is controlled by ionospheric
indicating that the region 1 current is driven by a voltage generator
in the magnetosphere
rather than by a current generator. The cross-polar potential in the
ground state estimated
from the region 1 intensity (140 nT)
was on the order of 10-20 kV (see
paper 2). This
suggests that a voltage generator of
10 kV is always operating in the
dawn and dusk low-latitude
boundary layers. The coupling of region 0 and region 1 in the
ground state
substantiates the existence of the voltage generator in the closed
boundary region.
The dynamical nature of FACs is that they transfer transverse
momentum along
magnetic field lines from one plasma to another, which is easily
pictured in the MHD
description. Thus one important aspect of the FAC study is to infer the
momentum acting on
the source region plasma from the observed FACs. In the electric
current description, the
momentum transfer is interpreted by a closed current circuit connecting
the magnetosphere
and the ionosphere (Figure 1). Therefore the first step of the FAC
study is to identify which
two FACs are coupled. We have applied this idea to dayside large-scale
FAC systems under
two particular IMF conditions: (1)
|By| 4 nT,
Bz < 0, and (2)
1.5 nT,
- 0.5 nT
1.5 nT
Kp=0 ).
The latter concerns the extremely quiet
associated with very small IMF (the ground state of the magnetosphere).
For periods of
By (IMF condition 1), we suggest at least two modes of
FACs are
working. One is the
coupling of region 0 and the midday region 1 in the high-latitude
near-Earth ( < 10
RE ) cusp
(Figure 4a).
The other is the coupling of region 0 and the
downstreamside cleft region 1 in
the flankside magnetospheric boundary layers (Figure 4b). Both modes
are suggested to be
operating on open magnetic field lines. For periods of very small IMF
(IMF condition 2), one
fundamental mode of FACs persists: the coupling of region 0 and region
1 on the flanksides
of the magnetosphere. This coupling is inferred to originate in the
closed low-latitude
boundary layer (Figure 6a), presumably in consequence of the viscous
interaction between the
solar wind and the magnetosphere.
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