J. Chen and T. A. Fritz
Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston
In 1996, a new magnetospheric phenomenon called a cusp energetic particle (CEP) event was discovered by the POLAR spacecraft [Chen et al., 1997a]. The measured ions in the CEP events had energies up to 8 MeV [Chen et al., 1998]. A key question is where do the cusp energetic ions come from?
The cusps, by definition, are near zero magnetic field magnitude and funnel-shaped areas between field lines that map to the dayside and nightside of the magnetopause surface. Theoretically, for perfect shielding, the cusps are focal points for the shielding currents confining the magnetosphere [Chapman and Ferraro, 1931]; for less than perfect shielding, the cusps become open funnels for direct entry of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere [e.g., Crooker, 1979; Crooker et al., 1991; Marklund et al., 1990; Meng, 1982; Newell and Meng, 1987, 1991; Reiff, 1979; Reiff et al., 1977]. In practice, the cusp regions are identified either by minimum local magnetic fields [Farrell and Van Allen, 1990] or by a combination of low magnetic field strength, high plasma intensity, and the presence of broadband plasma wave noise [Chen et al., 1998; Fung et al., 1997].
The POLAR spacecraft was launched, on February 24, 1996, into
1.8 9 RE polar orbit
with an inclination
of 86
o and a period of 18 hours. Over the first year, the spacecraft
sampled high-altitude regions in the north and low altitudes in the south
and had a spin period of about 6 seconds. The Charge and Mass
Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) onboard Polar consists
of two sensors, the Heavy Ion Telescope (HIT) and the Magnetospheric Ion
Composition Sensor (MICS), designed to measure the charge and mass composition
within the geomagnetosphere over the energy range of 1 keV/e to 60 MeV,
to determine the fluxes of various ion species, the ion's incident charge
state, and their relative abundances. In making these measurements
CAMMICE provides important information about
the origins of the energetic particles and the identity of mechanisms by which
these ions are energized and transported from their source populations within
[Chen et al., 1997a, 1998].
The Imaging Proton Sensor (IPS) and the Imaging Electron Sensor (IES)
onboard POLAR were part of the
Comprehensive Energetic Particle and Pitch Angle Distribution
(CEPPAD) Experiment
[Blake et al., 1995]
and were designed to measure
3-dimensional proton and electron angular distributions.
For the IPS the energy range covered was 20 keV to 10 MeV and for IES it
20 keV to 400 keV. Both the CAMMICE
and CEPPAD sensors provide excellent spectral and temporal resolution
with data being sampled every 1/32 of a spin.
The polar orbits of the POLAR spacecraft thus provide an excellent opportunity
to investigate the energetic particles in the cusp regions.
The GEOTAIL spacecraft was launched on July 24, 1992, with a
200 RE orbit and
starting from February 1995, its apogee was reduced to 30
The Energetic Particle and Ion Composition (EPIC) instrument onboard
GEOTAIL was designed to measure ions over the energy range of 8 keV/e
to 6 MeV
[Williams et al., 1994].
These ion data provide important information about the origins of the
cusp energetic particles.
Figure 1 shows an example of a series of CEP events. On August
27, 1996,
at about 0840 UT when the Polar spacecraft was
RE (Earth's radius) from
the Earth at
67o geomagnetic latitude
(MLAT) and
14.7 hours local time (MLT), the POLAR/CAMMICE
detected a large increase of the
intensity of 1-200 keV/e He++ ions (panel 2 from top of Figure 1)
corresponded to large fluctuations and a decrease in the magnitude of the local
geomagnetic field (GMF) measured by the Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE)
[Russell et al., 1995]
on POLAR (panel 3 from top of
Figure 1).
In other words, Figure 1 suggests that the 1-200 keV/e helium
intensity was anticorrelated with the field magnitude.
The period lasted
more than two hours (about 0800-1036 UT).
In panel 2, the four helium peaks,
that were associated with four local minima in the field magnitude and
corresponded to four different regions:
0800-0830 UT,
0830-0912 UT,
0912-1006 UT and
1006-1036 UT, were designated as four individual CEP
The numbers of 1, 2, 3, and 4 within the vertical dashed lines
in panel 2 mark the four different regions in this period.
The most remarkable feature is that there is an unexpected increase
of the 0.52-1.15 MeV and
1.15-1.8 MeV
helium fluxes detected by the HIT sensor
within the event period (bottom two panels of Figure 1).
The four-peak feature in the high latitude dayside cusp was
also found both in
the 20-200 keV electron fluxes
(Figure 2a)
measured by the Imaging Electron
Sensor (IES) and in the 20-500 keV proton fluxes (Figure 2b)
by the Imaging Proton Sensor (IPS)
[Chen et al., 1998].
It is noticed that
the energetic electron intensities were enhanced only by a factor of 10,
while the energetic proton intensities increased by a factor of 200,
indicating a process that distinguished ions from electrons if these
particles were involved with the same
process that was responsible for producing the CEP events.
A total of 75 CEP events were detected during 1996
[Chen et al., 1998].
Figure 3 exhibits the event-averaged
positions of the CEP events in the
magnetosphere with plots of MLT versus MLAT (panel a) and MLAT versus
R/RE (panel b) in polar coordinates
[Chen et al., 1998].
In panel (a), the four dashed circles from
inside to outside indicate the MLAT positions from 80o to 50o,
respectively. In panel (b),
the dashed circles represent the distance of POLAR
from the Earth (in
RE ). Panel (a) reveals that the CEP events
were observed in the dayside. Both panels in Figure 3
also reveal
that the CEP events spanned more than 20 degrees in geomagnetic latitude,
which is different from the expectation of the low altitude cusp where
it is observed to be only about four degrees wide, or less, in latitude
Marklund et al., 1990;
Menietti and Burch, 1988;
Yamauchi et al., 1996],
but is comparable with the high altitude cusp
[Fung et al., 1997;
Haerendel et al., 1978;
Lundin, 1985;
Sandahl et al., 1997;
Zhou et al., 1997].
Two other interesting features are that the CEP events extended more
degrees in latitude in the afternoonside than that in the morningside,
and that there was a 14-MLT peak of the CEP events.
All CEP events were observed at radial distances greater than 7
The helium ion charge state in Figure 1 reveals that compared to He ++ (panel 2), the He + flux (top panel) was negligible. Since solar particles have higher ion charge states than that of ionospheric particles [Gloeckler et al., 1986], the top two panels of Figure 1 suggest a solar source for the helium fluxes in the CEP events. One possible solar source is the solar energetic particle events. Large helium fluxes have been observed in the solar energetic particle events [e.g., Chen et al., 1994, 1995; Hovestadt et al., 1984; Ma Sung et al., 1981; Mason et al., 1983; Webber et al., 1975]. Chen et al. [1997a] have discussed the possibility of the solar energetic particle events as a direct and transient source of the particles in the CEP events, and have ruled it out due to a lack of simultaneous comparable fluxes being observed by the WIND spacecraft. Another possible solar source is the solar wind plasma. Chen and Fritz [1999a, 1999b] have determined the He ++ /H + ratios simultaneously both in the interplanetary medium and near the cusp during the May 4, 1998 geomagnetic storm period and have found that the ratio near the cusp at energy of about 1 keV/e was close to that of solar wind plasma in the interplanetary medium, which suggest that the solar wind plasma is the seed population of the cusp energetic particles.
Figure 4 displays the measured CEP helium energy spectrum (solid
at 0830-0848 UT on
August 27, 1996.
For comparison, a Maxwellian distribution
curve peaked at 1 keV is also plotted in the figure. This Maxwellian curve
represents approximately the thermalized solar wind plasma energy distribution
with a typical energy of 1 keV.
The figure shows three features: (1) The
helium ions in this CEP event have energy
up to 4 MeV/e (or 8 MeV); (2) there
is a spectral break at about 20 keV/e;
and (3) the higher the helium energy,
the larger the difference of the helium energy spectrum from the Maxwellian
distribution. Therefore, if the thermalized solar wind plasma is the seed
population of the particles observed in the CEP events, they should be
energized somewhere near or within the magnetosphere by possible sources
and source regions which will now be discussed.
One possibility is the bow shock that accelerates some low energy
solar wind particles to a higher energy. Previous observations indicated
that at energies larger than 60 keV
the ion fluxes were almost the same
either before the bow shock in the upstream or after the bow shock in the
[Ellison et al., 1990;
Krimigis et al., 1978;
West and Buck, 1976].
Such observations
imply either that the lower energy solar wind ions have been accelerated by
the bow shock to energies larger than 60 keV
and then have been isotropically
scattered into upstream or downstream or that the
> 60 keV ions were
accelerated somewhere other than the bow shock and then passed through it.
Lee [1982]
indicated that the
> 60 keV
ion flux was independent of
distance upstream from the bow shock.
On August 27, 1996 at
0833-0903 UT, POLAR was in the cusp, and GEOTAIL was in
the upstream region from the bow shock and on the dawn side of the Earth.
Figure 5
[Fritz and Chen, 1999a]
compares the
> 60 keV ion flux
observed by the EPIC instrument onboard GEOTAIL to that observed
by the IPS onboard POLAR. This comparison reveals
that the ion flux in the CEP event is higher than that in the upstream region.
On September 18, 1996 at 0915-0945 UT, GEOTAIL was again
in the dawn side upstream region from the bow shock, and
nine days later on
September 27, 1996 at
0400-0430 UT, GEOTAIL was in the downstream
region from the bow shock in the magnetosheath. Figure 6
compares the
ion fluxes observed by the GEOTAIL in the upstream (panel a) and
downstream (panel b) to that observed by the POLAR in the cusp at these
time periods
[Chen and Fritz, 1998].
Again, the ion fluxes in
the CEP event is higher than that in the downstream and upstream.
Another feature in both Figures 5 and 6 is that the shape of the ion energy
spectra in the CEP events is
different from that in either the upstream
or the downstream.
Figure 7 shows a comparison of the
qBn (top panel)
[Trattner et al., 1999]
and the ion fluxes (bottom panel)
[Fritz and Chen, 1999b]
measured by GEOTAIL, where the
qBn is the
angle between the IMF and the shock normal and is determined by tracing
the IMF at GEOTAIL back to the bow shock. While the
qBn shows
large variations from 20
o to 90
o, the ion fluxes at energies
larger than 0.47 MeV are independent of both the
( qBn
< 45
o ) and quasi-perpendicular
( qBn
> 45
o ) bow shocks.
Sarris et al. [1978]
shown that energetic electrons are not produced during the interaction of
the solar wind plasma with the bow shock. The enhancements of the
energetic electron intensities in the CEP events, shown in Figure 2a,
are not expected by bow shock acceleration models. One key prediction of
the bow shock acceleration model was that the ion energy spectra in energy
per charge were species independent
[Lee, 1982;
Lee et al., 1981].
However, POLAR observations indicated that near the cusp the energy spectra
in energy per charge were ion species dependent
[Chen and Fritz, 1999a, 1999b].
Therefore, acceleration at the bow shock alone
cannot explain the
observational results of the energetic particles in the CEP events.
The other possibility for producing the enhanced fluxes in the dayside cusp is the dipolarization process during substorms. The substorm can accelerate low energy geomagnetic tail particles to higher energy as the particles are transported inward on the nightside magnetosphere [e.g., Aggson et al., 1983; Delcourt et al., 1990; Hesse and Birn, 1991; Lezniak and Winckler, 1970; Lopez et al., 1990; Quinn and Southwood, 1982]. Those particles may reach drift paths that are connected to the polar cusp through the Shabansky orbit [Antonova and Shabansky, 1975; Mead, 1964; Shabansky, 1971]. Recently, Delcourt and Sauvaud [1999] showed that such a orbit exists only for a narrow range of radial distances when the charged particles are started from the equatorial plane in the geomagnetic tail around 7.4 RE. At closer distances the particles execute normal drift motion confined to the equatorial plane; at larger distances these particles reach the dusk flank and are lost to the interplanetary medium. The dipolarization process during substorms is difficult to account for the observed cusp ion intensities that were increased by orders of magnitude.
One feature of the Shabansky orbit is that the charged particles
the dawn-dusk plane. There is
another kind of orbit, called a Sheldon orbit,
in which the particles drift on a closed path in the dayside cusp
without crossing the dawn-dusk plane. Figure 8
shows examples of the
Sheldon orbits for 1 MeV electrons at three different locations in a static
cusp geometry
[Sheldon et al., 1998].
The charged particles are shown
mirroring around the minimum magnetic field near the cusp
center, and drifting in closed drift shells around the cusp field line.
It is noticed that the cusp has a locally outward magnetic gradient in
to the typical inward gradient in the radiation belt. In fact, trajectory
calculations indicate that, in a static GMF model, the cusp geometry can
trap the tens of keV to MeV charged particles with bounce
periods of about 0.1-1.1 s and drift periods of about 2-80 s
[Chen et al., 1997b;
Sheldon et al., 1998].
From observations, POLAR measurements reveal that the GMF
in the CEP events is
not static, but very turbulent. Figure 9
is another example of a the CEP event,
which was observed at 7.0-10.1 UT
on September 18, 1996, where the numbers
of 1, 2, 3, and 4 within the vertical dashed lines mark four different time
7.0-7.8 UT, 7.8-8.6 UT, 8.6-9.1 UT, and 9.1-10.1 UT. Each period
corresponds to a helium peak and a local minimum
in the GMF magnitude.
The large increase of the 0.52-1.15 MeV
helium flux (top panel) corresponded
to a large decrease in the magnitude of the local turbulent GMF (bottom panel).
Figure 10
plots the pitch angle distributions of the helium ions in counts per
sample number. The three different regions (1, 2, and 4 shown
in Figure 9)
showed in the three panels of Figure 10.
For a stable trapping distribution,
a peak at 90
o pitch angle is expected; in contrast, for an isotropic
distribution, a fairly straight horizontal line is expected. Figure 10
that the pitch angle distributions of the MeV helium ions in the CEP events
were different from an isotropic distribution and also different from a
stable trapping distribution; most helium ions were detected
within 45
o -135
o pitch angles. In the real geomagnetic field,
the solar wind pressure changes the dipole into quadrupolar, and the solar
plasma injection from the magnetosheath
can create a diamagnetic cavity to form a trapping geometry with two local
maxima of GMF intensities and a local minimum field intensity
in the
[Chen et al., 1997a, 1998].
Such a cusp geometry may explain why the MeV
charged particles can stay in
cusp for hours and why the ion pitch angle distribution was different from an
isotropic distribution.
Figure 10
indicates that the pitch angle distribution in the CEP events
was different from a nominal "peaked at 90
o '' pitch angle distribution
due probably to the large fluctuations of the local field in the cusp,
where the
dB/B was very large. Therefore,
the high-altitude cusp
is probably not a stable trapping region but rather a dynamic trapping
region that can only temporarily confine charged particles
[Chen et al., 1997a].
Figure 9
suggests that the local
turbulent magnetic fields play an important
role in organizing the measured energetic helium intensities.
For further understanding of the quantitative relationship between
the MeV helium flux and the turbulent field, the two time periods
of 8.6-9.1 UT and 9.1-10.1 UT on
September 18, 1996
were chosen as two
extreme cases for turbulent magnetic energy spectral analysis.
The spectral analysis method developed by
Chen [1989]
is used
to determine the power spectra of the local GMF turbulence with two
components (parallel and perpendicular) to the mean field in each time
period. The results are plotted in Figure 11
for fluctuations in the
ultra low frequency (ULF) range of about 0.002 to 3 Hz, corresponding
to periods of about 0.33-500 seconds that cover the
drift-, bounce-, and gyro-periods of the cusp energetic ions
when they are temporarily
confined in the high-altitude dayside cusp.
The solid line is the parallel
component of the spectra, and the dashed line is the perpendicular component.
The top two lines (solid and dash) are for
9.1-10.1 UT (period 4 in Figure 9)
when the largest CEP event on
September 18, 1996
was detected, the bottom two lines
are for 8.6-9.1 UT (period 3 in Figure 9)
when the smallest CEP event
September 18, 1998
was detected. Figure 11 shows that the parallel component of
the power spectrum is larger than the perpendicular component for the
9.1-10.1 UT
period but is almost the same as the perpendicular component for
the 8.6-9.1 UT period. Because the parallel component of the turbulent
magnetic power will generate a perpendicular inductive electric field,
the fact that the parallel component of the turbulent magnetic power is
larger than the perpendicular one implies that the acceleration change of
the charged particles will be larger in the perpendicular direction than
in the parallel one.
Integrating the spectral component parallel to the mean field
over the ULF ranges, one obtains a term that is proportional to the
ULF parallel turbulent magnetic energy. The mirror parameter was
defined as the ratio of the square root of the integration of the parallel
turbulent spectral component over the ULF ranges to the local mean field
[Bieber et al., 1993].
Figure 12
plots the mirror parameter versus the MeV helium fluxes for the four
time periods shown in Figure 9.
A remarkable feature of Figure 12
is that there is a clear correlation
between the cusp MeV helium flux and the
mirror parameter. Since the mirror parameter provides a measure of the
influence of mirroring interactions, the correlation shown in Figure 12
indicates there is a local effect in the cusp.
Similarly, integrating the spectra over the ULF frequency
summing up
two perpendicular and one parallel components, and multiplying the resulting
power by a factor of 2, one obtains a term
that is proportional to the ULF turbulent magnetic energy. The factor of
2 is needed to include the power at negative frequencies. Figure 13
the integrated turbulent power versus the MeV helium fluxes for the four
time periods shown in Figure 9.
Again, a clear correlation of the
cusp MeV helium flux with the ULF turbulent magnetic energy was found.
The ULF turbulent magnetic energy will produce the inductive electric
field to resonately interact with the cusp charged particles,
which is probably the physical mechanism that converts
electromagnetic energy into ion energy.
Further calculations indicate that about 67% of total
magnetic energy is the ULF turbulent energy for the
9.1-10.1 UT period
but only about 0.17% of total magnetic energy is the ULF turbulent energy
for the
8.6-9.1 UT period.
Figure 14 associates the event-averaged counting
rate of the 1-200 keV/e helium with two different local GMF parameters:
(left panel) and
(right panel),
represents event average and
dB = Bi+1 - Bi
from 6 seconds resolution field data
[Chen et al., 1998;
Fritz et al., 1999].
The four open squares are the four events on
August 27, 1996.
event-averaged method was used to reduce the irregular and random fluctuations
and to analyze the statistical properties.
Figure 14
reveals that the 1-200 keV/e
helium intensities were best organized by
(left panel), and
that there was an anti-correlation between 1-200 keV/e helium intensities
and the event-averaged (mean) field (right panel).
The least squares fits give a correlation coefficient of 0.692 for the
left panel and
-0.596 for the right panel in Figure 14.
The magnetic field turbulence, in association with the decreases
magnetic field and increases in helium count rates, may be an indication
of plasma injection from the magnetosheath through high latitude reconnection.
The bottom panel of Figure 9 suggests that a strong
diamagnetic cavity can be produced at high latitude in the
polar cusp. The anti-correlation between 1-200 keV/e
helium intensities and the event-averaged (mean)
field in the right panel of
Figure 14
is consistent with the existence of a diamagnetic cavity.
In Figure 14,
term is proportional to the turbulent magnetic field energy
density, the correlation between
1-200 keV/e helium counting rates and the
in the left panel may be interpreted to mean that the turbulent
magnetic energy density is converted into the helium ion's kinetic energy.
This points to a resonant acceleration mechanism by the inductive electric
field for the cusp helium ions as a strong possibility.
In brief, Figures 11, 12, 13 and 14 present direct observational evidence that the high-altitude dayside cusp is an acceleration region of the magnetosphere.
In addition to the CEP events, POLAR observed velocity-dispersed ions in the
dayside high-
L regions
[Spence and Blake, 1997].
energetic ions (up to 1 MeV)
of unexplained origin were frequently found in the
vicinity of the cusp and the dayside quasi-trapping region with
time-energy-dispersion (TED) signatures
[Fritz et al., 2000].
Figure 15
is an example, which shows three TED signatures at 1800-2040 UT
(about 13.7-13.8 MLT and 75
o invariant latitude)
[Fritz et al., 2000].
When POLAR passed the above region,
the highest energy ions (approaching or exceeding one MeV in
many cases) are seen first regardless of the direction of the satellite.
The TED signature can last from a few minutes to hours. From March 1996
to May 1997, 802 TEDs have been observed
[Karra and Fritz, 1999].
Figure 16
is a histogram showing the frequency of occurrence of 802 TED
signatures as a function of MLT
[Karra and Fritz, 1999].
This figure reveals that most of the TEDs were found at 1200-1500 MLT.
Such a local time distribution is similar to that of the CEP events (see
Panel a of Figure 3).
The other two similarities of the TEDs to the CEPs
are the ion energies (up to MeV) and the event time intervals (minutes
to hours) (see Figure 9).
These three similarities seems to suggest a
relationship between the TEDs and the CEPs. The TEDs most likely represent
the leakage of the energetic particles from the cusp trap due to the decay
of the diamagnetic cavity associated with individual CEP events; the largest
energy ions come out first giving rise to the TED signatures.
As mentioned before, the cusp is connected to the nightside
plane through the Shabansky orbits. While such orbits exist only for
a narrow range of radial distances when the charged particle starts
from the nightside equatorial plane, the converse is not true. If
the charged particles start in the cusp they have almost complete
access to the equatorial plasma sheet and outer magnetosphere.
Figure 17,
as a preliminary attempt, compares the proton fluxes measured
in the two different regions over energy range of 20 eV to 2 MeV. In
Figure 17,
the solid circles represent the proton flux observed by
the Applications Technology Satellite (ATS 6)
[Fritz and Cessna, 1975]
L = 6.6 near the midnight
meridian for equatorially mirroring particles during a substorm period on
July 20, 1974
[Fritz et al., 1977],
and the open
symbols (diamonds, triangles and squares) represent the proton flux from
a combination of POLAR sensors during the CEP event period.
This is the same ATS 6 spectrum that was used by
Spjeldvik and Fritz [1978]
as their source spectrum in their radial diffusion modeling.
The interesting point is that the proton fluxes measured
in the cusp were comparable to those observed at the nightside
geostationary orbit in the inner magnetosphere.
These two examples are very suggestive and reveal a direction for investigating the implications of the CEP events to the charged particles within the magnetosphere. Of course, to reach a correct conclusion more studies and analyses are needed.
The CAMMICE and CEPPAD sensors on board POLAR spacecraft have observed a new magnetospheric phenomenon called a CEP event. The events were detected in the dayside cusp for hours with an individual event lasting for tens of minutes, in which the measured ions had energies up to 8 MeV. All of these events were associated with a dramatic decrease and large fluctuations in the local magnetic field strength. Our principal conclusions are the following:
(1) The energetic electrons have been observed during the CEP event periods. However, the enhancement of the energetic electron fluxes are much less than that of energetic ion fluxes.
(2) Simultaneous observations have indicated that the ion fluxes in the CEP events were higher than that in both upstream and downstream from the bow shock, and the shape of the ion energy spectra in the CEP events is different from that in either the upstream or the downstream. Therefore, bow shock acceleration alone cannot explain the measured ion flux in the CEP events.
(3) The turbulent power of the local magnetic field in the ultra-low frequency (ULF) ranges is correlated with the intensity of the energetic ions. Such ULF ranges correspond to periods of about 0.33-500 seconds that cover the gyroperiods, the bounce periods, and the drift periods of tens of keV to MeV charged particles when they were temporarily confined in the high-altitude dayside cusp.
(4) These observations represent a discovery that the high-altitude dayside cusp is a new acceleration and dynamic trapping region of the magnetosphere.
(5) Energetic ions were also measured in the vicinity of the cusp and the dayside quasi-trapping region with a time-energy-dispersion (TED) signature. Both the TEDs and the CEPs were found to peak around 1400 MLT. Such a similarity seems to suggest a relation between the TEDs and CEPs.
(6) Trajectory calculations indicate that the cusp geometry is connected via gradient and curvature drift of these energized ions to the equatorial plasma sheet as close as the geostationary orbit at local midnight.
(7) The dayside cusp is potentially an important source of magnetospheric particles.
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