1. Introduction

[2]  The paper describes the mathematical foundation of the effective algorithm of calculations of components of electric and magnetic field intensity in the 5-30 kHz range generated by a short antenna located at some altitude d leq 50 km over the Earth surface. The distance to the observational point R gg d and R gg l (where l is the wavelength of the electromagnetic field in the vacuum). The main mechanism of VLF propagation [Budden, 1961a, 1961b; Krasnushkin and Yablochkin, 1963; Makarov et al., 1993; Wait, 1962], at which the field is presented as an expansion in terms of modes (eigenfunctions of the discrete spectrum of the lateral operator) propagating at the shortest way between the corresponding points, is taken into account.

[3]  The receiving antenna is short and may be located at some height da leq 50 km or some depth da < 0, assuming that |da| ll R. The algorithm is based on the path approximation at which possible changes in the waveguide properties along the geodesic line are taken into account, but their possible changes in the lateral direction being neglected.


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