2. Indices of the Global Magnetic Field

[4]  Long-term variations in the large-scale magnetic field at different latitudes can be studied by using synoptic Ha charts. The synoptic Ha charts show the neutral lines of magnetic field polarities. As neutral line tracers, the reference points obtained from optical observations of filaments, channels of filaments, and protuberances are used. Thus, in contrast to magnetographical observations whose spatial resolution constantly increases with modernization of telescopes, the spatial detailing of the areas occupied by the magnetic field of one or another polarity on the Ha charts is limited. At present Ha charts are available for the period from 1887 till now. The length of this series of Ha charts is commensurable with the length of the series of sunspot group positions.

Figure 1
[5]  For the formation of such indices we have used the calculations based on separate synoptic charts. Later on the obtained series were smoothed by a sliding window with the width of 12 rotations.

2.1. Dipole-Octupole Index of the Large-Scale Field A(t)

[6]  The surface magnetic field can be presented as a function of latitude q and longitude j by using the expansion in spherical harmonics. The low modes of the expansion can be used to analyze the global magnetic field. The dipole-octupole index A=m12+m32/3 was proposed by Makarov and Tlatov [1999, 2000a]. The A(t) index demonstrates well pronounced 11-year activity cycles, and there is a phase shift of, on the average, 5-6 years between A(t) and the 11-year curves of Wolf numbers. As can be seen from Figure 1b, the A(t) index cycles are ahead of the cycles of Wolf numbers, W(t). It should be noted that the A(t) parameter includes only the dipole and octupole components of the large-scale background magnetic field, i.e., modes L = 1 and 3. The even modes L = 2, 4 and the higher-order modes have considerably lower intensities. The low-order odd modes of expansion with respect to Ha synoptic charts characterize the configuration of the solar global magnetic field at the activity minimum. The shift of A(t) relative to W(t) of about 5.5 years can be used as an index for prediction of the maximum Wolf number W(t) of solar activity. For example, according to the Gnevyshev-Ol rule, the current sunspot cycle 23 has to be higher than sunspot cycle 22. However, one can see from Figure 1a, the A(23) index for cycle 23 was noticeably lower than the A(22) index for cycle 22. Therefore the index of Wolf numbers W(23) for sunspot cycle 23 was lower than W(22) for cycle 22, which does not agree with the Gnevyshev-Ol rule. At the maximum, the A(t) index for the current cycle 23 was equal to 11.4, and this corresponds to the Wolf number at the activity maximum W(23) of 130 pm 10. This value is consistent with the observational data. The correlation coefficient between maximums of parameters W max and A max is equal to R=0.96. The regression formula can be presented in the form W max = 132 A max - 53. The forecast for May 2006 of the cycle 24 comprised W max = 110pm 10.

2.2. Index of Complexity of Synoptic Charts K(t)

[7]  It is possible to introduce another characteristic of the topological pattern of Ha synoptic charts, i.e., the number of crossings of magnetic neutral lines with the heliographic longitudinal net. In analysis of Ha charts, the series giving the coordinates of crossings of meridians with the neutral lines of the magnetic field are frequently used. The series comprise the coordinates taken in 10o longitudinal intervals for each Carrington rotation. The number of crossings of meridians with the neutral lines of the magnetic field N CRS characterizes the complexity of the topological pattern of the background magnetic field of the Sun and shows characteristic sizes of the unipolar regions. Let us introduce the parameter equal to the inverse number of crossings K = 1/N CRS. During the activity minima, the degree of complexity of H a synoptic charts, and hence the background magnetic field are lower than during the activity maxima. For this reason, the K = 1/N CRS index that depends on the number of crossings of the neutral lines with the meridian net has its maximum during the solar cycle minimum. Figure 1b shows the behavior of the K(t) = 1/N CRS(t) index during the period 1887-2003. This index is compared with the time dependence of annual mean Wolf numbers (lower curve) during the same period.

[8]  Figure 1b demonstrates that the topological K(t) =1/N CRS(t) index has a maximum during the solar activity minimum. Before the high cycles of Wolf numbers W(t) this index is even higher than before the cycles with lower intensity. As can be seen from Figure 1b, K(t) = 1/N CRS(t) is ahead of W(t) by approximately 5.5 years. Therefore the K(t) = 1/N CRS(t) index can be used for the purposes of prediction, like other indices characterizing the topology of the large-scale magnetic field. The correlation coefficient between maximums of parameters W max and K max is equal to R=0.89. The regression formula can be presented in the form W max = 2.47 times 104 K max - 52. The forecast for the cycle 24 by this index comprised W max =130pm 16.

2.3. Area of High-Latitude Unipolar Zones Apz(t)

[9]  During the periods of sunspot activity minima the magnetic fields of solar poles have different polarities. Near the poles there are large unipolar zones on the background of which coronal holes can exist. The area of the high-latitude unipolar zones can be calculated from Ha charts. The area of the polar zones shows the latitudinal variations of the zonal boundary of large-scale magnetic field. Figure 1a shows the index of unipolar zone area Apz at the latitudes higher than 35o expressed in units of area 1016 m2 [Tlatov and Makarov, 4]. The local maxima of the Apz index are seen to occur during the periods of solar activity minima. The largest area of the unipolar zones was observed at the activity minimum before the activity cycle 19. The correlation coefficient between the index smoothed with a window of 1 year and the annual mean Wolf numbers W is R sim 0.93, the Apz index being 5 years ahead. The regression between the Apz index and Wolf numbers can be written in the form W max = 2.72 Apz - 523.9. The amplitude of cycle 24 can be estimated to be about W max =115pm 13.

2.4. Neutral Line Length L(t) as an Activity Index

[10]  There are several morphological characteristics used to describe the solar magnetic field topology. One of them is the total length of magnetic neutral lines l(t) on the Ha synoptic chart which was calculated for the period from 1887 till 2005 in units of the solar radius. It has been shown that the value of l(t) changes in 11-year cycles. The trend it had over 9 cycles increased it by a factor of 1.3 during the period from 1915 till 1999 [Makarov and Tlatov, 2000b].

Figure 2
[11]  To eliminate the trend, a new value, i.e., the index of the background magnetic field activity in the form


was introduced. It demonstrates the 11-year topology of the solar magnetic field (see Figure 2). A comparison with the curve of the Wolf numbers W(t) for this period shows that the L(t) index changes in antiphase to W(t) and is ahead of the 11-year cycles of W(t) by, on the average, 5.5 years. One can see from Figure 1c that the L(t) index increases with increasing of the solar activity during the period 1887-1960 and then sharply decreases before the sunspot activity cycle 20. Though the activity expressed by Wolf numbers slightly increases during cycles 20, 21, and 22, the response of the L(t) index to this increase is weak. Probably it is caused by utilizing for these cycles of the synoptic charts of P. McIntosh created in somewhat different system. The correlation coefficient between maximums of parameters W max and L max is equal to R=0.94. The regression formula can be presented in the form W max = 1.07 times 104 L max + 53. The new L(t) index can be used for the purposes of prediction of the sunspot activity cycles because the maximum L(t) magnitude is observed before the highest sunspot activity cycles.

2.5. Correlation Between Polarities of the Large-Scale Fields of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres shape R(t)

[12]  Synoptic H a charts give information on the sign of the background large-scale magnetic field. The background magnetic field in polar areas has typically the same sign as the polarity of the global dipole magnetic field of the Sun. At middle latitudes, there are fields of different signs, but in the area of equal longitudes the large-scale background fields of the northern and southern hemispheres have the same or opposite polarities.

Figure 3
[13]  It is possible to introduce the value of the average magnetic field polarity P(t) averaged in the latitude interval pm40o and 10o longitudinal interval of the meridian net. The central meridian position in the Carrington coordinates is unequivocally related to the Sun's revolution time. Therefore the obtained series for the northern and southern hemispheres are the functions of time P N(t), P S(t). For these series, the correlation analysis for the period from 1905 till 2003 has been carried out. The correlation R(t) index was calculated by using a spectral window having a width of about one year. Then the window was moved along the series, and the calculations were repeated. It has been found that on the whole the correlation index R(t) is positive. This means that the polarities of the large-scale magnetic fields in the middle-latitude zone (pm40o) of the northern and southern hemispheres have mostly the same signs. The highest correlation was found to take place during the activity minimum. The correlation R(t) index reached maximum values during the activity minimum prior to the high-intensity sunspot cycles [Tlatov and Makarov, 4]. This phenomenon is also well pronounced for the centennial cycle. The maximum in the R(t) index is observed before the most intense 19 cycle of solar activity (Figure 3).


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