6. Conclusions

[31]  Thus the solution of the problem on the reflection of VLF radio waves from the ionosphere at the presence of IGW independently of the shape of the impedance disturbance leads to the following effects.

[32]  Spatial-time variations in the amplitude and phase of the radio wave reflected from the disturbed boundary are determined by the similar characteristics of IGW. At the above indicated values of the parameters (see sections 4 and 5), the strongest changes in the value | P/P0 | occur for the periodic IGW and reach 0.15 (under h = 90 km, lg = 300 km, and a = 0.3 ).

[33]  At changes in the value of the relative deviation of the electron concentration within dsim 0.1 div 0.25 under the action of IGW at a typical frequency W = 7.2 times 10-3 Hz, the corresponding variations in the values of | P/P0| are ~ 0.05, ..., 0.15.

[34]  It is worth noting that the applied method not only is applicable to the media models used in the calculations but may be further generalized to the case of a waveguide propagation of radio waves. Unlike in the approaches used earlier, this approach makes it possible to estimate also the influence of stronger disturbances with amplitudes of the same order of magnitude as the background value of the regular dielectric permeability of the boundary. In the future, this method may be applied to an evaluation of the Doppler effect under the reflection of radio waves from the impedance boundary.


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