5. Influence of IGW of a Soliton Type on the VLF Range Radio Wave Propagation

[25]  In this section we will study the influence of the soliton-type IGW on the electromagnetic field in the observational point. Let h (x)=h0 +h1 (x), where all terms are purely real, h0 is a regular component, and the disturbance h1 (x) is written in the form


Here x0 = V0 t is the geometric center of the soliton, V0 is the velocity of its motion, and the horizontal scale lg determining its width is considerably larger than the waveguide height h. The conformal transformation x (u) is determined by the impedance of the boundary


where the factor a determines the amplitude of perturbation. Then


(we should remind that u = x + i z ). In the lower medium, in the region 0 leq z leq h, the function b(x,z)=| x'(u)| is written in the following form:


In the same way as in section 4, the field of the wave reflected from the ionosphere is taken as a product of the undisturbed solution P0 to the cofactor P(x) / P0(x).

Figure 6
[26]  Figure 6 shows the results of the numerical calculations for the dependence of |P/P0| on the horizontal distance x under the following values of the parameters: the horizontal scale of the irregularity lg = 500 km, time t =1 s, and the distance of the geometric center of the disturbance from the zero coordinate (where the source is located) x0 = 1500 km. The vertical distance of the observational point to the boundary is 90 km. The regular value of impedance of the boundary h0 =0.6 i. Curves 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the relative amplitudes a = 0.2, a = 0.3, and a = 0.4, respectively.

Figure 7
[27]  Figure 7 shows the dependence of the function |P/P0 | on the distance x under x0 = 1500 km, t =1 s, h0 = 0.6 i, a = 0.4, and h = 90 km. The typical scales of the soliton are lg = 400 km, lg = 500 km, and lg = 600 km for graphs 1, 2, and 3, respectively. With an increase of the soliton scale, the variations in the values of | P/P0| decrease, this fact being caused by the decrease in the impedance variations within the zone important for the reflection.

Figure 8
[28]  Figure 8 shows the dependence of |P/P0| on the distance x0 to the center of the irregularity under h0 = 0.6 i, lg = 400 km, h = 90 km, and the coordinate of the observational point x = 850 km. In the same way as in Figure 3, here curves 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the relative amplitude a = 0.2, a = 0,3, and a = 0.4, respectively. At such mutual position of the observational point x and the irregularity center x0 that x sim 2 x0, the field at the observational point is by the modulus close to the undisturbed value. It is explained by the fact that in this case the ray arriving to the observational point is reflected from the region in the vicinity of the disturbance center where the properties of the boundary become quasi-regular. Under the introduced conditions, the relative dielectric permeability of the ionosphere is negative.

[29]  The performed simulations correspond to the case of purely imaginary impedance h (x)= i|h (x)| of the upper boundary z=h. Because of this the reflection coefficient V =( sin qs - h)/( sin qs + h) is by its modulus equal to unity. Therefore the corresponding values of |P/P0| should tend to unity, the fact seen in the figures (see Figures 6 and 8).

Figure 9
[30]  Bezrodny et al. [1984] for the VLF range ( f leq 20 kHz) suggested similar model with the real impedance which for the frequency f=104 Hz has the value h0 =0.5. The results of simulations for this case that take into account the influence of soliton are presented in Figure 9 for the following parameters lg =400 km, h=90 km, a =0.2 (curve 1), a =0.3 (curve 2), a =0.4 (curve 3).


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