4. Analysis of the Influence of Periodical IGW on Propagation of Radio Waves of the VLF Range

[18]  We find the expression for the Hertz potential P for the case of reflection of the VLF radio waves from a horizontally irregular ionosphere.

[19]  We assume that the modulation of the impedance h(x) is caused by IGW propagating in the horizontal direction and having a wavelength lg. It is known that the presence of IGW may lead not only to spatial, but to time variations in the medium parameters as well with the frequency W which is determined from the dispersion equation


where wg = (g/H)1/2, kg = 2p/lg, g is the gravity acceleration, and H is the ionospheric scale height. For the accepted in the estimations typical values lg = 500 km, g = 9.8 m s -2, and H = 10 km, from relation (15) we find Wapprox 7.2 times 10-3 Hz. That corresponds to the period T = 2 p/Wapprox 14 min. Since the frequency W is very small as compared to the frequencies of electromagnetic waves of the VLF range, one may with a high degree of accuracy neglect in the performed calculations the time variations of h while determining the amplitude and the phase of the radio waves reflected from the lower ionosphere.

[20]  In the considered case, the dielectric permeability of the lower ionosphere region is real and may be written in the form e (x) = e(0) + e1(x), where e(0) = const is the regular component, e1(x) = a cos (kg x - f0) is the disturbance caused by IGW, and the phase f0 is independent of x.

[21]  The perturbations of impedance can be presented in the form h (x)=h0 + h1 (x), where h0 = const is a regular part and h1 (x)= a1 cos (kgx-f0 ) is a perturbation caused by the IGW. The phase f0 does not depend on x. According to the proposed method of the problem solution, we perform a conformal transformation x(u) (its form is determined by the profile of the impedance h(x) = 1/(e (x))1/2 under fixed time t ). Then with the accuracy to the terms sim (a2/2) ll 1, we obtain


where u = x + i z and the coefficients B1,2 = ((1 + a)1/2 pm (1 - a)1/2)/2 (here a = - a/e0 ) are such that at z = h the relation b(x,h) = |x'(u)| = (1 + a cos (kg x - f0))1/2 is true. Therefore the obtained conformal transformation x (u) corresponds to the impedance h (x) = h0(1+a cos (kgx-f0))1/2 which under condition a2/8 ll 1 can be approximately presented in the form h (x)approx h0 (1+(a/2) cos (kg x-f0). From here it follows that a1 =a/2. Finally, we find the field of the wave reflected from the ionosphere in the form of a product of the undisturbed solution P0 and the multiplier P(x)/P0(x) which takes into account the influence of the disturbance e1(x). Here P0= (J0/e0 i w ) H0(2)(k0(x2 + (2h)2)1/2) is the Hertz potential corresponding to the field of the reflected wave at the absence of the boundary disturbance ( e1 =0 ). Calculating N(x,z) in formulae (10) and (13) we assume that in the lower medium in the 0



Formula (13) corresponds to the impedance depending on only the horizontal coordinate x. Actually, the derived relations may be used also in the case when the impedance modulation occurs also in time, if the corresponding frequency of the changes is much less than the frequency of the electromagnetic wave. To do that, one should substitute the constant phase f0 to f0 = Wt where W is the IGW frequency.

Figure 3
[22]  On the basis of the obtained results (see (13) and (14)), numerical calculations were performed for the relation | P/P0 | of the module of the Hertz potentials in the disturbed and undisturbed cases. Figure 3 shows the dependencies of |P/P0| on time at various values h = 70, 80, and 90 km (curves 1, 2, and 3, respectively) for the fixed distance x=950 km from the source to the observational point. Here the normalized amplitude of the disturbance in the dielectric permeability and the IGW wavelength are a = 0.3 and lg = 400 km, respectively. It follows from the data analysis that the time period of the disturbance in the observational point coincides with the IGW period. The amplitude of the variations of |P/P0| increases with an increase of the vertical distance h from the observational point to the inhomogeneous boundary.

Figure 4
[23]  Figure 4 shows similar curves under the following values of the parameters: lg = 400 km and h=90 km for various values of the normalized amplitude of the disturbance in the dielectric permeability a : a =0.1, a =0.2, 0.3 (curves 1, 2, and 3, respectively). These values of the a parameter correspond to changes in the value of the relative deviation of the electron concentration DN/ N0 under the action of IGW within the limits dsim 0.1 div 0.25. The disturbed field variations appear to be proportional to the disturbance amplitude, whereas the values of | P/P0| decrease with an increase of a .

Figure 5
[24]  Figure 5 shows the dependencies of |P/P0| on time for various IGW wavelengths under a =0.3 and h=90 km. Curves 1, 2, and 3 correspond to lg = 300 km, lg = 400 km, and lg = 800 km, respectively. The time period of the | P/P0| function decreases with a decrease of the wavelength, this fact being confirmed also by formula (15) under the taken values of the parameters.


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