2. Formulation of the Problem

Figure 1
[4]  We consider an infinite threadlike source of the current with the density j:


located parallel with the Oy axis (see Figure 1). Here J0 is the source amplitude. We assume that the source of electromagnetic waves (1) is located in the lower vacuum semispace z leq h limited from above by a plain boundary z = h with the one-dimensionally inhomogeneous impedance h(x) = h0 + h1(x) normalized to (m0/ e0)1/2 and modeling the presence of an internal gravity wave at the ionosphere lower boundary. Here Re (h(x)) geq 0, h0 = const, and max(|h1|) < |h0|. The horizontal scale lg of the irregularity we assume to be much larger than the wavelength l. Therefore we neglect the depolarization [see Al'pert et al., 1953].

[5]  The vertical component of the Hertz vector P (which can be used to express all the components of the electromagnetic field) satisfies the wave equation


with the boundary condition


and also the radiation condition. Here Dx,z is the two-dimensional Laplace operator in the Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z), and the right-hand side of equation (2) is written in the form



below we will omit the time multiplier ei wt.


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