3. Results

3.1. Internal Heating

[20]  For the cases of internal heating, we varied Pm and assumed h=0.6, Ri=3000, Re=-6000, t=10, P=1, and m0=5. As can be seen from checking computations with m0=1 (not presented here), removing the artificially imposed fivefold azimuthal symmetry does not substantially modify the character of the convection pattern. The quadratic term was present in the temperature dependence of density, with a control parameter of epsilon=0.005.

Figure 2
[21]  The distributions of the temperature TS(r) and its gradient d TS/d r for the corresponding static-equilibrium state are shown in Figure 2. Obviously, the outer part of the shell is convectively unstable and the inner part is stable.

Figure 3
3.1.1. Case of Pm =30.
[22] At this Pm value, the computations covered a time interval of about 100 in units of the time of thermal diffusion across the shell. Over most part of this period, a very stable pattern of convection cells with a dodecahedral symmetry can be observed (Figure 3, top). These cells have a normal appearance typical of cellular convection, without substantial distortions due to the rotation of the shell. The entire pattern drifts in the retrograde direction, in agreement with theoretical predictions [Busse, 2004].

Figure 4
[23]  The axisymmetric component of the azimuthal velocity (Figure 4) in a well-established flow pattern is nearly symmetric with respect to the equatorial plane. Specifically, a prograde rotation of the equatorial zone (in the frame of reference rotating together with the entire body) is present along with a retrograde rotation of the midlatitudes, and pairs of "secondary" prograde- and retrograde-rotation zones can also be noted in the polar regions. In a nonrotating frame of reference, the equatorial zone rotates more rapidly and the midlatitudinal zones more slowly than the shell as a whole does. Three pairs of meridional-circulation vortices fill the entire meridional section of the shell, from one pole to another.

[24]  The pattern of magnetic field is less regular than the pattern of flow (Figure 3, middle and bottom). Some remarkable features or the simulated dynamo process can be summarized as follows.

[25]  First, local magnetic structures associated with convection cells emerge repeatedly as compact magnetic regions (see Figure 3). In their subsequent evolution, these regions change their configuration and finally dissipate into much weaker remnant fields.

Figure 5
[26]  Second, the dipolar component of the global magnetic field exhibits polarity reversals (see Figure 5 for a graph of the amplitude of the dipole component, H10(t); wherever the r variable as an argument of H10 is omitted, we mean H10(ri+0.5,t) ). The background fields, remnants of the decaying local magnetic structures, drift toward the poles and "expel" the "old" background fields present in the polar regions. As a result, the old magnetic polarity is replaced with the new one due to the poleward drift of the latter. The polarity reversals of the global magnetic field can also be seen from the variation in the amplitude of the dipolar harmonic of the poloidal field, H10(t) (Figure 5). The two maps of the magnetic field shown in Figure 3 correspond to two situations in which the global magnetic dipole has opposite orientations (the polarity reversal between these two times corresponds to the rightmost intersection of the curve in Figure 5 with the horizontal zero line).

Figure 6
[27]  Third, an interesting intermittent behavior is exhibited by the magnetic energy of the system. Let us compare the full energy and two particular fractions of the energy associated with the magnetic field component that has a dipolar-type symmetry (i.e., is antisymmetric with respect to the equatorial plane). Specifically, we are interested in the behavior of the energy of the axisymmetric and the nonaxisymmetric part of this component. The axisymmetric part is represented by the spherical harmonics with l odd and m=0 (see (12)), and the nonaxisymmetric part by other harmonics with l+m odd. As can be seen from Figure 6 (in which the total energy and its particular fractions are divided by the volume of the shell), the main peaks in the graph of the total energy are alternately associated with increases in the energies of the axisymmetric and the nonaxisymmetric part of the component with a dipolar symmetry. In particular, the peak located near t=42 is fed by the symmetric field; near t=55, by the asymmetric field; near t=68, by both but with some predominance of the symmetric part; and near t=78, again by the asymmetric part.

3.1.2. Same case of Pm=30 but with special initial conditions.
[28] In our attempts to find conditions for the realization of magnetic field dynamics similar to the generally imagined pattern of a hypothetical dynamo process with differential rotation as its essential part (known since the qualitative model suggested by Babcock [1961] and Leighton [1964, 1969]), we made an additional computational run. We specified all parameters to be the same as in the case described above. However, the initial conditions were chosen in such a way that, initially, the system would more likely find itself within the attraction basin of the expected dynamo regime in state space. To this end, we superposed the nonaxisymmetric components of the velocity field and magnetic field obtained in the above described run onto a pattern of differential rotation with the equatorial belt accelerated compared to higher latitudes and with an appropriate distribution of the axisymmetric azimuthal magnetic field that has different signs on the two sides of the equator.

[29]  The computations have demonstrated that the system nevertheless approaches virtually the same regime that was observed without using such special initial conditions. Thus a closer similarity between the numerical solution and the properties of the hypothetical dynamos of the Babcock-Leighton type does not seem to be achievable in the framework of this very simple model.

Figure 7
3.1.3. Case of Pm=200.
[30] As the magnetic Prandtl number Pm is varied (under otherwise fixed conditions), the convection pattern varies little over a fairly wide Pm range. However, the greater this parameter, the higher the mean strength of the magnetic field (and, accordingly, the total magnetic energy). The kinetic energy of convection decreases with the increase of Pm and convection becomes more sensitive to time variations in the magnetic field. The increase of Pm is also manifest in the fact that local magnetic fields become more patchy and less ordered. Individual areas filled with the magnetic field of a given sign are smaller in size and more numerous, and bipolar structures are not so well pronounced (see Figure 7, which refers to Pm=200 ). As in the case of Pm=30, we can observe the penetration of background fields into the polar regions and sign reversals of the polar background fields.

Figure 8
[31]  Our computations for Pm=200 cover a time interval almost five times as long as for Pm=30 (Figure 8). The two velocity maps and two magnetic field maps shown in Figure 7 nearly correspond to the times of one negative and one positive extremum of the amplitude H10(t) (see Figure 8). It is remarkable that the polar background fields have different polarities at these two times. At t=200.0, the background magnetic field is negative in the "northern" and positive in the "southern" polar region; an opposite situation takes place at t=327.2. The H10(t) curve demonstrates numerous sign reversals, although fine details of this dependence only reflect the irregular, fluctuational aspect of the process. It is nevertheless clear that, even if we smooth this curve, it will exhibit quite pronounced cyclic, although nonperiodic, polarity reversals of the dipolar component of the "general" magnetic field.

[32]  It should be noted that the distribution of the axisymmetric component of the azimuthal velocity (the pattern of differential rotation, not shown here) in this case is much more complex and variable than at Pm=30. This effect also can be due to the stronger influence of the magnetic field on the fluid motion.

3.1.4. Internal heating without a Q2 term (nonmagnetic case).
[33] To form an idea of the role played by the quadratic term in the r(T) dependence, we computed a purely hydrodynamic (with B=0 ) scenario under conditions that differed from the conditions of the above described simulation by the absence of the Q2 term ( epsilon=0 ) and by the Coriolis number ( t=1 ); in addition, we assumed m0=1 in this case.

Figure 9
[34]  The principal result of these computations is the finding that, in the absence of the quadratic term, convection unaffected by the magnetic field forms patterns of well-localized, three-dimensional cells, which typically appear as shown in Figure 9. A downwelling is observed in the center of each cell, in contrast to the above described cases, in which central upwellings typically developed. The issue of the direction of circulation in a convection cell is a fairly subtle matter (see, e.g., Getling [1998] for a survey of some situations related to convection in horizontal layers), so that agreement or disagreement between our model and any really observed pattern can in no way be an indication for the factors responsible for the observed direction of convective motions. Our primary interest in the cases where an upwelling is present in the central part of a cell is merely dictated by our intention of constructing a dynamo model reproducing the solar phenomena as closely as possible.

3.2. Heating "From Outside" (Through the Inner Surface)

[35]  In addition, we undertook a search for regimes in which convection preserves its "three-dimensional" structure in the absence of internal heat sources. In other words, some computations were done at Ri=0. The quadratic term was also missing from the temperature dependence of density ( epsilon = 0 ) in these runs.

[36]  Note that, in the limiting case of a nonrotating shell, convection cells are not stretched in any direction. Therefore, a cellular pattern of convective motion can obviously be maintained even without such favorable factors as a specific form of stratification and a quadratic term, but at smaller rotational velocities.

[37]  In shells without internal heat sources ( q=0 ), convection regimes similar to those observed at q 0 should be expected, under otherwise identical conditions, at smaller h. This is because a stratification similar to that shown in Figure 2 confines the development of convective motion to the outer part of the shell.

Figure 10
[38]  We illustrate here the case of q=0 only by a tentative computational run for convection without a magnetic field, at h=0.9, P=1, t=0.1, Re = 5000, and m0=2 (see Figure 10 for a velocity field typical of this case). Although the convection pattern is complex in this case, a tendency toward the formation of meridionally elongated cells can nevertheless be noted.

[39]  Computations with the magnetic field included (e.g., for h=0.8, P=1, Re=5000, t=0.1, Pm=5 ) demonstrate the development of magnetic features with a very small spatial scale, close to the resolution limit of the computational scheme. This is a signature for an insufficient spatial resolution, so that the simulation results are not quite reliable.

[40]  The qualitative aspects of the results suggest that the Coriolis number proves again to be insufficiently small for the stability of "three-dimensional" convection cells, and the cells ultimately become substantially stretched, although not in a strictly meridional direction.

[41]  On the whole, the last two scenarios of flow and magnetic field evolution indicate that regimes of "cellular" dynamo in a shell without internal heating and without a quadratic term in the r(T) dependence should be sought in the range of smaller W (and t ).


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