2. Formulation of the Problem and Numerical Technique

Figure 1
[11]  In order to model the process of magnetic field generation in a stellar convection zone, we consider a spherical shell of thickness d = ro - ri (where ro and ri are the outer and inner radii of the shell), full of electrically conducting fluid and rotating with a constant angular velocity W about a fixed axis ez, as shown in Figure 1.

[12]  We follow the standard formulation used in earlier work by Tilgner and Busse [1997], Busse et al. [1998], Grote et al. [1999, 2000], Busse [2002], and Simitev and Busse [2002, 2005], but we assume a more general form of the static temperature distribution,




where the radial coordinate r is measured in units of d, c is the thermal diffusivity, cp is the specific heat at constant pressure, q is the mass density of uniformly distributed heat sources, hequiv ri/ro is the inner-to-outer radius ratio of the shell, and T0 is a constant. The quantity DT is related to the difference between the constant temperatures of the inner and outer spherical boundaries, Ti and To, as


and reduces to Ti - To in the case of q=0 (also dealt with in some simulations). The shell is self-gravitating, and the gravitational acceleration averaged over a spherical surface r = const can be written as g = - (gd) r, where r is the position vector with respect to the center of the sphere; as specified above, its length r is measured in units of d. In addition to d, the time d2 / n, the temperature n2 / gad4 (where a is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion), and the magnetic induction nmr )1/2 /d are used as scales for the dimensionless description of the problem; here, n denotes the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, r is its density, and m is its magnetic permeability (we set m=1 ).

[13]  We use the Boussinesq approximation in that we assume r to be constant except in the gravity term, where, in addition to the standard linear dependence r(T) (according to which r-1(dr/dT) = -a = const ), we introduce a small quadratic term in most cases. Once a cellular pattern has developed, the presence of this term and of the volumetric heat sources should not radically modify the properties of the dynamo; however, both these factors favor the development of polygonal convection cells [Busse, 2004] similar to the cells observed on the Sun, rather than meridionally stretched, banana-like convection rolls. Without these essential modifications, polygonal cells could only be obtained at much smaller rotational velocities; in this case, the process would develop very slowly, and the computations would be extremely time consuming.

[14]  Thus the equations of motion for the velocity vector u, the heat equation for the deviation Q from the static temperature distribution, and the equation of induction for the magnetic field B are








where p is an effective pressure.

[15]  Six nondimensional physical parameters of the problem appear in our formulation. The Rayleigh numbers measure the energy input into the system,


and are associated with the internally distributed heat sources q and the externally specified temperature difference Ti - To (see equation (2)), respectively. The Coriolis number t, the Prandtl number P, and the magnetic Prandtl number Pm describe ratios between various timescales in the system,


nm is the magnetic viscosity, or magnetic diffusivity). Finally, epsilon is the small constant that specifies the magnitude of the quadratic term in the temperature dependence of density (see equation (3b)).

[16]  Since the velocity field u and the magnetic induction B are solenoidal vector fields, the general representation in terms of poloidal and toroidal components can be used,



By taking the (curl)2 and the curl of the Navier-Stokes equation (3b) in the rotating system by r, we obtain two equations for v and w,





where j denotes the azimuthal angle ("longitude") in the spherical system of coordinates r, q, j, and the operators L2 and Q are defined by



The heat equation (3b) can be rewritten in the form



Equations for h and g can be obtained multiplying the equation of magnetic induction (3e) and its curl by r,



[17]  We assume stress-free boundaries with fixed temperatures,


For the magnetic field, we use electrically insulating boundaries such that the poloidal function h must be matched to the function h( e) that describes the potential fields outside the fluid shell


[18]  The numerical integration of equations (7)-(11) proceeds with a pseudospectral method developed by Tilgner and Busse [1997] and Tilgner [1999], which is based on an expansion of all dependent variables in spherical harmonics for the q and j dependences; in particular, for the magnetic scalars,



(with truncating the series at an appropriate maximum  l ), where Plm denotes the associated Legendre functions. For the r dependences, truncated expansions in Chebyshev polynomials are used. The equations are time stepped by treating all nonlinear terms explicitly with a second-order Adams-Bashforth scheme whereas all linear terms are included in an implicit Crank-Nicolson step.

[19]  For the computations to be reported here, a minimum of 33 collocation points in the radial direction and spherical harmonics up to the order 96 have been used. In addition to the geometric parameter h and the above mentioned physical parameters, we specified a computational parameter, namely, the fundamental (lowest nonzero) azimuthal number m0. Thus only the following azimuthal harmonics were really considered:


In other words, we imposed an m0 -fold symmetry in the j direction. If m0 1, this reduces the computation time.


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