5. Efficiency of the Waveguide Excitation: Numerical Results and Interpretations

[22]  The efficiency parameters of the waveguide excitation will be defined as



where Erieq and Erier are the radial components of the electric field excited on the surface of the ground by the ionospheric electric dipoles oriented along the unit vector eq and radial, respectively. Similar values for magnetic dipoles are designated as Erimq and Erimr. The field components in expressions (40) and (41) were calculated by the method described by Rybachek [1995] and Rybachek et al. [1997a, 1997b], and in the scope of the problem in question may be computed with any given accuracy. The values of Re and Rm which in this sense may be called "accurate," as well as the approximate expressions for the efficiency parameters e (38) and m (39), following from (36) and (37), characterize the efficiency of excitation of the waveguide by horizontal and radial dipoles located in the ionosphere.

[23]  The region where approximate expressions (38) and (39) are valid, is roughly described by inequalities (22) and (27). One can obtain more exact estimation introducing the relative errors



[24]  In the case if the waveguide is a regular one on the coordinate q the daytime and nighttime models of the electron concentration N(H) [Prikner, 1980] and effective collision frequency of electron with neutral particles and ions ne(H) [Fatkullin et al., 1981] were used for the calculations. The electrical properties of the ground correspond to the seawater (the specific conductivity is 4 mho m -1 ). The calculations were performed for the frequencies of 0.5-5 kHz, the distance from the projection of the emitter onto the ground surface to the ground-based receiver of 500 km, the emitter location heights from 50 to 500 km, and latitudes I=10-80o.

Figure 1
Figure 2
[25]  The frequency dependencies of the efficiency parameter Rm (41) for various heights H of emitter location for the daytime and nighttime propagation conditions are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively ( I=36o ). It follows from Figures 1 and 2 that at the heights of 100-500 km in the daytime and 200-500 km at night, the horizontal magnetic dipole is more effective than the vertical one (Rm>1). Calculations show that for the heights of 50-60 km in the daytime and 50-80 km at night, Rm may be less than unity. In the daytime in the frequency range 2-3 kHz and at night at frequencies below 2 kHz, a nonmonotonic dependency Rm(f) is observed. This is due to the presence of the so-called waveguide minima in the frequency dependencies of the field component modules. The position of the minima depends on the state of the ionosphere (day, night) and is different for different components of the fields. The efficiency parameter reaches the highest value Rm simeq 180 in the daytime at a frequency of 0.5 kHz and Rm simeq 250 at night at a frequency of f simeq 1.5 kHz (at the source height of 300 km).

Figure 3
Figure 4
[26]  Now we consider possibilities of using the approximate formula (39). For this purpose we calculated the frequency dependencies of the relative errors em (43) for the daytime (Figure 3) and night (Figure 4). In the daytime at heights of 100-500 km, formula (39) is the most accurate at frequencies of 0.5-2 kHz (here em<2% ). At night, the use of approximation (39) is reasonable at the heights of 200-500 km and the same as for the daytime frequencies. That gives em<10%.

Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
[27]  The dependencies of the efficiency parameter Rm on the height of the emitter locations ( H=50-500 km) for various latitudes I and a frequency of 0.5 kHz are shown in Figures 5 and 6 for the daytime and nighttime conditions, respectively. The ratio Rm reaches a maximum at all latitudes at H simeq 250 and H simeq 300 km in the daytime and at night, respectively. The ratio Rm takes the peak values of 350-370 at a latitude I=10o . The corresponding daytime and nighttime dependencies of the relative error em (43) on H for I=60o are shown in Figure 7. In the daytime at Hgeq 100 km and at night at Hgeq 250 km, the values of em do not exceed 1%. The calculations show that for all considered latitudes in the daytime under Hgeq 100 km, em does not exceed 2%. At night under Hgeq 250 km, the values of em do not exceed 2%, whereas under Hgeq 200 km, emleq 12%. This fact makes it possible to use for interpretation of the results presented in Figures 5 and 6 approximate formula (39). According to this formula, the form of the Rm(H) dependencies is determined by the features of the N(H) profiles having a maximum at Hsimeq 250 km in the daytime and two maxima at Hsimeq 100 and 300 km at night.

Figure 8
Figure 9
[28]  The calculated by exact formulae dependences of the efficiency parameter Re (40) on latitude I for the daytime and nighttime ionosphere, at a frequency of 0.5 kHz and altitudes of 100-500 km are described by the same curve in Figure 8. It follows from Figure 8 that at latitudes I > 25o the horizontal electric dipole is more effective than the radial dipole, and the ratio Resimeq 11.5 at a latitude of 80o. The latitudinal dependencies of the relative errors ee (42) for altitudes of 100 and 500 km are shown in Figure 9 (solid lines correspond to the daytime values). In the daytime for all considered latitudes and emitter heights, it is valid: ee<0.2%. At night we have the same result for H=500 km, whereas for H=100 km at all latitudes ee<1.2%. Such small errors make it possible to use for interpretation of the results presented in Figure 8 approximate formula (38). According to this formula, the values of the efficiency parameters are determined only by the geomagnetic field, so we have one curve in Figure 8. This result qualitatively is true at an increase of the frequency in the considered range. The calculations show that in this case for the daytime and nighttime midlatitude ionosphere and dipole location heights of 200-500 km, ee<5%.

Figure 10
[29]  Similar results of calculations for an irregular waveguide are presented in Figure 10 in the form of the diurnal variations of the Rm parameter for a frequency of 0.5 kHz and the path with the emitter and receiver coordinates 30o N, 30o E and 60o N, 30o E, respectively. The data are obtained with the help of the algorithm [Rybachek et al., 1997a, 1997b] taking into account the geomagnetic and geographic coordinates, solar zenith angle, azimuth, and local time. The path was approximated by seven regular parts. The N(H) and ne(H) profiles from Rawer et al. [1978] and COSPAR [1990] and Fatkullin et al. [1981], respectively, were used in the calculations. It follows from Figure 10 that at the location of the transmitter at a height of 200 km, the daytime values of Rm t=12 h) exceed considerably the nighttime values ( t=1 h) (by about an order of magnitude). The excess is much less at altitudes of 300-500 km, this fact agreeing to the presented in Figures 1 and 2 results of calculations of the Rm parameter for the nighttime and daytime regular waveguide.


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