2. Formulation and Construction of the Solution

[6]  The Earth-ionosphere waveguide is modeled by a spherical cavity characterized by the properties of the free space. In the geocentric spherical coordinate system r,q, j, the axis q=0 goes through the emitter located in the ionosphere in point 1 with coordinates r = b and q= 0. The ground ( rleq a ) and the ionosphere ( rgeq d ) are considered as inhomogeneous media depending on r and q. Point electric and magnetic dipoles oriented along the unit vectors exx = r, q, j ) and oscillating according to exp(-iwt) are used as the field sources ( w is the angular frequency). The IS system of units is used. Our aim is to find the electric E and magnetic H fields in a point 2 with coordinates r, q located in the waveguide cavity.

[7]  The generalized reciprocity theorem for magnetoactive medium makes it possible to find components of the fields excited in the waveguide cavity by ionospheric dipoles using components of the fields excited in the ionosphere by the dipoles located in the waveguide cavity:





Here Hp equiv z0 Hp, p=x, z, where z0=120 p [Ohm] is the characteristic impedance of free space. The indices e and m at the field components refer to the electric and magnetic dipoles, respectively. For example, Exiez(1, 2, H0) and Hxiez(1, 2, H0) are the x components of the fields excited in the waveguide cavity in point 2 by the electric dipole with the dipole moment Peiz located in the ionosphere in point 1 and oriented along the unit vector ez; Ezex(2, 1,- H0) and Hzex (2, 1, - H0) are the z components of the electric and magnetic fields, respectively, excited in point 1 in the ionosphere at the geomagnetic field - H0 by an auxiliary electrical dipole with the moment Pex located in point 2 and oriented along the unit vector exx, z = r, q, j ). In expressions (1) it is assumed that





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