2. Formulation of the Problem

[4]  We study one-dimensional stationary disturbance in weakly ionized nonisothermal plasma with Te gg Ti approx Tn generated by a strong shock wave of neutral component. We take this wave in a form







where x and t are the coordinate and time, respectively, c = const is the velocity of shock wave motion, V* and r* are the velocity and density of the neutral component of the shock wave, respectively, and indices 0 and 1 correspond the state in front of the wave and behind it. We describe the processes in the plasma by the system of dynamics equations for the interacting components








Here Te= const, a is the sound speed, ni is the total collision frequency of ions, nin is the collision frequency of ions with neutrals, Vj and Tj are the velocity and temperature of the corresponding component of the plasma, respectively, indices i, e, n indicate ions, electrons, and neutral particles, respectively, m is the mass, hi is the ion viscosity, -|e| is the electron charge, E is the electric field, e0 is the dielectric permeability of the vacuum, and k is the Boltzmann constant. The boundary conditions in the laboratory coordinate system assuming the absence of disturbances at the infinity at x= infty, Vjinfty) =0, njinfty) =nj0, Einfty) =0 were used.

[5]  In undisturbed conditions we will consider the plasma as a weakly ionized one: dequiv ni0nn0-1 ll 1. This fact makes it possible to simplify the description of the process of interaction of the shock wave with plasma components. Solving the problem at the first stage, a step-by-step consideration of the process is possible for obtaining estimates. Taking into account weak ionization of the plasma, we first neglect the retroaction of charged components on the plasma neutral components.

2.1. Solution Stage 1

[6]  At the initial stage of formation of the regions with increased concentration of charges, the retroaction of the charges on the neutral component is neglected (formally, this corresponds to the case nni=0 ). The field of the neutral component at this stage is taken to be known: it serves as a source of disturbances in the plasma.

[7]  Taking into account that the process is stationary (the fields depend on one variable x ), the equations in partial derivatives (1)-(5) in the case hi=0 (the finite viscosity coefficient h will be taken into account below) are reduced to the system of two connected ordinary differential equations for the functions Vi and Y.



where the following designations are used:








where De is the Debye radius, V s is the ion sound speed. Deriving equations (6), the boundary conditions assuming the existence of undisturbed conditions in the laboratory coordinate system at x= infty, Vjinfty) =0, njinfty) =nj0, Yinfty) =0, and j=i,e were used. To clarify the field properties, it is useful to analyze various limiting situations.

[8]  There are two limiting situation. The first situation corresponds to the case De2 ll L2De2 is a small parameter in the approximation of long waves, L is a special scale of the fields variation). The order of magnitude of L can be estimated later after receiving equation (12) by comparison of the first two terms in this equation:


The limiting "long-wave" situation De2 ll L2 corresponds to the description of slowly changing fields with neglecting the highest derivatives in the system of equations (neglecting the effect of dispersion). Such consideration is not satisfactory in the vicinity of fronts, because there exists sharp field gradients. In the vicinity of fronts, the role of highest derivatives is significant and one has to introduce a corresponding specification. In the long-wave approximation De2 ll L2 at the increase of the Mach number Mi up to the unity, there occurs an increase of the field gradients in the precursor. In the Mi=1 situation, there is formed a discontinuity in the first derivatives (weak discontinuity) in some point x= x* [Pavlov, 1996]. This is caused by the absence of a continuous solution satisfying the boundary condition at x= infty. At Mi>1 and De2 ll L2, a discontinuous solution is formed. The value of the jump in the ion component velocity at the front is c(1-Mi-2) [Pavlov, 1996].

[9]  The second limiting situation corresponds to neglecting collisions ni=0 and is well studied in publications. It should be mentioned that for ni=0, equation (6) takes the form


The value const =1/2 comes out from the initial system of equations (1)-(5) for ni=0. In this case, the system (6) and (7) is reduced to the known equation of the second order for the electric field potential


Integration of (8) makes it possible to obtain the equation of the first order




The stationary waves described by (8) and (9) exist under the conditions that the function F'(Y) corresponds to the "hollow", but not to the "hump":


This leads to a limitation of the ion Mach number from below: the known condition Mi>1 is obtained. Under 1i * equation (8) has both periodic solutions and one nonperiodic solution (a soliton). The critical value Mi =M* satisfies the known equation


The solution of this equation provides the value M*approx1.6.

[10]  Under Mi >M* approx 1.6, the solution in the form of a soliton is absent. This property is typical only for the case of a strong nonlinearity. At the presence of a weak nonlinearity, there is no such critical parameter Mi =M* (see, for example, stationary solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equations). At a transition from the value Mi =1 to the limiting value Mi =M*, there occurs an increase of the amplitude of soliton Y from zero up to Y* = Mi2/2. In this case a limiting value of the ion component velocity Vi = M* V s is reached.

[11]  We take into account simultaneous influence of collisions ( ni neq 0 ) and dispersion ( De neq 0 ) under the condition Te gg Ti. To do that, we use the relation between Y and Vi:



We perform the analysis under the condition of a smallness of the d0 parameter. We use the presentation Y|De=0= - ln(1- Vi c-1 ) and obtain the approximate description


Idealization De=0 corresponds to the long-wave approximation for ion-sonic description of the condition De ll ll is the spatial scale of field disturbances).

[12]  Using (10) and (11) we obtain the following formulae:





These formulae make it possible on the basis of equation (6) to obtain an approximate equation for the velocity of the plasma ion component



The terms of the second order on Vi and first order on the parameter De2 are left in equation (12). Pavlov [1996] obtained equation (16) for the function Vi taking into account the ion viscosity and heat conductivity. With the help of equation (12) we are able estimate the order of magnitude of the length scale L


[13]  Taking into account equation (12), we obtain a description of the process in the problem of the Stage 1 for the dimensionless functions V=Vi/c



where xi= x1-1x-ct), x1= V sn-1, d=De x1-1, A= 0.5(5)1/2Ti Te-1 is the dimensionless coefficient of the ion viscosity, Mi = cV s-1 is the Mach ion number. In the stationary wave, there is a presentation for the dimensionless ion concentration n=ni/n0i = (1-V)-1 (here the zero index means undisturbed state). Equation (13) is obtained assuming that the influence of charges on neutral particles is negligible. Under some particular conditions, a formation of regions with increased ionization degree is possible. Those are the regions of strong influence of charges on the neutral component and the shock wave itself. In this very situation the Stage 2 is realized.

[14]  Equation (13) is of the third degree. To solve this equation, one has to formulate three boundary conditions. At analytical solution, one condition is put at the infinity behind the shock wavefront: V(infty) =0 which corresponds to the limiting transition to the undisturbed condition. Two more conditions should provide a joining of the fields at the front. They may be obtained from the solution of the closed problem in the region behind the front (xi<0). Not doing that, we formulate the second condition approximately. Assuming an idealization of the complete carrying away of charges by the front a strong shock wave, we obtain the condition V(0) approx 2 (g+1)-1, gapprox 1.4 being the ratio of the specific heat capacities. At this approximated approach, the formulation of the third condition presents some difficulties and its choice may be ambiguous. For example, the rule of selection of the solution by some sign may be such condition.

[15]  Integrating equation (13) numerically (for example, by the Runge-Kutta method), one has to give all three boundary conditions in the initial point xi=0, but in such a way that at xi to infty there occurred the transition V to 0. Thus, two conditions on the derivatives V'(0) and V''(0) should simultaneously provide the limiting transition to the undisturbed state and the rule of the solution selection.

[16]  It should be noted that at d=0 and A=0, (13) is transformed into an equation of the first order, but the solution of the physical problem should fulfill two boundary conditions: V(0) and V(infty). In the case Mi<1, there exists a continuous solution, whereas at Mi>1, the condition at the infinity V(infty) may be fulfilled only due to introduction of a break [Pavlov, 1996]. The influence of the dispersion d neq 0 and viscosity A>0 leads to a smoothing of the break in the plasma precursor.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
[17]  The analytical estimates [Pavlov, 2000] and the results of numerical simulations [Pavlov, 2002a] showed that a specific ion-sonic wave is formed in the precursor. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 show the new computer results of the author based on (13) for the plasma parameters corresponding to undisturbed state typical for a laboratory ballistic experiment [Klimov et al., 1982; Mishin et al., 1991]:




and for the Mach ion numbers in the range Mi = 1.7div 1.94. We note the most interesting properties of the plasma precursor of a shock wave. For the chosen version of the undisturbed plasma parameters in the Mach ion numbers Mi = 1.7 < 1.92, in the precursor there are two maxima of the ion concentration. They are two solitons. The soliton most distant from the point xi=0 provides a "smoothing" of the brake at the front of the ion-sonic precursor. Under fulfillment of the condition Mi = 1.7 < 1.85 (see Figures 1 and 2), the largest of the solitons is located closer to the front of the shock wave xi=0. Under Mi>1.86 (see Figures 3 and 4), the structure of the disturbance changes: the smaller of the solitons is located closer to the shock wavefront (the largest of the maxima moves to the front edge of the precursor). Then there happens a further sharp change in the structure: at Mi approx 1.92 there is formed one maximum (see Figure 5). Further on at Mi approx 1.94 (see Figure 6), a "destruction" of this plasma coagulum occurs and a ion concentration disturbance changing in a monotonous way is formed. The dimensionless spatial scale of the plasma precursor is of the order of the unity (this spatial scale has a value of the order of x1 approx nin V s ). An increase of the shock front velocity leads to a decrease of the dimension of the precursor (see Figures 1-5).

[18]  Thus, the shock wave precursor has an oscillating structure (it can have several maxima). The precursor has nonlinear resonance properties relative to the motion velocity c. Depending on the plasma parameters in the undisturbed condition, the maximum values of the disturbance are reached at different values of the shock wave velocity in the range capprox (1.6 div 2)V s equiv c*. The only maximally dense local coagulum of charged particles is formed in the precursor (in the considered version it occurs under c approx 1.93 V s, see Figure 5). If the shock wave exceeds the critical velocity c*, a collapse of this plasma coagulum occurs (see Figure 6). It is interesting that even the presence of a strong dissipation does not destroy the sharp resonance nonlinear effect. The nature of this effect is due to the rivaling of strong nonlinearity, strong dispersion, and dissipation.

[19]  The gas in this coagulum is no more a weakly ionized one, and charged particles may influence on the neutral component and shock wave.

2.2. Solution Stage 2

[20]  The disturbance in the neutral component presents the main interest for practical applications. The solution of the closed problem, taking into account simultaneous mutual influence of neutral and charged particles on each other, at the current stage meets considerable difficulties. We obtain a criterion of strong interaction of the local coagulum of charged components of weakly ionized plasma (in means that the plasma is weakly ionized in undisturbed conditions) with its neutral component and estimate the spatial scale of the neutral component disturbance. We will study here only one of possible mechanisms of realization of such possibility: interaction of charged particles with neutral particles via elastic collisions. We obtain the necessary condition of such strong influence for the particular case of stationary situation. Our consideration will be limited by one-dimensional fields. We describe the processes in the weakly ionized nonisothermal plasma by the system of gasdynamics equations (1)-(5). The continuity equation (1) at j=n and equation of motion (5) take into account the retroaction impact of charged particles on the neutral ones. In the stationary regime, from continuity equation (1), there follows a relation between the disturbances in the neutral component concentration and its velocity


If the regime of weak nonlinearity (Vn/c) le (a/c) = M-1 is realized, the concentration disturbances are also weak and there exists an estimate of the disturbance value


Only in the case of strong nonlinearity Vn gg a, considerable disturbances of the neutral component are possible. For the stationary supersonic regime, this conclusion is of a general, universal character: it does not depend on the method of influence on the neutral component. The value of the nonlinearity may be characterized by the parameter (Vn/a) =K. According to (15) we have a relation making it possible to estimate the value of the disturbances


In the stationary regime, there exists a formula based on equations (1)-(5) and relating the fields



In the case of formation of regions with increased concentration of charged particles leading to a strong influence on the neutral component, the first two terms in (16) should be of the same order as the last term in (16). We compare the order of magnitude of the first and last terms in (16):




Inside the coagulum formation of a region with increased ionization degree is possible, therefore there is possible an appearance of a strong impact of the charges on the plasma neutral component. It occurs within a narrow range of the Mach ion numbers Mi. In the considered situation (14), this occurs at Mi approx 1.92 (we remind that the value M* approx 1.6 was at ni=0 a critical value of the Mach ion-sonic number for the existence of the soliton). The effect is realized in a resonance way. In spite of the small spatial scale of the ion-sonic precursor (it is of the order of the free path of the ion at its motion with the velocity of ion sound between collisions), such precursor is able to lead to large spatial disturbances of the neutral component. We estimate the value of the spatial scale of this disturbance. The spatial scale of the neutral component disturbance x2 may be estimated on the basis of the comparison of separate terms in the equation of motion (5):


We obtain the estimate a2 x2-1 propto nni Vn, where aVn-1 is the value of the order of the unity. Thus, in plasma there will be formed a disturbed region of the neutral component with the spatial scale





The parameter x1 approx ninV s is a spatial scale of the disturbance of the ion component at the absence of influence of the charges on the neutral component. The retroaction impact of the charges on the neutral component leads to a significant "stretching" of the precursor of the shock wave. For situation (14) a condition of strong difference in the spatial scales is realized:


At the presence of a strong influence of the charges on the neutral component, the spatial scale of the disturbed neutral component is characterized by the value a nni-1 (here nni is the frequency of ion-neutral collisions). Outside the resonance region, the influence of the charges on the neutral component is weak.


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