1. Introduction

[2]  Regular specialized international conferences (Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, USA; Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, USA; AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, USA; Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics in Aerospace Applications, Moscow; and others) were held recently dedicated to the problems of interaction of strong shock waves and supersonic bodies with weakly ionized plasma. The interest in this problem is mainly due to aerospace applications; however, these studies present also an interest for investigation of nonlinear wave processes in the near-space environment (interaction of supersonic and hypersonic objects with ionosphere and space plasma and anomaly influence of a shock wave on the plasma charged components at heights 200-300 km).

[3]  Both in laboratory experiments [Klimov et al., 1982; Mishin at al., 1991] and theoretical studies [Pavlov, 1996, 2002b], anomalous phenomena at propagation of strong shock waves in weakly ionized plasma and an effect of anomalous flowing around of supersonic bodies by weakly ionized plasma were discovered. Currently, there is no commonly accepted opinion on mechanisms of these phenomena. In this paper a mechanism of nonlinear interaction of strong shock waves with plasma is investigated. The alternative mechanism is "the thermal mechanism" in which plasma heats neutral components and changes parameters of the shock wave. The first mechanism involves a strong nonmonotonic (resonant) dependence of the field amplitude on the shock wave velocity.


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