4. Solution in Quasi-static Approximation for the Dipole and Slot Antennas

[18]  For small electric dimension of the spheroid we take into account the following representation of radial spheroidal functions [Morse and Feshbah, 1953]






Here the variables h and x take the values of the first and second arguments of spheroidal functions in (6). As a result of solution of system (6) we obtain for the transmission coefficients into the outer medium expressions containing explicit dependency on the problem parameters.

[19]  For the prolate plasma spheroid surrounding a source with fixed current at the antenna clamps, we have the following expression for the propagation coefficient DI of the leading harmonic







For the prolate spheroidal antenna covered by a plasma sheath with the fixed voltage at the slot gap, the transmission coefficient DV of the first harmonics has the form







where the fact is taken into account that the depleted ion layer of the coating and the outer medium are vacuum: e1 = e3 =1. The geometrical parameters a0 and a characterize the relative thickness of the depleted ion and plasma coatings, respectively.

[20]  We will call the functions KI (12) and KV (13), what at the absence of the plasma coating become equal to unity, functions of influence of the two-layer plasma coating on current and voltage.

[21]  In the case of a oblate plasma spheroidal coating for the same sources considered above, the solution of the boundary problem constructed in oblate spheroidal variables using oblate angular and radial spheroidal functions leads for the eq079.gif and eq080.gif transmission coefficients to expressions similar to (12) and (13) where y(x), G, and D0V should be replaced by




These substitutions should be performed always transferring from the prolate shape of the spheroid to the oblate one, so below we will present the expression only for the prolate shape of the spheroid.

[22]  The value of D0V characterizing the radiation field of a slot antenna without a coating located in the vacuum reaches the maximum value for the spherical shape of the slot antenna with the radius a0 (y=2/3), because for strongly prolate spheroidal antenna this value decreases as


whereas for strongly oblate one (when eq085.gif it appears by a factor of three less than for the spherical one.

[23]  It is worth noting that for the dipole antenna located within a plasma spheroid, expression (12) does not allow for the limiting transition to the case of a one-layer plasma coating ( a=0 ) [Bichoutskaia and Makarov, 2002, 2005]. At similar transition ( a0=1 ) expression (13) becomes equal to the expression for the transmission coefficient for the one-layer plasma coating of the slot antenna.

[24]  We substitute transmission coefficients (12) and (13) into the components of the electric field (1) in the outer medium. For the wave zone of the source eq086.gif we use asymptotics of radial spheroidal functions [Morse and Feshbah, 1953]


and assuming e3=1 we come to the electromagnetic field components in the vacuum in a spherical coordinate system.




where D has the value of (12) or (13) for the problem with an electric dipole or slot antenna.

[25]  According to (14) the tangential component of the field Er on the Earth's surface (  cos q =0 ) becomes zero, as it should be for the infinite conducting Earth's surface. On the finitely conducting underlying surface at such distances the wave by its structure is close to a plain one, and the tangent component of the field may be obtained from the vertical component eq091.gif which is determined from formula (14) multiplied by the attenuation function containing properties of the propagation path.


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