3. Formulation of the Problem for a Slot Antenna

Figure 2
[12]  Consider an ideally conducting slot antenna having the shape of a spheroid with the interfocal distance 2d0 and the large and small semiaxes a0 and b0, respectively, located in the medium with the relative dielectric permeability e3 and surrounded by a two-layer plasma coating (Figure 2). The outer surface of the first layer e1 (the depleted ion coating) is formed (in the same way as in the first problem) by the spheroid surface with the interfocal distance 2d1 and semiaxes a1 and b1. The second plasma layer e is limited from the outside also by the spheroid surface with the interfocal distance 2d and semiaxes a and b. All three spheroids have the same origin of spheroidal coordinates and equal eccentricities e.

[13]  The solution of the problem for an ideally conducting prolate spheroidal slot antenna put into a prolate two-layer plasma spheroid will be constructed in three systems of prolate spheroidal coordinates having the joint beginning. The slot antenna consists of two metal semispheroids ( x=x0 ) separated by a slot at |h| < Dh (Dhll 1 ) to which the voltage V is applied. According to the commonly accepted statement [Wait, 1966], the tangential component of the electric field of the slot antenna Eh, different from zero at the gap, is determined by the constant value independent of h


At a small width of the gap 2Dh, this value is related to the voltage V by the formula


The solution of the Maxwell equations in the outer medium e3 satisfying the principle of emission at the infinity will take the same form (1) as in the first problem.

[14]  In the region of the depleted ion layer e1, the solution will be constructed (contrary to the first problem) using two systems of functions determined in the coordinate systems related to the inner and intermediate spheroids:







here eq053.gif and eq054.gif

[15]  In the region of the plasma layer with the relative dielectric permeability e, the solution (in the same way as in the first problem) will take the form (4)-(5).

[16]  At the presence of the boundary x=x1 at the spheroid surrounding the slot antenna, to find An one should to equate the electrical components of the field (7), (8) and (9) on the surface of the inner spheroid x= x0 preliminarily reexpanding system of functions (9) over the system of spheroidal functions (8) with the help of the theorem of addition. As a result, we obtain the infinite system of related algebraic equations. Confining ourselves by the main first term in the expansion with allowance for small parameters eq055.gif and eq056.gif we obtain the solution of the unrelated equation system in the form of the following relation for the coefficients of expansions (8) and (9)




where the normalizing multiplier for the angular functions N1n for n=1 has the representation


at small eq061.gif The harmonics with n>1 in (8) have the amplitudes An of the smaller order O(|d0e1n+1|) as compared to n=1 and will not be taken into account below.

[17]  Reexpanding in the same way the system of functions (5) over the system (4), presenting the angular functions of the plasma medium in the form of the expansion over the angular functions of the inner and outer medium, and confining ourselves by the main terms of the expansions, we obtain for the boundary conditions the same system of four algebraic equations (6) for n=1, but with the An coefficients from (10).


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