Influence of vegetable cover on propagation of electromagnetic waves with wavelength longer than 100 m

V. A. Egorov, and G. I. Makarov

Physical Research Institute, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


[1]  The influence of vegetable cover on propagation of electromagnetic waves in the Earth-ionosphere wave channel is studied in the scope of the model of a homogeneous isotropic "forest layer" with effective value of the dielectric permeability ef=1.2 and electric conductivity sf (t oC) depending on the environmental temperature according to the results obtained in this paper. It is shown that the character of the electromagnetic field behavior in the presence of large forests is of a well-pronounced seasonal character additionally complicated by the diurnal variations of the field depending on the environmental temperature variations.

Received 27 June 2005; revised 20 April 2006; accepted 14 August 2006; published 14 December 2006.

Keywords: Electromagnetic wave propagation; Model of "forest-layer"; Influence of the temperature.

Index Terms: 6964 Radio Science: Radio wave propagation; 6999 Radio Science: General or miscellaneous; 0498 Biogeosciences: General or miscellaneous.


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