2. Correlation Coefficient Dependence on Magnetic Activity

[12]  Vanina and Danilov [2003] analyzed the behavior of r(foF2) for magnetically quiet days with Ap < 8. Vanina-Dart and Danilov [2006] considered in detail the r(foF2) dependence on the magnetic activity on the basis of the data for the same stations and same period (1979-1980) as given by Vanina and Danilov [2003]. Using a special program, the r(foF2) values were calculated for three-month intervals for the days with the geomagnetic Ap index less than 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 30. The number of days with Ap < 30 actually coincide with the number of days in the month, so there was no sense in increasing the Ap boundary further.

Figure 3
[13]  Figure 3 shows variations in r(foF2) at Moscow station in 1980 at different limitations to the Ap value. One can easily see that the maximum negative values of r(foF2) are observed at the most strong limitation on magnetic activity: Ap < 6. At the increase of the boundary value of Ap (that is, at the including into the consideration more and more magnetically disturbed days) the absolute value of r(foF2) decreases. Nevertheless, even for Ap < 20 and Ap < 30 the r(foF2) value obtained within the spring minimum in April is still significant at the 99% level by the Fisher criterion.

[14]  A typical feature of Figure 3 is that the r(foF2) curves for different limitations on Ap repeat each other in the shape. For all Ap a spring maximum in negative values of r(foF2) and a fall decrease in this value are observed.

Figure 4
[15]  Figure 4 shows a similar picture for Kaliningrad station. For the sake of clarity, only the first half of the year is shown. This makes it possible to see better the effect of the decrease in the maximum negative value of r(foF2) in April at the increase of the boundary value of Ap. Thus the comparison of Figures 3 and 4 demonstrates that the variation in the maximum negative value of r(foF2) occurs identically at both (Moscow and Kaliningrad) stations: with the increase in the boundary value of Ap the amplitude of the spring minimum decreases monotonically. Results similar to Figures 3 and 4 were obtained also for stations Gorky, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, and Alma-Ata.

Figure 5
[16]  The dependence of the maximum (by the absolute value) correlation coefficient r(foF2) max on the boundary value of Ap seen in Figures 3 and 4 is visually illustrated by Figure 5. One can see that the depletion of r(foF2) max with an increase of Ap is of the same character for both stations and is statistically significant (the coefficient of the determination for both curves is 0.93-0.94 which provides a high significant level according to the Fisher criterion).

[17]  Thus we may state that at other equal conditions the correlation between the daytime and nighttime values of foF2 is the better pronounced the geomagnetically quieter is the considered period.


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