2. Method of Studies

[6]  Usually, to reveal disturbances in ionospheric parameters, one calculates their deviations from the mean or median values over some period of time. In our study, we used running medians obtained for each hour of the day on the basis of the 10 previous days for each analyzed day of the earthquake preparation period. This period was 7 days including the day of the earthquake. To determine the input of the assumed seismogenic disturbance into the quiet state of the ionosphere and exclude the dependence on the local time and season, for each hour of the entire period under study the value Df/f m = (f - f m)/f m (where f m is the running median and f is the critical frequency for the F2 layer and blanketing frequency for Es ) was determined for the frequency parameters. This is a significant difference from earlier publications on detection of seismoionospheric disturbances [Silina et al., 2001] where the deviations relative to the critical frequency itself averaged over several earthquakes were calculated. This led to an underestimation of the disturbance relative value at the increase of the critical frequency and to its overestimation at the frequency decrease. The variations of the Df/f m and Dh'Es = h'- h' m value from one hour to another show the dynamics of the disturbance in the lower and upper ionosphere at the preparation of each particular earthquake.

[7]  Using this method, we processed the hourly data of the measurements at Kokubunji ionospheric station ( j = 35.7 o N, l =139.5 o E) for 40 earthquakes with M ge 6 and the hypocenter depth h < 50 km having occurred in the Pacific region in 1985-2000. Only the cases were considered when the ionospheric station was within the zone of earthquake preparation ( r le eM, km, where r is the radius of the preparation zone). The data on the earthquake parameters were taken at http://www.neic.cr.usgs.gov. Kokubunji station is the only station in this seismically active region for which the most complete set of ionospheric parameters for many years has been published (Communications Research Laboratory, 1985-2000, Ionospheric data in Japan, http://wdc-c2.nict.go.jp/index_eng.html, World Data Cent. for Ionosphere, Tokyo).

Figure 1
[8]  As an example of the above described data processing, Figure 1 shows the variations in the parameters of the Es and F2 layers in the period of preparation of the 20 November 1996 earthquake M= 6.8; r = 211 km is the distance from the epicenter to the station). Time is counted from the beginning of the minus sixth day (0000 LT) prior to the day of the earthquake (the seventh day). The dashed line shows the earthquake moment. It follows from Figure 1 and the analysis of other earthquakes that during the preparation period at Kokubunji station, parameter deviations of both signs are detected but sharp positive "spikes" 2-3 hours long prevail. Just such spikes were discussed by Korsunova et al. [1996], Liperovsky et al. [1992], and Silina et al. [2001].

[9]  The value of some spikes in frequency and height parameters can reach 50% and more and 40-60 km, respectively. The mean values of the deviations from the running median are pm20% and pm10 km for the frequencies and virtual heights, respectively.

[10]  As should be expected, parameters of the sporadic E layer are more variable than parameters of the regular F2 layer and anomalous spikes in the Es layer with duration 2-3 hours are noticed within the whole period of observations. Such spikes can be caused by various meteorological factors that do not influence the behavior of the F2 layer. That is why the excess by the spike amplitude the averaged value or mean-square deviation cannot be chosen as a criterion for ionospheric precursor, especially in the Es layer. From the other side, for all considered earthquakes, as well as for that one presented in Figure 1, there is only one group of spikes in all ionospheric parameters that manifest itself in 24-hour interval. For the earthquake on 20 November 1996 this group manifest itself 5.5 days prior the moment of the earthquake (black peaks indicate the moment of the group appearance). For other earthquakes this period comprises 1-6 days.

[11]  During the preparation period, the appearance of anomalous spikes was close in time for all three parameters only once. The time of appearance of these spikes relative to the earthquake moment differs considerably for earthquakes of different energetic class and different epicenter distances. The performed calculations showed that the value of the deviations of the ionospheric layer parameters differs slightly if one uses 27-day running medians or monthly mean values, but this choice does not influence on the appearance of the anomalous spikes and their features.

[12]  Earlier, Korsunova and Khegai [2005] have shown that spikes groups with duration 2-3 hours that appear simultaneously in the Es and F2 layers are not connected with magnetic disturbances, because for the considered earthquakes at the stage of the preparation the daily mean index was Ap < 15 nT. All mentioned above allows us to suppose that the discussed groups of perturbations in ionospheric parameters are caused by the processes connected with the preparation of the earthquake. Hence they can be considered as ionospheric precursors to earthquakes.

[13]  On the basis of the analysis of ionospheric parameter deviations in the period of preparation of 40 earthquakes in the vicinity of Kokubunji station, we proposed a method of detection of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes using the following set of morphological signs: (1) the presence in the hourly deviations of ionospheric parameters of spikes group (that appear in the Es and F2 layers simultaneously) with duration 2-3 hours; (2) the excess by the spikes amplitudes of the 20% and 10 km values of deviations in the frequency parameters of the ionospheric layers and in Dh'Es, respectively.

[14]  We consider the disturbances in ionospheric parameters satisfying these requirements as medium-term earthquake precursors. These disturbances will be discussed below.


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