2. Data of the Measurements

[3]  The distributions of hmF2 in the belt of the invariant latitudes between 40o and 65o according to the Intercosmos 19 data were built. The data cover conditions of the local summer in the Northern and Southern hemispheres during the solstices for the period with high solar activity ( F10.7sim 200 ) since 1979 till 1981. The data for very quiet conditions ( AE < 300 nT) were chosen in order to minimize the influence of the electric fields and acoustic gravity waves (AGW) and therefore to reduce the data scatter and to increase the accuracy of the representation of the hmF2 distribution. As a result, the stable background state of the quiet ionosphere determined (as one of the factors) by the undisturbed wind system was found. About 100 and more than 60 orbits were chosen in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively. The satellite orbits in both hemispheres are oriented in such a way that the local time increases with a latitude increase from sim 2300 LT (40o L ) to sim0100 LT (65o L ). The local time at the fixed invariant latitude changes with the longitude also. In order to eliminate this weaker dependence, the data were corrected taking into account the diurnal variations in hmF2 from the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. The correction was carried out to the nearest hour in local time: 2300 LT for 40o L, 2330 LT for 50o L, 2400 LT for 60o L, and 0100 LT for 65o L. Thus the obtained distribution is not a LT map in a literal sense; however, all data fall into a narrow interval of the near-midnight hours, and this does not complicate strongly the analysis. The other circumstance is more important: the auroral ionosphere at 0100 LT at ~70% of longitudes is sunlit, so in the period when at a latitude of 40o L purely night conditions are realized, some intermediate conditions are maintained at 65o L, that should be taken into account in the calculations.

[4]  The data on the electron temperature Te obtained from in situ measurements on board the Cosmos 900 satellite were also used in calculations. The measurements were conducted almost in the same conditions as the measurements of hmF2 at altitudes of ~370 km and ~470 km in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively [Karpachev et al., 1997]. A correction of the Te values on the altitude using the IRI model was performed in the Southern Hemisphere. The Te distribution in the latitude belt from 40o L to 65o L was obtained by averaging of 70 and 100 satellite orbits in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, respectively.

Figure 1
[5]  Let us consider longitude-latitudinal variations in hmF2 at middle (40o L and 50o L ), subauroral (60o L ), and auroral (65o L ) latitudes (see Figure 1). One can see in Figure 1 that the mean value of hmF2 decreases at the transition from 40o L to 65o L. This decrease would be even stronger at a fixed local time, because at its change from 2300 to 0100 LT the F2 layer (at all latitudes) vice versa ascents by ~10 km compensating the hmF2 decrease with latitude. The analysis of the Intercosmos 19 data shows that the character (amplitude and shape) of the averaged longitudinal variations in hmF2 is very stable at the fixed latitude in spite of quite large day-to-day variations. The stability of LE is mainly a manifestation of the undisturbed wind system stability. At a transition from middle latitudes to auroral ones LE changes weakly by the amplitude which is about 45-50 km and 65-70 km in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, correspondingly. The changes in the shape of the LE are also small and manifest in an eastward shift of the phase. Let's compare the longitudinal variations in hmF2 obtained from the Intercosmos 19 data with the hmF2 variations according to the IRI model [Bilitza, 1990] obtained for the same conditions from the ground-based sounding data. The zonally averaged values of hmF2 obtained from the topside and ground-based sounding differ only slightly (no more than 5 km). However, at some particular longitudes the difference may be considerable. The strongest discrepancies (20-30 km) occur in the Southern Hemisphere at longitudes of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, where there are no ionospheric stations. As a result IRI model does not adequately reproduce the shape of the longitudinal variations in hmF2 in both hemispheres for the considered conditions, therefore analyzing these variations one cannot determine their causes. This can be done only using the Intercosmos 19 data what cover homogeneously all longitudes and latitudes in both hemispheres. It is worth noting, however, that both data sets distinctly reproduce a local maximum in hmF2 at longitudes of about 150-210o in the Southern Hemisphere.


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