2. Ionospheric D-Region Disturbances Under Quiet Conditions

[4]  In the absence of external tropospheric disturbances, i.e., under quiet conditions in a plane stratified medium, the basic functional relations between the ionospheric parameters and the parameters of large mesospheric electric fields are given by [Martynenko, 1999a, 1999b; Martynenko et al., 2001]







where qi is the ion production rate, b is the effective electron attachment rate, g is the effective electron detachment rate, l =N-/N, N is the electron number density, N- is the negative ion number density, ar is the effective coefficient of electron-ion recombination, ai is the effective coefficient of ion-ion recombination, Dt is the coefficient of eddy diffusion, Da is the coefficient of ambipolar diffusion, Qe/N is the mean energy imparted to an electron by the mesospheric DC electric fields, Tn is the neutral species temperature, d is the fractional loss of energy per electron collision with a molecule, je is the density of the current driven by a mesospheric current source, se is the electron conductivity of the ionospheric D-region plasma, and E is the intensity of the quasi-steady mesospheric electric field. Here, equations (1) and (2) are the nonlinear continuity equations for the electrons and negative ions, respectively, (3) is the nonlinear energy equation for the electrons, and (4) is the nonlinear Ohm's law for the large mesospheric electric field. In writing equations (1)-(3), the weakly ionized, ionospheric plasma is assumed to be quasi-neutral, and the positive and negative ion temperatures to be equal to the neutral constituent temperature. In the D region, Qe = jeE =seE2. In addition, the following dependences are taken into account [e.g., Gurevich, 1978; Tomko et al., 1980]:








where Ks(0) = 1.42 [Gurevich, 1978], e is the electron charge, m is the electron mass, Nn is the number density of neutral particles, N( O2 ) is the number density of molecular oxygen in cm-3, N( N2) is the number density of molecular nitrogen in cm-3, Te and Tn are in K, va in s-1, ar in cm3 s-1, subscript "0" is used to denote the magnitude of the plasma parameters in the absence of large mesospheric electric fields.

[5]  Martynenko [1999a, 1999b] and Meek et al. [2004] have shown that the diffusion processes may be neglected in treating the evolution of the disturbed ionospheric D region parameters over spatial scales of more than 150 m and temporal scales less than a few tens of minutes. Then the relation between the disturbing electric field intensity E(z) and the disturbed ne and d values in the lower part of the D region is given by [Martynenko, 1999a, 1999b; Martynenko et al., 2001]


where k is Boltzmann's constant and Te0(z) and ve0(z) are related by (6). Relation (10) is a quasi-stationary solution to the set of nonlinear equations (3)-(5) closed by the electron heat flow (Joule heating) equation Qe = seE2. It describes, along with the collision term (6) and (7), the dependence ne(E) implicitly. The disturbed value of N(z) is given by


where q= Te/Te0.

[6]  Hence the set of theoretical relations (1)-(11) provides the framework for modeling studies of how large mesospheric electric fields affect the ionospheric D -region parameters. The disturbances in the electron temperature and effective collision frequency (see equations (6) and (10)) are the primary cause of disturbances in other parameters. Equation (4) relates large mesospheric electric fields and the low-frequency conductivity of electron plasma. Equation (6) provides the relationship between disturbances in the electron temperature and the effective collision frequency. Equation (7) establishes disturbances in the fractional loss of energy per electron collision with a heavy particle. Equation (8) is used to calculate the effective rate at which the negative ions are formed by attachment of electrons to neutral constituents. Equation (9) shows disturbances in the effective rate of electron-ion recombination. Equation (11) defines explicitly, the disturbances in the electron number density. The quantity q characterizes the degree to which the ionospheric plasma departs from local thermodynamic equilibrium, with q = 1 being for the ionosphere in local thermodynamic equilibrium in the absence of large mesospheric electric fields. The relative disturbance h = ne/ n0 is related to q by the relation h = q5/6 (see (6)). Estimates show that q = 1.8 for the most probable value of E= 0.57 V m-1 at midlatitudes [Martynenko, 2002; Meek et al., 2004], with a disturbance of N of a few percent (see (11)).

[7]  Thus the electrically active mesosphere is the cause of the observed violation of local thermodynamic equilibrium in the lower part of the D region, z < 70 km, with the electron temperature enhanced above the neutral temperature. The MF radar observations of Meek et al. [2004] have revealed elevated electron temperatures in approximately 70-75% of the cases when the MF radar echoes occur from the 60-67 km altitude.


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