2. Simulation of Dynamics of a Chirped Pulse in a Graded-Index Waveguide

[5]  Simulation of the process of propagation of a short weakly nonlinear pulse in a graded-index waveguide with a weak longitudinal irregularity was performed similarly to that done by Bisyarin and Molotkov [2002]. In dimensionless variables r (radial coordinate), s (stretched longitudinal coordinate) and t (time), the model equation acquires the form



The field amplitude f is assumed to be the magnitude of the order of d; in this case the pulse duration is the magnitude of the order of 1/d. The high-frequency carrier and envelope of the pulse evolve with different phases. For this reason, the envelope phase is given by a separate relation


in which the Q(s) function should be defined in the process of the problem solution. It follows from (1) that the term describing the quadratic phase modulation is of the order of d3. The solution of (2) is finally sought in the form



Note that in a waveguide with a longitudinal irregularity, the modulation coefficient m(s) sim 1 depends on the longitudinal coordinate. The complex amplitude F is expanded in a power series of the small parameter



If the refractive index is independent of angle j, the expansion terms of the zero and first orders do not depend on this coordinate as well. Nevertheless, if a spatial bending of the waveguide channel axis is taken into account, the dependence on the azimuthal angle will appear in expansion (4) beginning from the term of the order of d2 even in the case of an azimuthally symmetric distribution of the refractive index in the waveguide cross section. The complex amplitude of the wave process is concentrated in the vicinity of the channel axis, and therefore all Fj satisfy the boundary condition Fj to 0 at rto infty.


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