3. A Qualitative Picture of the Mechanism

Figure 1
[11]  The prerequisites considered in section 2 allow one to suggest a qualitative picture of the resonance electromagnetic mechanism of solar-terrestrial connections and their influence on the states of separate systems of the human organism. The suggested mechanism is shown schematically in Figure 1. The essence of the mechanism is as follows. The nonstationary processes occurring on the Sun are accompanied by considerable changes in the basic factors that affect the near-Earth space, i.e., X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation ( h n ), fluxes of highly energetic charged particles (e-, H+ ), and the solar wind with a frozen-in magnetic field ( H). Through a large variety of fairly complicated physical-chemical processes, these factors give rise to changes in basic characteristics of the near-Earth space, including the Earth's ionosphere. This means that fundamental characteristics of the global natural Alfvén and Schumann resonators (dielectric permeability of the resonators and their geometric characteristics) undergo changes. As a result, the quality factors of these resonators and the frequencies of their fundamental modes change.

[12]  Since during millions of years the human organism has been subjected to a continual action of the electromagnetic fields generated by the global near-Earth resonators, it is quite reasonable to suppose that it is fully adapted to these fields. Changes in the characteristics of these fields (resonance frequencies, intensities) must find response in the states of separate systems of the human organism.


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