5. Conclusions

[17]  The presented analysis of the results of the ne measurements by rockets and the partial reflection method makes it possible to draw the following conclusions.

[18]  First, the assumption on the existence of peculiarities in the longitudinal behavior in the ionospheric D region is completely confirmed. The values of ne at fixed heights and at fixed solar zenith angles vary by a factor of 1.5-5.6 at the transition from the Pacific to the Eurasian longitudinal sectors.

[19]  Second, the longitudinal effects are manifested also in the seasonal behavior of ne. The seasonal effects are weak and strong in the American and Eurasian sectors, respectively. In the latter sector the winter values of ne at altitudes of 75-85 km exceed the summer values (at the same values of c ) by a factor of 4-6.

[20]  Third, the longitudinal effects are manifested in the diurnal variations in ne: at the variation of c from 30o to 90o the electron concentration decreases by a factor of about 2 and by a factor of 6 in the American and Eurasian sectors, respectively.

[21]  Fourth, the longitudinal effects, apparently, are weakly manifested in the ne dependence on solar activity.

[22]  Fifth, the rocket measurements data and measurements by the PR method are comparable in the altitude range 75-85 km. Outside this range the difference between the two groups of data create considerable difficulties to their joint analysis.

[23]  Sixth, the attraction of the data obtained by the A1 method for reconstruction of the fine structure of the empirical model of the global distribution of the lower ionosphere seems to be completely justified.


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