4. Data Analysis

4.1. Longitudinal Variations

Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
[9]  Figures 2, 3, and 4 show the results of measurements at altitudes of 75-85 km at solar zenith angles 45o le c le 60o and 60o le c le 90o in the summer and equinox periods. One can see a small number and irregularity in the spatial distribution of the measurement points do not make it possible to reconstruct the fine structure of the longitudinal behavior of ne. Nevertheless, even at such unfavorable for the given analysis conditions, deviations from the zonal mean values are clearly manifested in the longitudinal behavior of ne. These deviations show a pronounced minimum in the longitudinal behavior of ne falling on the Pacific longitudinal sector. Approximating the longitudinal behavior of ne by a periodic function, we obtain that at h = 75 km the ratio l = ne max/ ne min =3.8-4.7, where the indices max and min refer to the electron concentrations in the vicinity of longitudes l = 340o and 160o, respectively. At h = 80 km and 85 km l = 1.5-5.6 and l = 3-3.3, respectively. The longitudinal dependence of ne at the zenith angles c ge 60o, as a rule, is less pronounced than at c le 60o. One should note that the extremes in the longitudinal distribution of ne demonstrate some relation to the spatial structure of the NO at h = 105 km which is governed by the dipole latitude. The dip equator in Figures 2-4 is shown by solid curve. According to Gravens and Stewart [1978] the maximum and minimum of [NO] at middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere fall on the longitudes l = 280o-300o and l = 100o-120o, respectively. One can see in Figures 2-4 that the maximum in the longitudinal behavior of ne is actually located close to l =280o-300o. As for the minimum in the longitudinal behavior of ne it is shifted to l = 160o-180o. This fact is, most probably, explained by the absence of enough measurement data in the Oceania longitudinal sector.

4.2. Dependence on Local Time

[10]  The least deviations between the available lower ionosphere models are in the dependence of the shape of the ne(h) profile on local time. Nevertheless they still exist. For example, the value of n(h) for c le 70o in the IRI model has the maximum value at a height of 65 km, whereas according to Belikovich et al. [1983] the maximum is located at a height of 90 km. Knyazev et al. [1993] performed a comparative analysis of the expression for ne(h) presented in the IRI with their own data. They came to the conclusion that the discrepancies between their results and the data tabulated in IRI at some altitudes reach 100%. Danilov and Smirnova [1994] showed that the ne(h) dependency on c postulated in IRI is not confirmed by the experimental data for c >70o. An alternate description of the ne(h) dependency on c was proposed in the Danilov et al. [1991] model:
where the A(h) coefficient is tabulated. However, again according to the conclusions of Knyazev et al. [1993] the Danilov et al. [1991] model values of ne are underestimated as compared to the empirical data up to an order of magnitude. An attempt to analyze the diurnal behavior of ne on the basis of the absorption measurements by the A3 method was made by Pancheva and Mukhtarov [1997]. This model shows that in winter at heights below 60 km ne is subject to no changes with the decrease of cos c. At altitudes 65 km and 85 km ne increases linearly toward the noon, whereas at a height of 70 km the ne dependence on cos c have a pronounced nonlinear character. For summer conditions the picture stays nearly the same, but at heights of 65 km and 80 km the dependence becomes of a power character and at 70 km it becomes even more complicated.

Figure 5
[11]  The results of our analysis for 80 km performed separately for the Eurasian and American longitudinal sectors are shown in Figure 5. One can see that the ne dependence on c in these sectors is significantly different. Similar difference takes place also at heights of 75 km and 85 km. Figure 5 shows also the approximating curve of the log ne(c) dependence from the IRI model for the middle of the American ( l =280o ) and Eurasian ( l = 40o ) longitudinal sectors. One can see that the log ne(c) dependence from the IRI demonstrates no longitudinal features. On the other hand, at the solar zenith angles c le 60o it is close to the log ne(c) dependence for the Eurasian region and at the angles c ge 60o the dependence is close to the log ne(c) curve for the American region.

4.3. Relation to the Solar Activity Level

[12]  A compilation of the dependencies of the shape of ne(h) profiles on solar activity obtained by different authors was presented by Danilov [1998]. The compilation shows that there are considerable differences in this shape. For example, the ratio r = neh/ne l, where the indices "h" and "l" correspond to high and low solar activity, respectively, at a height of 60 km vary according to different authors from 0.3 to 1.6, that is by a factor of more than 5. This ratio at 70 km and 80 km varies within 0.9-2.6 and 1.0-3.6, respectively. Only at 90 km the scatter of the ratio in question decreases down to the range 1.2-2.0. The directly opposite conclusion was drawn by Bremer and Singer [1977]. On the basis of the data of ionospheric radio wave absorption they claimed that the effect of the solar activity impact (while F10.7 changed from 75 to 150) on the electron concentration may be considered negligible small at all altitudes in the range 60-100 km. However, the vertical structure of the ne distribution is almost identical in both publications. The ratio r in the Bilitza [1990] model is taken equal to 1.9-2.0 for altitudes of 70-90 km, whereas Danilov et al. [1991] accepted r = 1 because the available material did not make it possible to detect any ne dependence on F10.7.

Figure 6
[13]  The allowance for the influence of the longitudinal effects on the log ne(F10.7 ) dependence made it possible to reveal an astonishing fact. Figure 6 shows separately the results of the measurements obtained by rockets and PR method in the Eurasian region. The corresponding dependence from the IRI model for similar solar and geomagnetic conditions is also presented. One can see that the dependence from IRI is close to the log ne(F10.7 ) dependence obtained on the basis of rocket data but is opposite to the dependence obtained on the basis of the PR data. This inverse relation between ne and F10.7 revealed on the basis of the PR measurements in the Eurasian sector is especially astonishing
Figure 7
because it is direct in the American sector as one can see in Figure 7. The explanation to this fact should be looked for in peculiarities of the method used in the PR measurements by the Belikovich et al. [1983] group. Their data present the major part of the set of measurements by PR method in the Eurasian sector. In favor of this conclusion is the fact that the neF10.7) dependence presented in their paper was based only on the data obtained by rockets. At the same time the question on the cause of the appearance of such unusual reaction of this group of measurements to variations in solar activity needs a special consideration what is out of the scope of this paper. Here we emphasize the fact that everywhere according to the results of rocket measurements and in the American longitudinal sector according to the measurements by the PR method the relation of ne to F10.7 may be presented by the linear formula of the type:

4.4. Seasonal Variations

[14]  The strong variability of the ne(h) profile in winter period often leads to a distortion of the ne diurnal behavior in the major part of the D region and considerably complicates its description. Therefore currently, modeling the winter anomaly of the lower ionosphere on the whole, it is reasonable to consider some general tendencies of the dependence of the ne(h) profile features on the season, bearing in mind that the profile for each particular moment may differ considerably from the mean one. This makes it clear why out of all the models considered above the winter anomaly is taken into account only in the Danilov et al. [1991] and Pancheva and Mukhtarov [1997] models. In the former publication the phenomenon is considered discretely: "no WA", "weak WA", and "strong WA". The corresponding function entering the expression for log (ne) takes the values 0, 0.5, and 1, and the value of the coefficient A5 at the function varies from 0.1 at a height of 65 km to 0.7 at a height 90 km and 1.0 at heights of 80 km and 85 km. Moreover, the model takes into account such events as stratospheric warmings (SW) leading to a decrease of ne at altitudes of the D region rather than to an increase. This factor is also divided at three steps: "no SW", "weak SW", and "strong SW". The effect of WA in the Pancheva and Mukhtarov [1997] model is described in a slightly different way. In this model the electron concentration at the same values of c is subjected to only weak variations in different seasons. At the same time in the ne(h) profiles an additional intermediate layer is clearly seen at altitudes of 55-65 km. The IRI model also demonstrates no significant seasonal variability of ne at fixed solar zenith angles c (see Table 2).

Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
[15]  Our analysis for the Eurasian and American regions (the results are shown in Figures 8 and 9) indicates to a strong and weak seasonal variability of ne at 60o le c le 75o and 75o le c le 90o in the former and latter longitudinal sectors, respectively. One can see, for example, that in the Eurasian sector the winter values of ne at the same zenith angles c exceed the summer ones by about a factor of 5. Similar difference between the winter and summer values of ne exists at altitudes of 75 km and 85 km. No such difference is detected in the American sector. To clarify the problem of possible relation of the seasonal effect in the Eurasian region to the peculiarities of the PR method, we show in Figure 10 separately the results of the measurements at a height of 80 km by this method and by rockets. One can see that the anomalous character of the seasonal variations of ne cannot be explained by the peculiarities of the PR method, because the amplitude of the seasonal variations corresponding to the rocket measurements is almost by a factor of 2 higher than the amplitude of the same variations according to the PR data. Therefore it follows that the location of the anomaly in the Eurasian region has a natural cause most probably related to the asymmetry of the mechanisms of horizontal and vertical transport influencing the nitric oxide content at heights of the D region. The annual behavior of ne in the near-noon hours indirectly also indicate to this fact. The maximum of the electron concentration values in the summer and equinox periods falls on ~175 day of the year (the summer solstice, see Figure 11), whereas in the American sector it falls on ~110 day of the year (see Figure 12), that means it is in advance of the summer solstice by about 2 months.

4.5. Dependence on Geomagnetic Activity

[16]  According to Danilov et al. [1991] the increase of the Kp index from 0 to 2 units leads at altitudes of 70-85 km to an increase of log ne by 0.1-0.2 and stays unchanged with further increase of Kp. However, it is noted that the problem of the dependence of ne in the D region on geomagnetic conditions needs further consideration. In the other models it is accepted that this dependence is so weakly pronounced that one can neglect it. According to our estimates the ne dependence on geomagnetic activity has a value of minor corrections what may be neglected at all altitudes.


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