5. Conclusions

[41]  A numerical model of the AGW propagation in the two-dimensional compressible atmosphere, taking into account the atmosphere stratification, zonal wind, dissipative effects, and nonlinearity was developed. The following results of this work may be important for the atmosphere physics: (1) development of a contemporary numerical method for the solution of problems of the intense atmosphere waves propagation to large distances; (2) simulation of the atmosphere disturbances caused by sources of various types including a supersonic rocket flight; and (3) investigation of time and spatial characteristics of the ionosphere disturbances generated by wave motions. The comparison of our results to the results of theoretical and experimental works of other authors shows that the developed method has high accuracy and effectiveness.

[42]  It was found that the zonal wind and variation in the temperature profile depending on the season do not considerably influence the properties of the generated waves. Analyzing the obtained results one can conclude that for precise interpretation of the observation data on the upper atmosphere state during rocket launchings one has to take into account the following parameters: (1) trajectory of the rocket flight; (2) parameters of SW generated by the rocket flight; (3) parameters of the Earth magnetic field over observation place; (4) method of registration (in the case of GPS measurements it is the orientation of the satellite-receiver ray, the receiver location, etc.); and (5) spatial distribution of the ionosphere electron concentration in the observation region during the disturbances registration.

[43]  It follows from above that one should simulate ionosphere disturbances individually for each cases of rocket launching and calculate their manifestation for the given experimental method used by the observer. Moreover, the three-dimensional problem should be solved. However, all this is a subject of our future investigations.


Citation: Ahmadov, R. R., and V. E. Kunitsyn (2004), Simulation of generation and propagation of acoustic gravity waves in the atmosphere during a rocket flight, Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron., 5, GI2002, doi:10.1029/2004GI000064.

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