Influence of the lower region of the enhanced ionization produced by a space nuclear explosion on radio wave propagation

B. I. Semenov, and V. V. Treckin
Institute of Systems and Computer Programming Languages, Moscow, Russia

S. I. Kozlov
Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres, Moscow, Russia


[1]  Propagation of radio waves through the region of enhanced (cold) ionization of the ionosphere formed below the ionospheric E layer by the X ray and penetrating radiation of a space nuclear explosion is considered. A method to calculate the field and the main radiophysical effects caused by this region is developed. The method makes it possible to calculate the above indicated effects for a wide range of the equivalents and altitudes of the nuclear charge explosions. Asymptotic formulae are obtained for the attenuation determining the conditions of radio wave propagation through the lower region of the enhanced ionization. The formulae make it possible to estimate the effects with the error not exceeding the error in the initial data on spatial-time distributions of the electron concentration.

Received 11 November 2003; revised 23 March 2004; accepted 30 March 2004; published 28 July 2004.

Keywords: Lower ionosphere; Radio wave propagation; Nuclear explosions.

Index Terms: 2403 Ionosphere: Active experiments; 2435 Ionosphere: Ionospheric disturbances; 2439 Ionosphere: Ionospheric irregularities.


Citation: Semenov, B. I., V. V. Treckin, and S. I. Kozlov (2004), Influence of the lower region of the enhanced ionization produced by a space nuclear explosion on radio wave propagation, Int. J. Geomagn. Aeron., 5, GI1005, doi:10.1029/2003GI000053.

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