Submitted to International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

North-South asymmetry in cosmic rays in 1990-1998

A. K. Svirzhevskaya and N. S. Svirzhevskiy

P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia

Received December 28, 1999



The data on the North-South (NS) asymmetry in cosmic ray fluxes obtained in stratospheric measurements at high-latitude stations Murmansk and Mirny (Antarctic) in 1990-1998 are discussed. In the 1990s, the sign of the North-South asymmetry was opposite to that observed in the 1970s. Earlier, a hypothesis was put forward that the value and sign of the NS asymmetry can be determined by the difference in the solar wind velocities above and under the heliospheric current sheet, which is consistent with a large positive NS asymmetry in 1973. To test the validity of this hypothesis, it is important to see whether it is confirmed by the data on the asymmetry obtained in 1990-1998. The results of this checking are presented in this paper.


The North-South asymmetry in cosmic ray fluxes in the lower atmosphere at the high-latitude stations Murmansk and Mirny (Antarctic) has been discussed by many authors [Charakhch'yan, 1986a, 1986b; Charakhch'yan and Charakhch'yan, 1979; Charakhch'yan and Stozhkov, 1983; Stozhkov et al., 1996; Svirzhevskaya et al., 1997]. Nevertheless, the physical mechanism responsible for different particle fluxes in the northern and southern hemispheres incident at large angles to the ecliptic is still unclear. The attempts to find a parameter in the solar wind or interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) that would correlate with the asymmetry in the particle fluxes for a long time period have also failed.

Probably, there are several causes for the NS asymmetry. Any North-South asymmetry in the solar wind and IMF parameters can lead to asymmetry in the particle fluxes. Various scenarios for development of asymmetry also are in favor of the fact that there are different sources of the asymmetry. Most often, the asymmetry arises when time variations in the particle fluxes in the North and South are in phase, but somewhat shifted in time and differ in magnitude. However, sometimes the particle fluxes at the two stations are observed to be in antiphase, as, for instance, in February-June, 1973.

Charakhch'yan [1986b] put forward the hypothesis that properties of the NS asymmetry are determined by the sign of the total magnetic field of the Sun and, hence, can experience 22-year variations. At first glance, this hypothesis was not confirmed because a large positive NS asymmetry (like in the 1970s) was expected to take place after the solar magnetic field polarity reversal in 1991, when the IMF direction became the same as in 1971-1979. In 1991-1998, the North-South asymmetry was indeed large, but it changed the sign. Probably, the 22-year periodicity is manifested only in the magnitude of the asymmetry. So it was nearly zero under negative IMF in the northern hemisphere of the heliosphere (N- S+ ) in 1963-1970 and 1980-1988 and large under the IMF of opposite sign (N+ S- ) in 1971-1979 and 1991-1998.

Below we discuss the data on the NS asymmetry averaged over a 11-year cycle and monthly averages for 1970-1998. Major specific features of this phenomenon and their relation to the solar wind velocity and IMF direction are considered. The dependence of the NS asymmetry on the threshold rigidity of radiation and the annual wave in its magnitude are presented.

Experimental Data on Asymmetry

Monthly Averages

fig01 To quantitatively characterize the asymmetry, the parameter ANS = 100 times (NMurm - NMirn)/(NMurm + NMirn) is typically used. Here, NMurm and NMirn are the fluxes of charged particles at Murmansk and Mirny, respectively. The temporal behavior of the NS asymmetry in 1970-1998 for full fluxes of charged particles measured by Geiger counters is shown in Figure 1. ANS is given for four intervals of atmospheric pressure: 200-300, 300-400, 400-500, and 500-600 g cm-2. Temporal variations in ANS are synchronous in all pressure intervals, and the value of asymmetry depends on pressure x so that the lowest ANS magnitudes correspond to x = 200-300 g cm-2 and the highest ANS magnitudes correspond to x = 500-600 g cm-2. It is likely that in 1980-1988 the asymmetry was suppressed, while in the 1970s and 1990s it was sometimes as large as 10-12%. Beginning from 1989, ANS became, on the average, negative, and, in addition, a pseudoannual wave with a minimum approximately in the middle of the year appeared. The asymmetry for vertical particle fluxes in the atmosphere measured by telescopes involving Geiger counters in the pressure intervals 300-400, 400-500, and 500-600 g cm-2 confirms that the picture is stable (Figure 2).

fig02 fig03

Asymmetry in Fluxes Averaged Over an 11-Year Cycle

The NS asymmetry manifests itself also in the particle fluxes averaged over an 11-year cycle (Figure 3). In the 1970s and 1990s, the value of the asymmetry ANS was 2-4%. On the average, in the 1970s the particle fluxes from the northern direction of the heliosphere were larger than from the southern direction. In the 1990s, the opposite situation took place. It can be expected that some physical parameters on the Sun or in the heliosphere varied in a similar fashion. The value of the asymmetry ANS in the 1980s was by an order of magnitude lower than in the 1970s and 1990s. Note that there is no pronounced correlation between the solar wind velocity and the asymmetry averaged over an 11-year cycle. The average solar wind velocity Vsw near the Earth in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s was 443.6, 443.3, and 438.9 km s-1, respectively.

Solar Wind and the NS Asymmetry in 1990-1997

Earlier, Svirzhevskaya et al. [1997] showed, using a large positive asymmetry of 1973 as an example, that ANS does not change when the Earth passes from one IMF sector to another. The parameter which is related to the interplanetary plasma and IMF and behaves in a similar manner at that time, is the difference between the solar wind velocities in neighboring sectors, dVsw = V+ - V-. There was an evident anticorrelation between ANS and dVsw in the first half of 1973.

In this work the value ANS and sign of the NS asymmetry are compared with the difference between the solar wind velocities dVsw = V+ - V- above and below the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) in 1990-1998. The OMNI files were used as initial data on the IMF and solar wind [NASA NSSDC, 1998]. The field in the northern hemisphere of the heliosphere directed away from the Sun forms a "+" sector near the helioequator if the azimuthal IMF component Bj falls into the longitudinal interval 45o-225o with the average value of 135o in the ecliptic (right-handed) coordinate system with the Ox axis pointed from the Earth's center toward the Sun. The field in the southern hemisphere directed toward the Sun forms a "-" sector near the helioequator in the longitudinal interval 225o-45o with the average value of 315o. For the "+" and "-" sectors, monthly average velocities V+ and V- were derived, and then dVsw was calculated.

fig04 The North-South asymmetry in cosmic rays and the difference between the solar wind velocities dVsw in 1990-1998 are shown in Figure 4. ANS and dVsw vary in antiphase during two and a half years in succession (1992-1994), in the early 1995, and in 1996. During these periods, the relation between ANS and dVsw is the same (anticorrelation) as in February-June, 1973. During some periods (1991, the second half of 1994 and of 1995) the anticorrelation is disturbed. The correlation coefficient between two data series for the whole period 1990-1997 is low and equals -0.33. This leads to the conclusion that the difference between the solar wind velocities dVsw above and below the heliospheric current sheet can be one of the factors controlling the NS asymmetry. However, it is not the only source of the NS asymmetry.

In 1991-1997 (with the exception of 1995), the annual wave was observed in the NS asymmetry. The oscillations in ANS were not symmetric with respect to zero, they were shifted toward negative values. During this period, the annual wave was also observed in the velocity difference dVsw. In 1994-1997, it was probably associated with the change in the Earth's heliolatitude. In March, the Earth occupies the extreme southern position in heliolatitude and the solar wind velocity Vsw in the Southern sector is considerably higher than in the Northern one. In half a year, in early September, the Earth's heliolatitude is ~7o N, and Vsw is higher in the Northern sector than in the Southern. In 1992-1993, the annual wave in dVsw had a different phase. Note also the asymmetry of dVsw with respect to its zero value. The solar wind velocity to the south of the heliospheric current sheet in 1994, 1995, and 1996 was higher than to the north of the sheet, as if the Earth moved to greater distances from the heliospheric current sheet in the negative (southern) sector than in the positive (northern) sector. This could happen if the HCS extended northward from the helioequator. The northward extension of the HCS was confirmed by the Ulysses data in 1996 [Forsyth et al., 1997], but there are reasons to believe that in 1994 the HCS extended southward from the helioequator by approximately 10o [Simpson, 1996].


Below we discuss some properties of the NS asymmetry in charged particle fluxes in the lower atmosphere. The source of secondary radiation under atmospheric pressure x > 300 g cm -2 are galactic cosmic rays (GCR), mainly protons with a rigidity greater than 4 GV. The anisotropic distribution of primary radiation with this rigidity beyond the magnetosphere is the cause of the observed NS asymmetry.

The NS asymmetry does not change its sign at crossing of the HCS by the Earth.

The NS asymmetry is typically described by invoking the drift currents B times (grad n)r, where B is the IMF strength and (grad  n)r is the radial component of gradient of the distribution function of cosmic ray density n [Pomerantz and Bieber, 1984]. These currents reverse the sign when the Earth crosses the sector boundary. The fact that the NS asymmetry does not change its sign when the Earth traverses the HCS means that the drift currents of the B times (grad n)r type do not give a significant contribution to ANS in our case.

Svirzhevskaya et al. [1997] discussed a possible scheme for formation of the NS asymmetry involving the diffusion current of particles which has the same direction in neighboring sectors. In case of different solar wind velocities at opposite sides of the HCS, an asymmetric convective particle outflow takes place. It leads to a lower density of particles in the sector with a higher wind velocity. In this case a density gradient of cosmic rays perpendicular to the HCS and the diffusion current associated with this gradient arise. The current flows from the sector with a lower Vsw to the higher-velocity sector and does not change its direction at the sector boundary. The diffusion current supports the asymmetry as long as the difference between the solar wind velocities dVsw in neighboring sectors remains sufficiently large. It is quite clear what sign the asymmetry has in this situation: the additional particle flux is directed from the sector with a low solar wind velocity toward the higher-velocity sector. Of importance for the asymmetry onset is a sufficiently large difference between the solar wind velocities in different sectors rather than the value of Vsw by itself. This scheme describes well the large asymmetry in February-June, 1973. When high-velocity solar wind fluxes were observed in the Southern hemisphere of the heliosphere, dVsw was negative and ANS was positive. One can see from Figure 4 that this scheme correctly predicts the asymmetry sign for the greater part of the 1990s, but during some periods (1991, the second half of 1994 and of 1995) the anticorrelation is violated. The condition dVsw > 0 (or dVsw < 0) is not sufficient for the onset of negative or positive asymmetry in these cases.

A large stable asymmetry during two years (1996-1997) should be noted. In the first half of 1996 the sector structure at the Earth's orbit was nearly absent - for the most part of the period the Earth was in the southern sector, that is, in the magnetic field of the same sign. The asymmetry in this case could be caused by the equatorward drift of particles from the South pole. The drift current in this case could be detected only at Mirny where asymptotic reception cones pointed southward.

The asymmetry value ANS is large for the (N+ S- ) IMF orientation (1970s and 1990s) and nearly zero for the oppositely directed IMF (1980s).

As follows from the drift theories of modulation, in the 1970s and 1990s the drift currents were directed from the heliosphere poles toward the equator and further, along the HCS, to the heliosphere boundary [Potgieter and Moraal, 1985]. In the 1980s, the drift currents flew along the HCS toward the Sun and then to the poles. The longitudes of the asymptotic directions for particles with a rigidity of 10 GV for Murmansk and Mirny stations during the whole year were within the angle of sim 90o directed from the Earth toward the Sun. Therefore, detectors in the lower atmosphere at these stations can efficiently detect particles only in case of the (N+ S- ) IMF orientation when particles move from the poles toward the helioequator. For the opposite IMF, detectors were pointed in the drift direction, and, hence, were not sensitive to particles.

Thus the mutual orientation of asymptotic directions of Murmansk and Mirny stations and drift currents depends on the IMF direction. In the 1970s and 1990s, drift particle fluxes were efficiently detected in the lower atmosphere. The conditions for development of asymmetry were, therefore, favorable, and ANS (by modulus) was indeed large during those years. In the 1980s, detectors in the lower atmosphere were not sensitive to the drift particle fluxes, and ANS approx 0.

fig05 The major difference between estimates of the NS asymmetry from neutron data and atmospheric measurements is that it is calculated for different threshold GCR rigidities. The NS asymmetry in the atmosphere is observed in a wide range of pressures, 200-700 g cm-2. For each pressure x in the atmosphere there is a definite cutoff threshold Ra of the primary GCR spectrum. It is such that the secondary radiation from particles with rigidity R < Ra does not reach the level of observation of x due to absorption in the atmosphere. Therefore, the dependence of the asymmetry value ANS on pressure x can be recalculated into the dependence of ANS on Ra, and the NS asymmetry can be estimated for different atmospheric thresholds, from 1.5 to 6 GV. The dependence of ANS on Ra for 1973 is shown in Figure 5. It is evident from Figure 5 that the NS asymmetry exhibits a strong dependence on energy. For instance, in the pressure interval 150-200 g cm-2 which corresponds to atmospheric thresholds of 1.5-2.5 GV, the asymmetry is by 5-10 times smaller than for pressure 400-600 g cm-2 where atmospheric thresholds are 4-6 GV. The rigidity thresholds of high-latitude neutron monitors determined by the atmospheric cutoff are of the order of 1.5 GV. Therefore, in the ANS calculations a small asymmetry (by the number of particles) in the energy region cong 5 GeV superimposes on large "symmetric" fluxes of particles with lower energy, and the resulting asymmetry is underestimated. Thus it can be concluded that stratospheric measurements are better suited for observations of the NS asymmetry than are neutron monitors.

Annual Wave in the NS Asymmetry

fig06 Figure 6 shows an annual wave in the North-South asymmetry of cosmic rays in the troposphere. It is partly caused by meteorological effects in the atmosphere. For instance, seasonal variations in temperature and heights of barometric levels at stratospheric stations in different hemispheres of the Earth are in antiphase. The maximum ANS is in August when the longitude of the asymptotic direction for Mirny station is perpendicular to the magnetic field B, that is, it lies in the B times grad n plane. In this case Mirny has optimal conditions for detecting the drift particle fluxes. Probably, in August the particle fluxes are enhanced at Mirny due to contribution of drifts as well, and this manifests itself as an annual wave in asymmetry. Numerically, the annual variation is ANS cong 2%.

As noted above, the attempts to find one characteristic in the solar wind or IMF that would correlate with the NS asymmetry in the particle fluxes in the atmosphere for a sufficiently long period of time have failed. Some properties of the NS asymmetry suggest that its source can be particle drifts. Any asymmetry in basic characteristics of the solar plasma - solar wind velocity responsible for convection and also the IMF strengths and disturbances causing particle drift and diffusion - must lead to asymmetry in particle fluxes. Therefore, to quantitatively describe the asymmetry, the transport equation for distributions of the solar wind velocities and IMF characteristics in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the heliosphere should be solved for specific time periods.


The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 98-02-31000 and 98-02-16420).


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